Ing. Radoslav Potoma, PhD., MBA

Faculty: Faculty of Business Economics with seat in Košice

Department: Department of Quantitative Methods

Position: Assistant Professor



Current and previous employment

Assistant Professor, Researcher
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Business Economy with seat in Košice, Tajovského 13, 041 30 Košice
2021 - present

Number of defended theses

Bakalárske (prvý stupeň): 4

Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 1

Number of invited lectures at the international, national level: 1

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

ŠTOFOVÁ, Lenka - POTOMA, Radoslav. Application of Modern Methods of Strategic Performance of the Company. - Registered: Web of Science, Registered: Scopus. In Quality – Access to Success. - Bucharest : Romanian Society for Quality Assurance. ISSN 2668-4861, 2020, vol. 21, no. 177, pp. 62-67 online. I-18-109-00 Young Scientists.

POTOMA, Radoslav - RUDÁŠOVÁ, Zuzana - PALA, Tomáš. Implementation of Information Technology for Practice in Energy 2020. In Information Technology for Practice 2020. International Conference. Information Technology for Practice 2020 : Proceedings of the 23nd International Conference on Information Technology for Practice. - Ostrava : VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2020. ISBN 978-80-248-4474-9 , pp. 113-119 online. I-20-108-00.

BARLAŠOVÁ, Terézia - KOPČÁKOVÁ, Janka - POTOMA, Radoslav - ŠEFČÍKOVÁ, Denisa. Predictors of Success of a New Product on the Market. In EDAMBA 2019. International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars. EDAMBA 2019 : International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars. - Bratislava : Publisher EKONÓM, 2020. ISBN 978-80-225-4704-8, pp. 13-21 online.

RUDÁŠOVÁ, Zuzana - POTOMA, Radoslav - ŠTOFOVÁ, Lenka. Impact of Organizational Culture on Improving the Efficiency of Hospitals in the Slovak Republic. In MMK 2019. international conference. MMK 2019 : International Masaryk Conference for PH.D. Students and Young Researchers. - Hradec Králové : MAGNANIMITAS, 2019. ISBN 978-80-87952-31-3, pp. 52-64 online.

KRIŠTANOVÁ, Anna - POTOMA, Radoslav. Environmental management accounting as a strategic tool for increasing business performance. In Quality and Leading Innovation. International Scientific Conference. Quality and Leading Innovation V. : International Scientific Conference. - Košice : University of Economics, Faculty of Business Economy with Seat in Košice, 2019. ISBN 978-80-225-4672-0, pp. 35-42 CD-rom.

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

BARLAŠOVÁ, Terézia - KOPČÁKOVÁ, Janka - POTOMA, Radoslav - ŠEFČÍKOVÁ, Denisa. Assets and Modern Methods of Depreciation of Assets in an Enterprise. In EDAMBA 2019. International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars. EDAMBA 2019 : International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars. - Bratislava : Publisher EKONÓM, 2020. ISBN 978-80-225-4704-8, pp. 22-33 online.

KOPČÁKOVÁ, Janka - POTOMA, Radoslav. Virtual currency in the world and the impact of the COVID-19 virus. In Corporate revue : scientific journal. University of Economics, Faculty of Business Economy with Seat in Košice. - Košice : Faculty of Business Economy with Seat in Košice, 2020. ISSN 1335-9746, 2020, vol. 19, č. 2, pp. 63-70 online.

POTOMA, Radoslav - HUDÁK, Matej. Openness of Economics from the View of International Trade. In Quality and Leading Innovation. International Scientific Conference. Quality and Leading Innovation V. : International Scientific Conference. - Košice : University of Economics, Faculty of Business Economy with Seat in Košice, 2019. ISBN 978-80-225-4672-0, pp. 181-193 CD-ROM.

