Scientific-pedagogical characteristics of the person
Second degree of higher education
Study field and programme: Economic Statistics, 1989, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Bratislave
Third degree of higher education
Study field and programme: 62-11-9 Statistics, 2003, University of Economics in Bratislava
Associate professor
Study field and programme: 3.3.24 Quantitative Methods in Economics, 2012, University of Economics in Bratislava
Current and previous employment
associate professor
University of Economics in Bratislava
assistant professor
University of Economics in Bratislava
University of Economics in Bratislava
Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills
Training in the R Programming language
Faculty of Economic Informatics, Department of statistics
Training Statistics in SAS Enterprise Guide
SAS Slovakia
Training JMP Software: A case study approach to data exploration
SAS Slovakia
Training SAS Enterprise Miner
SAS Slovakia
Training SAS Viya for Learners
SAS Slovakia
Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university
Number of defended theses
Bachelor's (first degree): 26
Diploma (second degree): 39
Dissertation (third degree): 2
Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs
Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 12
Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 132
Number of invited lectures at the international, national level: 17
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs
VOJTKOVÁ, Mária - KVETAN, Vladimír. Regionálna analýza priemyslu Slovenska podľa vybraných ukazovateľov. In Ekonomický časopis : časopis pre ekonomickú teóriu a hospodársku politiku, spoločensko-ekonomické prognózovanie = journal for economic theory, economic policy, social and economic forecasting. - Bratislava : Ekonomický ústav SAV : Prognostický ústav SAV, 2009. ISSN 0013-3035, 2009, roč. 57, č. 9, s. 870-890.
VOJTKOVÁ, Mária - LABUDOVÁ, Viera. Regionálna analýza výdavkov a príjmov domácností v Slovenskej republike. In Ekonomický časopis. Bratislava : Ekonomický ústav SAV : Prognostický ústav SAV, 2010. ISSN 0013-3035, 2010, roč. 58, č. 8, s. 802-820.
LABUDOVÁ, Viera - VOJTKOVÁ, Mária - LINDA, Bohdan. Aplikácia viacrozmerných metód pri meraní chudoby. Aut. Bohdan Linda. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In E + M. Ekonomie a management : vědecký ekonomický časopis. - Liberec : Ekonomická fakulta Technické univerzity v Liberci, 2010. ISSN 1212-3609, 2010, roč. 13, č. 1, s. 6-22.
LUBYOVÁ, Martina - VOJTKOVÁ, Mária. Analýza miery atraktívnosti národných ekonomík pre zahraničných investorov v novom globalizovanom prostredí. In Ekonomický časopis. Bratislava: Ekonomický ústav SAV : Prognostický ústav SAV, 2014. ISSN 0013-3035, 2014, roč. 62, č. 6, s. 557-578. VEGA 2/0058/10.
ŠOLTÉS, Erik - VOJTKOVÁ, Mária - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, Tatiana. Changes in the Geographical Distribution of Youth Poverty and Social Exclusion in EU Member Countries Between 2008 and 2017. In Moravian Geographical Reports : International, Fully peer-reviewed Journal. - Brno : The Czech Academy of Sciences. ISSN 1210-8812, 2020, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 2-15 online.
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years
VOJTKOVÁ, Mária - BOLGÁČ, Ján - HURBÁNKOVÁ, Ľubica - KOTLEBOVÁ, Eva - ŠOLTÉS, Erik - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, Tatiana. Demografia podnikov : teoretické aspekty a empíria. Recenzenti: Silvia Megyesiová, Ružena Pardelová. 1. vyd. Pardubice : Univerzita Pardubice Fakulta ekonomicko-správní, 2016. 252 s. [19,6 AH]. Edice monografie. ISBN: 978-80-7560-028-8.
VOJTKOVÁ, Mária – STANKOVIČOVÁ, Iveta. Viacrozmerné štatistické metódy s aplikáciami v softvéri SAS. Recenzovali: Hana Řezanková, Jana Ficová-Bílešová. 2. vydanie. Bratislava: Letra Edu, 2020. 320 s. [15,3 AH]. ISBN978-80-89962-58-7.
ČIČKOVÁ, Zuzana - VOJTKOVÁ, Mária - REIFF, Marian. Determination of the Control Parameters of Evolutionary Techniques Utilizing Analysis of Variance. In Tem Journal: Technology, Education, Management, Informatics : Journal of the Association for Information Communication Technologies, Education and Science. - Novi Pazar : UIKTEN. ISSN 2217-8333, 2019, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 951-958 online.
ŠOLTÉS, Erik - VOJTKOVÁ, Mária. Work Intensity in Slovakia in Relationship with Socio-Economic Characteristics of Households. - Registrovaný: Scopus. In Entrepreneurial business and economics review : a scientific quarterly. - Krakow : Cracow University of Economics. ISSN 2353-883X, 2018, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 115-134 online.
VOJTKOVÁ, Mária - KOTLEBOVÁ, Eva - SIVAŠOVÁ, Daniela. Determinants Affecting Health of Slovak Population and their Quantification. In Statistika : Statistics and Economy Journal. - Praha : Český statistický úřad, 2019. ISSN 1804-8765, 2019, vol. 99, no. 4, s. 434-450 online. 2018: Q4 – SJR
The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs
7th framework program of the European Union: LLLIGHT in Europe: LifeLong Learning, Innovation, Growth and Human capital Tracks in Europe. Solution time: 2013 – 2015, co-researcher,
VEGA 1/0501/14: Business in term of demography - an instrument for assesing changes changes in growth and employment enterprise. Solution time: 2013 – 2016, head of the project
VEGA 1/0548/16 Progress of the Slovak Republic in fulfilling the EUROPE 2020 strategy in the area of poverty reduction and social exclusion. Solution time: 2016 – 2018, co-researcher
E/003 SAS Academic Programs Preparation of graduates of quantitative methods in economics for data analysis through modern statistical tools to support Data Science. Solution time: 2019 - 2020, co-researcher
VEGA 1/0561/21 The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on businesses demography and employment in the Slovak Republic and the EU. Solution time: 2021-2023, head of the project
Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years
7th framework program of the European Union: LLLIGHT in Europe: LifeLong Learning, Innovation, Growth and Human capital Tracks in Europe. Solution time: 2013 – 2015, co-researcher,
VEGA 1/0501/14: Business in term of demography - an instrument for assesing changes changes in growth and employment enterprise. Solution time: 2013 – 2016, head of the project
VEGA 1/0548/16 Progress of the Slovak Republic in fulfilling the EUROPE 2020 strategy in the area of poverty reduction and social exclusion. Solution time: 2016 – 2018, co-researcher
E/003 SAS Academic Programs Preparation of graduates of quantitative methods in economics for data analysis through modern statistical tools to support Data Science. Solution time: 2019 - 2020, co-researcher
VEGA 1/0561/21 The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on businesses demography and employment in the Slovak Republic and the EU. Solution time: 2021-2023, head of the project
Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities
Head of Department of Statistics
Faculty of Economic Informatics, University of Economics in Bratislava
Vice-president of the Academic Senate
Faculty of Economic Informatics, University of Economics in Bratislava
President of the Society for Economic Informatics
Slovak Society for Economic Informatics
Member of the Council of Universities
Council of Universities of the Slovak Republic
Member of the collegium of the chairman of the SO SR
Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study
ISCTE – Lisbon University, Cidade Universitária de Lisboa, Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugalsko
február-jún 1992,