International Corporate Social Responsibility


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Students will possess following abilities:
- understand the important role that corporate social responsibility plays in conditional application of the principles of sustainable development in creating a competitive advantage for companies at international level,
- identify the key socio-political-economic factors of the international macro-environment of companies, and the procedures by which companies should respond promptly and optimally to these changes in the intentions to apply socially responsible behaviour,
- to analyse the most important elements of the microenvironment of companies in the context of the application of socially responsible behaviour, as well as in solving ethical dilemmas and examining the position and behaviour of individual stakeholders with a broader perspective to analyse the relationships of stakeholders to the company and vice versa,
- understand the importance, correlation and relationships between the economic, social and environmental levels of corporate social responsibility and evaluate the level and depth of each level as well as their common strategy,
- to differentiate the approaches, elements and ways of application of socially - responsible behaviour of companies in terms of their diversity: focus of business activity, size, industry, as well as their international operation.
Students will obtain following skills:
- discuss the growing importance and importance of the application of moral and ethical principles in the formation of business strategies of companies,
- identify the most important characteristics and elements of the macro and micro environment, accept them when creating business strategies in the intentions of sustainable development,
- analyse and eruditely evaluate the importance of corporate social responsibility approaches and their optimal application in all phases of business activities in solving the business dilemma: profit, human-society, environment,
- understand the essence of the role of all stakeholders in the application of socially responsible behaviour and apply it to the communication and relationship activities of the company at all levels.
Students will gain following competences:
- in the sphere of macro and microenvironment, perform well-founded analyses of relevant variables, current, internationally recognized outputs, studies, materials and other databases and optimally respond to their influence in the creation and application of socially responsible behaviour of the company,
- develop strategic thinking in the context of current complex problems and challenges of sustainable development in the context of knowledge acquisition how to apply the leadership skills needed to address ethical and moral dilemmas in business management and skills to optimally respond to their impact in creating business strategy by accepting current conditions as well as taking into account all stakeholders,
- to objectively present, clearly communicate, argue and critically evaluate the acquired database of knowledge in optimal applications of creative changes in business strategy in international markets.

Indicative content

Focusing on current conditions of corporate social responsibility in the context of applying the requirements of sustainable development and addressing ethical and moral principles in their business strategies. Evaluation of the dilemma of the business environment and the conflicting tendencies between the three basic levels of corporate social responsibility: profit, people – society and the planet – environment. Effective identification of hectically changing conditions of the international macro environment as well as the microenvironment of business entities, as well as various interests of stakeholders in relation to the application of social responsibility. Students are acquainted with the issue both on a theoretical level and on specific examples of practice.

