Women in foreign politics (in English)


Included in study programs

Teaching results

In the knowledge of the foundations of the theories of international relations and their functioning, put information about women's issues and apply this knowledge to current events in the field of international politics, especially diplomacy.
Obtaining basic information about gender equality, equal opportunities, inclusion and diversity in the functioning of international relations. Reflection of analytical levels (international system, state and non-state actors) and the most important phenomena of gender equality in relevant theories.
After completing the course, students will have the following knowledge:
a. They will have advanced knowledge and will be able to use relevant terms and have a broad knowledge of gender equality, equal opportunities, inclusion and diversity in foreign policy and diplomacy in both local and global contexts.
b. They will understand the development of feminist narrative in Slovakia and will be able to evaluate historical and social barriers and their impact on the current position of women in Slovak foreign policy and diplomacy.
c. They will be able to identify and analyse the main obstacles and barriers specific to women in the field of foreign policy and diplomacy. Furthermore, they will be able to discuss them and base their arguments on the data and results of quality research.
d. Students will know the solutions and be able to analyse recommendations for improving gender equality, equal opportunities, and inclusion and diversity in foreign policy and diplomacy.
After completing the course, students will have acquired the following practical skills:
a. They will be able to apply concrete steps to improve inclusion and diversity in the workplace in the field of foreign policy and diplomacy, at the level of the individual, the collective, the institution and society as a whole.
b. They will be able to apply theoretical knowledge in the analysis of gender equality in current foreign policy and diplomacy and formulate arguments and opinions based on quality data and research.
c. They will know the most common self-limiting behaviours and be able to apply specific strategies to eliminate them.
After completing the course, students will have acquired the following competencies:
a. They will be able to recognise stereotypes and double standards in work and everyday life and will be able to approach them effectively once they encounter them.
b. Through the use of elements of global education, they will improve their practical skills, such as analytical and critical thinking, argumentation, problem solving, communication skills, assertiveness, etc.
c. They will become a positive driving force in society and in the workplace and will thus be an added value for Slovak foreign policy and diplomacy.

Indicative content

Concepts and terminology in the field of gender equality, equal opportunities, inclusion and diversity. Concepts and terminology in the field of gender equality, equal opportunities, inclusion and diversity. Stereotypes, prejudices, double standards and self-limiting behaviours. Historical and social barriers and their influence on the current position of women in foreign policy and diplomacy. Comparative analysis of the current situation in Slovakia, Sweden, and Mexico. Case study: Cultural context and gender parity in French diplomacy. Feminist foreign policy. Inclusion and Gender Equality in the Preparation, Recruitment and Early Careers of Young People in Foreign Policy and Diplomacy: Practical Solutions and Measures. Ambassadorial postings and missions in the context of gender equality, inclusion and diversity. Women in foreign policy: EU, UN, NATO, etc. The Role of women in defense policy. Practical solutions, measures and recommendations to increase the representation and status of women and ensure inclusion and equality in foreign policy and diplomacy. Summary & retrospective.

Support literature

1) Cassidy, J. A. (2017). Gender and Diplomacy. Routlage.
2) Helgessen, S. a Goldsmith, M. (2018). How Women Rise: Break the 12 habits holding you back. RH.
3) Lipman, J. (2019). That’s What She Said. John Murray Publishers.
4) Aggestam, K. a Towns, A. (2019). The Gender Turn in Diplomacy: a new research agenda. International Feminist Journal of Politics (21:1), 9 - 28, DOI.
5) Maliniak, D. et al. (2008) Women in International Relations. Article in Politics and Gender.
6) Caroline Criado Perez: Invisible Women (Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men)


1. Concepts and terminology in the field of gender equality, equal opportunities, inclusion and diversity. 2. Concepts and terminology in the field of gender equality, equal opportunities, inclusion and diversity. 3. Stereotypes, prejudices, double standards and self-limiting behaviours. 4. Historical and social barriers and their influence on the current position of women in foreign policy and diplomacy. 5. Comparative analysis of the current situation in Slovakia, Sweden, and Mexico. 6. Case study: Cultural context and gender parity in French diplomacy. 7. Feminist foreign policy. 8. Inclusion and Gender Equality in the Preparation, Recruitment and Early Careers of Young People in Foreign Policy and Diplomacy: Practical Solutions and Measures. 9. Ambassadorial postings and missions in the context of gender equality, inclusion and diversity 10. Women in foreign policy: EU, UN, NATO, etc. 11. The Role of women in defense policy. 12. Practical solutions, measures and recommendations to increase the representation and status of women and ensure inclusion and equality in foreign policy and diplomacy 13. Summary & retrospective.

Requirements to complete the course

Final grading consists of a of an active participation on the lecture during the teaching part (20%),
and the preparation of assignments for individual chapters and the presentation of the proposed solution (80%). The requirement for a successful completion is to have 51% of the points in total.

Student workload

Účasť na seminároch 26h, príprava na semináre 12h, praktická časť vypracovania prípadovej štúdie 20h, príprava návrhu riešenia a prezentácie prípadovej štúdie 20h.

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 17.03.2023

Date of the latest change: 17.03.2023