Green Marketing


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the course is to identify the relationship between sustainable development as one of the priorities of government policy and business.
Knowledge: Upon successful completion of this course, students will gain knowledge and practical implications in green marketing, which combines two opposing directions: achieving economic growth and positive economic results in the context of sustainable development, applying an ethical approach to business with respect for environmental protection as a new dimension of consumer orientation. Competence: By completing the course, students will acquire competencies in the field of the critical thinking in working with the information, in generating relevant outputs of analysis and presentation of results. The aim is to achieve a high degree of independence and foresight with the application of innovative and creative thinking with an emphasis on sustainable development supported by the presentation of the results of their own study. Skills: Regardless of the form of the case study, students will benefit from in-depth discussions and practical solutions that result from learning using case the study methods. Using applied teaching methods, students will acquire competencies in areas of implementation of green marketing in business management practice, which they will be able to apply in their future professional career.

Indicative content

1. Defining green marketing and setting its goals.
2. Characteristics of the principles of corporate social responsibility in the theory of sustainable development.
3. The historical development of green marketing together with the development of consumer expectations from the production and supply of goods and services provided while respecting sustainable development.
4. Development trends in consumer behavior.
5. Product policy and brand management of green marketing.
6. Packaging and reverse logistics in green marketing.
7. Circular economics versus green marketing
8. The problem of "greenwashing".
9. Place policy in green marketing and pricing policy in green marketing.
10. Marketing communication in green marketing.
11. Act on the Backup of Disposable Beverage Packaging, Returnable Plastic and Metal Beverage Packaging
12. Application of green marketing on an example from practice - a lecture by an expert from practice.
13. Summary of knowledge and recommendations in terms of the potential of applying knowledge in economic practice in connection with the implementation of Agenda 2030 in green marketing.
1. Debate about how to apply green marketing in practice. Opportunities and limitations. Assignment of a selection of a semester project.
2. Presentation of projects of case studies of the application of green marketing in selected business management practice.
3. Application of the socially responsible principle in the conditions of the selected entity. Presentation, debate, discussion.
4. Application of the socially responsible principle in the conditions of the selected entity. Presentation, debate, discussion. Evaluation of presentations.
5. Product policy in connection with the determinants of green marketing. Brand management of green marketing. Presentation, debate, discussion. Evaluation of presentations.
6. Packaging and reverse logistics in selected practice.
7. Circular economics versus green marketing. Presentation, discussion, discussion
8. Site policy and reverse logistics in connection with the determinants of green marketing. Presentation, debate, discussion. Evaluation of presentations.
9. Communication mix in connection with the determinants of green marketing. Presentation, debate, discussion. Evaluation of presentations.
10. Field work aimed at collecting positive and negative observations in terms of compliance with the principles of green marketing.
11. Elaboration of a study of the implementation of green marketing in retail practice.
12.Greenwashing and observations from the field, presentation to the audience.
13. Evaluation of activities.

Support literature

Elementary literature:
LIESKOVSKÁ, V. a kol. Zelený marketing. Bratislava: Ekonóm, 2010. 158 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3047-7
OTTMAN, J. A. The new rules of Green Marketing. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing Limited., 2011. ISBN 978-1-60509-868-5
BAKER, S. In Pursuit of Sustainable Development. London: Routledge, 2010. 256 s. ISBN 978-041-55-9962-7
Agenda 2030 pre udržateľný rozvoj. 2015. Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie Slovenskej republiky.
Supplementary literature:
SHARP, B. Marketing: Theory, Evidence, Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press., 2017. 832 s. ISBN 988-01-9559-029-6
Zákon č. 302/2019 Z. z. o zálohovaní jednorazových obalov na nápoje a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov
EURÓPSKA KOMISIA. 2015. Kruh sa uzatvára – Akčný plán EÚ pre obehové hospodárstvo [online]. Dátum publikovania: 2.12.2015 Dostupné z:


Lectures: 1. Defining green marketing and setting its goals. 2. Characteristics of the principles of corporate social responsibility in the theory of sustainable development. 3. The historical development of green marketing together with the development of consumer expectations from the production and supply of goods and services provided while respecting sustainable development. 4. Development trends in consumer behavior. 5. Product policy and brand management of green marketing. 6. Packaging and reverse logistics in green marketing. 7. Circular economics versus green marketing 8. The problem of "greenwashing". 9. Place policy in green marketing and pricing policy in green marketing. 10. Marketing communication in green marketing. 11. Act on the Backup of Disposable Beverage Packaging, Returnable Plastic and Metal Beverage Packaging 12. Application of green marketing on an example from practice - a lecture by an expert from practice. 13. Summary of knowledge and recommendations in terms of the potential of applying knowledge in economic practice in connection with the implementation of Agenda 2030 in green marketing. Seminars: 1. Debate about how to apply green marketing in practice. Opportunities and limitations. Assignment of a selection of a semester project. 2. Presentation of projects of case studies of the application of green marketing in selected business management practice. 3. Application of the socially responsible principle in the conditions of the selected entity. Presentation, debate, discussion. 4. Application of the socially responsible principle in the conditions of the selected entity. Presentation, debate, discussion. Evaluation of presentations. 5. Product policy in connection with the determinants of green marketing. Brand management of green marketing. Presentation, debate, discussion. Evaluation of presentations. 6. Packaging and reverse logistics in selected practice. 7. Circular economics versus green marketing. Presentation, discussion, discussion 8. Site policy and reverse logistics in connection with the determinants of green marketing. Presentation, debate, discussion. Evaluation of presentations. 9. Communication mix in connection with the determinants of green marketing. Presentation, debate, discussion. Evaluation of presentations. 10. Field work aimed at collecting positive and negative observations in terms of compliance with the principles of green marketing. 11. Elaboration of a study of the implementation of green marketing in retail practice. 12.Greenwashing and observations from the field, presentation to the audience. 13. Evaluation of activities.

Requirements to complete the course

Seminars – total 40 %, of which:
written examination – 30 %
activity – 10 %
Final evaluation: 60 %
Exam – total 60 %, of which:
Exam: 60 % (elaboration and presentation of individual work / project - 20 %, written and oral part of the exam - 40 %)
Total: 100 %

Student workload

lectures: 26 hours
exercises: 26 hours
project preparation: 13 hours
preparation for the written test: 13 hours
preparation for the final exam: 26 hours
Total: 104 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 03.06.2024

Date of the latest change: 06.07.2022