prof. Mgr. Erik Šoltés, PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Economic Informatics
Department: Department of Statistics
Position: professor
Scientific-pedagogical characteristics of the person
Second degree of higher education
Study field and programme: General education teacher, specialization: mathematics-biology, 1998, Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Science
Third degree of higher education
Study field and programme: 62-11-9 Statistics, 2004, University of Economics in Bratislava
Associate professor
Study field and programme: 3.3.24 Quantitative Methods in Economics, 2010, University of Economics in Bratislava
Study field and programme: Quantitative Methods in Economics, Economics and Management, 2021, University of Economics in Bratislava
Current and previous employment
University of Economics in Bratislava
2021 –
Associate Professor
University of Economics in Bratislava
2010 – 2021
Assistent Professor
University of Economics in Bratislava
2001 – 2010
University of Economics in Bratislava
1998 – 2001
Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills
training course: Deep Learning with SAS
SAS, conference: Analytics Experience, Milan
training course: Statistics in SAS Enterprise Guide
SAS Slovakia, Bratislava
training course: SAS Profit Driven Analytics
SAS, conference: Analytics Experience, Amsterdam
training course: JMP Software: A case study approach to data exploration
SAS Slovakia, Bratislava
training course: SAS Viya For Learners
SAS Slovakia, Bratislava
Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university
Number of defended theses
Bakalárske (prvý stupeň): 15
Diplomové (druhý stupeň): 43
Dizertačné (tretí stupeň): 4
Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs
Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 25
Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 143
Number of invited lectures at the international, national level: 14
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs
"ADC ŠOLTÉS, Erik [70 %] - VOJTKOVÁ, Mária [20 %] - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, Tatiana [10 %]. Changes in the Geographical Distribution of Youth Poverty and Social Exclusion in EU Member Countries Between 2008 and 2017. In Moravian Geographical Reports : International, Fully peer-reviewed Journal. - Brno : The Czech Academy of Sciences. ISSN 1210-8812, 2020, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 2-15."
„ADM ŠOLTÉS, Erik [50 %] - KOMARA, Silvia [30 %] - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, Tatiana [20 %]. Exploration of Poverty and Social Exclusion of Slovak Population via Contrast Analysis Associated with Logit Models. In: Quality & Quantity : International Journal of Methodology. - Cham : Springer Nature. - ISSN 0033-5177. - Vol. 57, no. 6 (2023), pp. 5079 - 5105.“
„ADM REIFF, Marian (15%) - ŠOLTÉS, Erik (50%) - KOMARA, Silvia (15%) - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, Tatiana (10%) - ZELINOVÁ, Silvia (10%). Segmentation and Estimation of Claim Severity in Motor Third-party Liability Insurance through Contrast Analysis. In: Equilibrium : Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy. - Torun : Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika. - ISSN 1689-765X. - Vol. 17, no. 3 (2022), pp. 803-842.“
"ADM ŠOLTÉS, Erik [60 %] - TÁBORECKÁ-PETROVIČOVÁ, Janka [20 %] - ŠIPOLDOVÁ, Romana [20 %]. Targeting of Online Advertising Using Logistic Regression. In E+M. Ekonomie a management : vědecký ekonomický časopis. - Liberec : Ekonomická fakulta Technické univerzity v Liberci, 2020. ISSN 1212-3609, 2020, roč. 23, č. 4, s. 197-214."
"ADM ULMAN, Paweł [50 %] - ŠOLTÉS, Erik [50 %]. The Monetary and non-monetary aspects of poverty in Poland and Slovakia. In Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review. - Krakow : Cracow University of Economics, 2015. ISSN 2353-883X, 2015, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 61-72."
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years
"ADC ŠOLTÉS, Erik [70 %] - VOJTKOVÁ, Mária [20 %] - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, Tatiana [10 %]. Changes in the Geographical Distribution of Youth Poverty and Social Exclusion in EU Member Countries Between 2008 and 2017. In Moravian Geographical Reports : International, Fully peer-reviewed Journal. - Brno : The Czech Academy of Sciences. ISSN 1210-8812, 2020, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 2-15."
„ADM ŠOLTÉS, Erik [50 %] - KOMARA, Silvia [30 %] - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, Tatiana [20 %]. Exploration of Poverty and Social Exclusion of Slovak Population via Contrast Analysis Associated with Logit Models. In: Quality & Quantity : International Journal of Methodology. - Cham : Springer Nature. - ISSN 0033-5177. - Vol. 57, no. 6 (2023), pp. 5079 - 5105.“
„ADM REIFF, Marian (15%) - ŠOLTÉS, Erik (50%) - KOMARA, Silvia (15%) - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, Tatiana (10%) - ZELINOVÁ, Silvia (10%). Segmentation and Estimation of Claim Severity in Motor Third-party Liability Insurance through Contrast Analysis. In: Equilibrium : Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy. - Torun : Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika. - ISSN 1689-765X. - Vol. 17, no. 3 (2022), pp. 803-842."
