Market Research


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The main educational goal of the course is:
• to acquaint students with the basic principles, knowledge, main goals in the field of marketing research,
• to acquaint students with the stages of implementation of sampling, types of sampling methods and approaches, the essence of creating sample files,
• teach students to practically carry out marketing research,
• get acquainted with primary and secondary data sources that are suitable for conducting market research,
• gain knowledge about the possibilities of data processing from marketing research using software products,
• teach students to correctly draw conclusions from marketing research,
• gaining an analytical approach to solving economic problems that they can apply to the field of marketing research and economic practice.
Successful graduates of the course will gain knowledge in the field of marketing research, primary and secondary data sources for market research, the method of creating sample files, the method of evaluating qualitative and quantitative data, application of software products in processing analyzes, drawing conclusions from analytical procedures, which can apply decision-making in various areas of economic practice and will use them appropriately in the study of other subjects and the processing of final theses.
The graduate is able to take steps to implement marketing research, apply appropriate methods of analysis of qualitative and quantitative data of the primary resp. secondary market research, uses a suitable statistical software product in solving analyzes, draws relevant conclusions from the applied procedures. The student applies the acquired theoretical knowledge to the practical solution of specific tasks in the field of marketing research.
After completing the course, the student is able to solve and analyze problems related to market research, assess the context in the organization of marketing research activities, can think analytically, apply creative thinking in obtaining and processing relevant data, can orient in basic databases for selecting indicators of secondary research, implement research and evaluate its conclusions, present conclusions and recommendations for the next period in an appropriate way.

Indicative content

1. Marketing research and its importance.
2. The essence and position of research in marketing. Research planning.
3. The essence of qualitative research in marketing and quantitative research in marketing.
4. Sampling, methods, methods of creating sample files.
5. Stratified and deliberate selection.
6. Research questions, formulation of questions.
7. Secondary data sources in marketing research.
8. Processing and analysis of primary and secondary market research data.
9. Application of software solution in data processing of primary and secondary market research.
10. Investigation of the relationship between the dependent variable and the factor, software solutions.
11. Relationships between variable and multiple factors, software solutions.
12. Overview of other methods of quantitative research with examples of software solutions.
13. Qualitative research and its practical use in market research.
1. Marketing research and its importance, practical examples.
2. The essence and position of research in marketing. Research planning, practical solutions.
3. Qualitative research and quantitative research, practical examples.
4. Sampling, methods, methods of creating samples, practical solutions.
5. Stratified and deliberate selection, practical examples.
6. Research questions, formulation of questions, practical examples.
7. Secondary data sources in marketing research.
8. Data processing and analysis of primary and secondary market research, solving problems in market research data processing.
9. Software solutions for data processing of primary and secondary market research.
10. Investigation of relations between dependent variable and factors, practical solutions.
11. Written control of knowledge.
12. Overview of other methods of quantitative research.
13. Presentations of semester assignments.

Support literature

Elementary literature:
1. RICHTEROVÁ, K. et al. Úvod do výskumu trhu. Recenzovali Dagmar Lesáková, Margita Mesárošová, Radek Tahal. 1. vyd. Bratislava: Sprint 2, 2013. 315 s.
2. NAGYOVÁ, Ľ a kol. Výskum trhu. SPU Nitra, 2014.
3. HARRISON, M. - CUPMAN, J. - TRUMAN, O. - HAGUE, P. Market Research in Practice: An Introduction to Gaining Greater Market Insight 3rd Edition. 2016, 400 s. ISBN-13: 978-1398695528.
4. LIESKOVSKÁ, V. - MEGYESIOVÁ, S. Výskum trhu - pracovný zošit 1. Recenzovali Jozef Chajdiak, Ján Luha. 1. vyd. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2013. 205 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3740-7.
Supplementary literature:
5. ALTOBELLI, C. F. Marktforschung: Methoden, Anwendungen, Praxisbeispiele. 3. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage. Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft; München : UVK/Lucius, 2017. 495 s. UTB Betriebswirtschaft, 8342. ISBN 978-3-8252-8721-4.
6. HAGUE, P. Průzkum trhu. Brno: Computer Press, 2003.
7. TKÁČ, M. Štatistické riadenie kvality. Bratislava: Ekonóm, 2001.


Lectures: 1. Marketing research and its importance. 2. The essence and position of research in marketing. Research planning. 3. The essence of qualitative research in marketing and quantitative research in marketing. 4. Sampling, methods, methods of creating sample files. 5. Stratified and deliberate selection. 6. Research questions, formulation of questions. 7. Secondary data sources in marketing research. 8. Processing and analysis of primary and secondary market research data. 9. Application of software solution in data processing of primary and secondary market research. 10. Investigation of the relationship between the dependent variable and the factor, software solutions. 11. Relationships between variable and multiple factors, software solutions. 12. Overview of other methods of quantitative research with examples of software solutions. 13. Qualitative research and its practical use in market research. Seminars: 1. Marketing research and its importance, practical examples. 2. The essence and position of research in marketing. Research planning, practical solutions. 3. Qualitative research and quantitative research, practical examples. 4. Sampling, methods, methods of creating samples, practical solutions. 5. Stratified and deliberate selection, practical examples. 6. Research questions, formulation of questions, practical examples. 7. Secondary data sources in marketing research. 8. Data processing and analysis of primary and secondary market research, solving problems in market research data processing. 9. Software solutions for data processing of primary and secondary market research. 10. Investigation of relations between dependent variable and factors, practical solutions. 11. Written control of knowledge. 12. Overview of other methods of quantitative research. 13. Presentations of semester assignments.

Requirements to complete the course

team work - semester assignment, written examination
combined exam
The team for processing the semester work consists of 3 members and the selection of team members will be done randomly. The evaluation of the semester work is performed as a team. All team members receive the same rating.
• written examination - 30 %
• team semester assignment - 10 %
• combined exam - 60 %

Student workload

• participation in lectures - 26 hours
• participation in exercises - 26 hours
• preparation for the semester test - 13 hours
• preparation of team semester assignment - 13 hours
• preparation for the exam - 26 hours
Total: 104 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 15.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 15.11.2022