ŠTOFOVÁ, Lenka - POTOMA, Radoslav. Application of Modern Methods of Strategic Performance of the Company. - Registered: Web of Science, Registered: Scopus. In Quality – Access to Success. - Bucharest : Romanian Society for Quality Assurance. ISSN 2668-4861, 2020, vol. 21, no. 177, pp. 62-67 online. I-18-109-00 Young Scientists.

POTOMA, Radoslav - KOPČÁKOVÁ, Janka. Effect of Current Assets on Company Liquidity Before and During the Covid Pandemic - 19. In DOKBAT 2021. Annual International Bata Conference for Ph.D. Students and Young Researchers. DOKBAT 2021 : 17th Annual International Bata Conference for Ph.D. Students and Young Researchers. - Zlín : Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics, 2021. ISBN 978-80-7678-025-5, pp. 416-425 online. I-21-103-00.

The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

ECONOMIC PRACTICE PROJECT - 4600014987. Project name: TECHNICAL-ECONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF REPLACEMENT OF COAL WITH ALTERNATIVE (SYNTHETIC) FUEL UNDER EVO CONDITIONS (2020), Project leader: Dr. h. c. prof. RNDr. Michal Tkáč, CSc./Economic Practice - 4600014987. Name of the project: Technical and Economic and Ecological Analysis of Black Coal replacement Alternative (synthetic) fuel in EVO conditions (2020), Project leader: Dr. h. c. prof. RNDr. Michal Tkáč, CSc.

PROJECT OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS - I-21-103-00. Project name: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the assessment of the financial performance of small and medium-sized enterprises within the V4 countries from an accounting and tax point of view (2021), Project leader: Ing. Katarína Tasáryová/Project of young researchers-21-103-00. impact of Covid-19 Pandemic to assess the financial performance of small and medium-sized enterprises within the V4 countries from the accounting and tax point (2021), Project leader: Ing. Katarína Tasáryová

SKHU/1802/3.1/001 „Build and promote local image“ (EU - Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme), Project leader: doc. Ing. Michal Tkáč, PhD, MBA, Deputy chief project leader: Ing. Radoslav Potoma, PhD., MBA

ECONOMIC PRACTICE PROJECT - 325/2018-2060-2230-T475 "Optimization of laying hen nutrition systems and feed preparation using enzymatic preparations to increase the efficiency of laying hen breeding and the quality of egg production for the food industry", Project leader: Dr. h. c. prof. RNDr. Michal Tkáč, CSc.

Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

ECONOMIC PRACTICE PROJECT - 4600014987. Project name: TECHNICAL-ECONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF REPLACEMENT OF COAL WITH ALTERNATIVE (SYNTHETIC) FUEL UNDER EVO CONDITIONS (2020), Project leader: Dr. h. c. prof. RNDr. Michal Tkáč, CSc./Economic Practice - 4600014987. Name of the project: Technical and Economic and Ecological Analysis of Black Coal replacement Alternative (synthetic) fuel in EVO conditions (2020), Project leader: Dr. h. c. prof. RNDr. Michal Tkáč, CSc.

PROJECT OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS - I-21-103-00. Project name: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the assessment of the financial performance of small and medium-sized enterprises within the V4 countries from an accounting and tax point of view (2021), Project leader: Ing. Katarína Tasáryová/Project of young researchers-21-103-00. impact of Covid-19 Pandemic to assess the financial performance of small and medium-sized enterprises within the V4 countries from the accounting and tax point (2021), Project leader: Ing. Katarína Tasáryová

SKHU/1802/3.1/001 „Build and promote local image“ (EU - Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme), Project leader: doc. Ing. Michal Tkáč, PhD, MBA, Deputy chief project leader: Ing. Radoslav Potoma, PhD., MBA

ECONOMIC PRACTICE PROJECT - 325/2018-2060-2230-T475 "Optimization of laying hen nutrition systems and feed preparation using enzymatic preparations to increase the efficiency of laying hen breeding and the quality of egg production for the food industry", Project leader: Dr. h. c. prof. RNDr. Michal Tkáč, CSc.