"ADM ŠOLTÉS, Erik [60 %] - TÁBORECKÁ-PETROVIČOVÁ, Janka [20 %] - ŠIPOLDOVÁ, Romana [20 %]. Targeting of Online Advertising Using Logistic Regression. In E+M. Ekonomie a management : vědecký ekonomický časopis. - Liberec : Ekonomická fakulta Technické univerzity v Liberci, 2020. ISSN 1212-3609, 2020, roč. 23, č. 4, s. 197-214."
„ADM ŠOLTÉS, Erik [40 %] - KOMARA, Silvia [30 %] - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, Tatiana [20 %] - MIŠÚT, Martin [10 %]. Analysis of Work Intensity in Slovakia Using Testing and Estimation of Linear Combinations of GLM Parameters. In: Argumenta Oeconomica. - Wroclaw : Publishing House of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, 2023. - ISSN 2720-5088. - Nr. 1 (50) (2023), s. 43-66.“
The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs
VEGA 1/0285/24 The Impact of Inflation on Poverty and Social Exclusion in Slovakia and the EU, chief researcher, 2024-2026
TREXIMA, spol. s r.o. 190010/094/2023 The use of data science in analyzes of trends in the labor market, chief researcher, 2023
VEGA 1/0561/21 The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on business demography and employment in the Slovak Republic and the EU, co-research, 2021-2023
APVV SK-SRB-18-0009 Optimazing of logistics and transportation processes based on the use of battery operated vehicles and ICT solutions, co-research, 2019-2021
E/003 SAS Academic Programs Preparing graduates for quantitative methods in economics to analyse data through modern statistical tools to support Data Science, chief researcher, 2019-2020
Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years
VEGA 1/0285/24 The Impact of Inflation on Poverty and Social Exclusion in Slovakia and the EU, chief researcher, 2024-2026
TREXIMA, spol. s r.o. 190010/094/2023 The use of data science in analyzes of trends in the labor market, chief researcher, 2023
VEGA 1/0561/21 The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on business demography and employment in the Slovak Republic and the EU, co-research, 2021-2023
APVV SK-SRB-18-0009 Optimazing of logistics and transportation processes based on the use of battery operated vehicles and ICT solutions, co-research, 2019-2021
E/003 SAS Academic Programs Preparing graduates for quantitative methods in economics to analyse data through modern statistical tools to support Data Science, chief researcher, 2019-2020
Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities
Vice Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies
Fakulty of Economic Informatics
2015-2018, 2019-2022
Member of scientific councils
VR FIS VŠE v Praze; VR EkF VŠB-TU Ostrava; VR EU v Bratislave; VR FHI EU v Bratislave
2018 - ; 2024 - ; 2015 - ; 2011 -
Member of the scientific committee of the conference
Professor Aleksander Zelias International Conference on Modelling and Forecasting of Socio-Economic Phenomena
2018 -
Member of editorial boards of scientific journals
Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal; Strategic Management; Slovenská štatistika a demografia; Ekonomika a informatika
2021 - ; 2022 - ; 2014 - ; 2011 -
sub-departmental commission 3.2 Data Science in Economics; sub-departmental commission 3.2 Quantitative Methods in Economics in the field of study Economics and Management (formerly departmental commission 3.3.24 Quantitative Methods in Economics)
From 2023 Vice-Chairman; From 2010 till 2023 (during 2021- 2023 Vice-Chairman)
Quality Council of the University of Economics in Bratislava
2021 -
Faculty of Economic Informatics
2023 -
Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study
University of Pardubice, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Institute of Mathematics and Quantitative Methods, University of Pardubice, Studentská 95, 532 10 Pardubice 2
7.1. – 9.1.2014,
Lecture stay as part of the project solution: Integration and innovation of teaching within the study programs implemented at the University of Pardubice
Prague University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business, nám. Winstona Churchilla 4, 130 67 Praha 3 – Žižkov
7.11 - 13.11.2021,
Cracow University of Economics, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, ul. Rakowicka, 27 31-510 Kraków
4.7. - 11.7.2022,
National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Faculty of Economics; Silk Road International university of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Tashkent; Samarkand (Uzbekistan)
5.10. - 12.10.2022,
invited lectures (supported by the VEGA project)
Prague University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business, nám. Winstona Churchilla 4, 130 67 Praha 3 – Žižkov
23.1. - 27.1.2023,
lecture stay (supported by the VEGA project)
University of Gdansk, Faculty of Managament, Armii Krajowej 101, 81-824 Sopot, Poľsko
9.7. - 15.7.2023,
Erasmus+ Training
Prague University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business, nám. Winstona Churchilla 4, 130 67 Praha 3 – Žižkov
20.11. - 24.11.2023,
scientific research mobility (supported by the VEGA project)