Support literature

1. JANOŠKOVÁ, Katarína (2019). Podnikateľská etika, 1. vydanie prvé. — Žilina : EDIS- vydavateľské centrum ŽU : Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, Fakulta prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov.
2.KOUDELKOVÁ, Petra a kol. (2022). Společenská odpovědnost firem a organizací, Praha, Ekopress, 2022, 142 s.
3. KREUSCH Lisa,(2023) The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), July 24, 2023. Dostupné na:
4.McWILLIAMS Abagail, RUPP E. Deborah, SIEGEL S. Donald, STAHL Günter,WALDMAN A. David. (2019). The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility: Psychological and Organizational Pespectives, Oxford University Press, 2019, 720 ps.
5. MICHAELS Anne, GRUNING Michael. (2018). The impact of corporate identity on corporate social responsibility disclosure. [online]. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 3, 3 (2018), Dostupné na:, ISSN 0148-2963,
6. PAVELKA, Ľuboš, RUŽEKOVÁ, Viera, ZUBAĽOVÁ, Ľubica. (2021). Inštitucionálna podpora financovania exportu a zahraničných investícií vo vybraných krajinách EÚ, Praha: Vydavateľstvo LEGE, 196 s.
7. RECKMANN Nadia. (2023). What Is Corporate Social Responsibility?, Bussines News Daily, Sep 05, 2023. [online]. Dostupné na:
8. STEINHAUSER, Dušan PAVELKA, Ľuboš.(2021). Riadenie rizík v medzinárodnom obchode. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 140 s.
9. STOBIERSKY Tim,(2021) What Is Corporate Social Responsibility? 4 Types, [online]. Harvard Business School- online, Apr 08 2021, Dostupné na:
10. VALÁŠKOVÁ, Katarína a kol. (2019). Podnikateľské riziko,1. vydanie. — Žilina : Žilinská univerzita v Žiline : EDIS-vydavateľské centrum ŽU, 193 strán.
11. ZORKÓCIOVÁ, Otília a PALUŠKOVÁ, Hana. (2019). Green Roof´s Project - Environmental Solution for the People and the Company. In Management Mechanisms and Development Strategies of Economic Entities in Conditions of Institutional Transformations of the Global Environment. Scientific Council. Management Mechanisms and Development Strategies of Economic Entities in Conditions of Institutional Transformations of the Global Environment, Collective Monograph Riga : Landmark SIA.
12. ZORKÓCIOVÁ, Otília, PALUŠKOVÁ, Hana, NOGOVÁ, Kristína. (2019). The Growing Importance of Startups in the Competitive Environment of International Markets. In Organizational-Economic Mechanism of Management Innovative Development of Economic Entities, Collective Monograph in 3 Vol.. - Przeworsk : Wyższa Szkola Społeczno-Gospodarcza.
13. ZORKÓCIOVÁ, Otília in FERENČÍKOVÁ Soňa a kol. (2022). Manažment medzinárodného podnikania, vydanie prvé., Bratislava, Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 336 s.
14. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, (2018-2023) ISSN: 2366-0074 elektronické vydanie,


1. Introduction to CSR, terminological definition, basic concepts, history (meaning and reasons for origin, terminological definition - main theoretical approaches and definitions derived from them - their common and different features, social responsibility and social sensitivity) 2. CSR and business ethics, CSR and corporate philanthropy (common and different characteristics with CSR, positives and negatives of business ethics and corporate philanthropy towards CSR, current intensity of using individual approaches in business entities of different sizes and in different industries) 3. Internal dimension of CSR (positives and negatives or strengths and weaknesses, internal environment of the company and application of CSR principles in business entities of different sizes and in different industries) 4. CSR in connection with the conditions of international business practice (marketing management and connections with CSR, companies, employees, market, community, environment) 5. Codes of ethics in companies, their implementation and evaluation in relation to CRM (Customer Relations Ship Management), Ethics program, implementation of ethics program (Implementation of Corporate Compliance) 6. Stakeholders (Stakeholders (the essence of the stakeholder concept, primary and secondary group of stakeholders, their needs, expectations, optimal dialogue, shareholders vs. stakeholders) 7. External dimension of CSR (positives and negatives or strengths and weaknesses, current global risks versus application of CSR principles in business entities of different sizes and in different industries) 8. Main pillars of CSR (tripple-botton-line - TBL, paradoxes of current solutions: profit-people-planet) 9. Environmental pillar of CSR (Environmental corporate responsibility, as one of the most resonant at present - the impact of economic activity of companies on sustainable development) 10. CSR procedures and principles of its application within the EU (current EU approach and its main pillars in the application of the concept of "Green Europe") 11. Monitoring, reporting and measuring corporate social responsibility (overview of reputable entities at the national and international level involved in measuring CSR and CSR indicators, public evaluation versus self-assessment of CSR by business entities themselves - positive and negative) 12. CSR and Marketing to the Bottom of Pyramid (responsible strategies of companies for the segment of the poorest countries - problems and starting points) 13. CSR in the broader dimensions of international business (international business and foreign investment in terms of CSR, ethics and moral hazard)

Requirements to complete the course

10% active participation in seminars
30% seminar paper and its presentation
60% final exam

Student workload

Total: study load of 3 credits x 26 hours = 78 hours
Separate study load for individual educational activities:
Attendance at lectures: 26 hours
Attendance at seminars: 26 hours
Preparation for the seminars: 10 hours
Preparation for the final exam: 16 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak / English

Date of approval: 06.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 25.10.2023