- Credits: 6
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2P + 2C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 1
- Faculty of International Relations
Included in study programs
Teaching results
Teaching results:
After successful completion of this class, students will have a good overview of basic statistical methods, which are currently widely used in various areas of economic practice, more specifically:
Students will be able to evaluate and identify appropriate statistical methods to achieve the goal of analysis, indicating the possibilities of their further use.
Students will know the principles of basic statistical methods, starting points and conditions of their use. In the final exam, students will use this knowledge to solve tasks in the practical section.
Students will know how to:
- apply basic statistical methods,
- correctly interpret and present the obtained results of the analysis,
- evaluate the acquired knowledge and use it further in decision-making in various areas of economic practice.
Indicative content
The course provides an overview of basic statistical methods with a focus on their economic applications.
Support literature
1. Labudová, V. - Pacáková, V. – Sipková, Ľ. – Šoltés, E. – Vojtková, M.: Štatistické metódy pre ekonómov a manažérov. Wolters Kluver, Bratislava, 2021.
2. Kotlebová, E. a kol.: Štatistika pre bakalárov v praxi. Ekonóm, Bratislava, 2017.
3. Šoltés, E. a kol.: Štatistické metódy pre ekonómov. Zbierka príkladov. Wolters Kluwer, Bratislava, 2018.
4. Cyhelský, L. – Kahounová, J. – Hindls, R.: Elementární statistická analýza. Management Press, Praha, 2001.
5. Marek, L. a kol.: Statistika v příkladech (2. vyd.). Professional Publishing, Praha, 2015.
6. McClave, J. T. – Benson, P. G. – Sincich, T.: Statistics For Business and economics (13th ed.). Pearson Education, UK, 2018.
Basic statistical terms. Stages of statistical research and presentation of statistical data. 2. Characteristics of descriptive statistics - central tendency and variability. 3. Characteristics of descriptive statistics - skewness and kurtosis. Box plot. 4. Probability distributions. Principles of random sampling and statistical inference. 5. Point and interval estimates of parameters of one population. 6. Testing statistical hypotheses of one population. 7. Regression and correlation analysis. 8. Analysis of categorical data. 9. Descriptive analysis of time series. 10. Analytical and mechanical smoothing trend in time series. 11. Seasonal decomposition of time series. 12. Individual and aggregate indices and differences. 13. Summary.
Requirements to complete the course
30% preliminary tests (Two mid-term tests, each contributing 15% to the final grade.)
70% written exam (The exam consists of two parts: theoretical - test and open questions, practical - solving examples. The theoretical part contributes 30% and the practical part contributes 40% to the overall assessment.)
Student workload
Total study load (in hours): 156 hours
Distribution of study load
Lectures participation: 26 hours
Seminar participation: 26 hours
Preparation for seminars: 26 hours
Prearation for credit papers: 26 hours
Preparation for final exam: 52 hours
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 10.02.2023
Date of the latest change: 17.01.2022