Business German for Intermediate Students I. (9)


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Language knowledge: to know the basic principles of professional language.
Language skills: the student is able to use receptive and productive language skills at the required level, is able to create a clear comprehensible text on professional topics, he/she understands the main ideas in a clear standard speech, understands texts, is able to react in various situations which are typical for the private and professional life.
Language competencies: to use effectively acquired language skills, which are necessary for the successful student´s application in practice and for social, academic or professional purposes

Indicative content

1. Career plan
2. Company structure
3. Negotiations
4. Sales
5. Communication in the workplace
6. Presentation 12. Meetings

Support literature

ROS, Lourdes. Perspektive Deutsch, Kommunikation am Arbeitsplatz A2/B1+, Kursbuch mit Audio-CD, Klett, ISBN 978-3-12-675348-7
ROS, Lourdes. Perspektive Deutsch, Kommunikation am Arbeitsplatz A2/B1+, Übungsbuch, Klett, ISBN 978-3-12-675347-0
KUNOVSKÁ, Ingrid - MRÁZOVÁ, Mária - KUCHAROVÁ, Jana. Teória, cvičenia a texty k nemeckej gramatike. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2016. ISBN 978-80-225-4253-1
GROSSER, R. et al.: DaF im Unternehmen (A2) – Kursbuch/Übungsbuch, Klett, iSBN: 978-3-12-676445-2


Week 1: Career plan (what is a career plan, career growth, modal verbs, preparation of a career plan) Week 2: Job interview (what is a job interview, preparation of a job interview, present simple time) Week 3: Company structure (types of companies and their structure, description of the company, present running time) Week 4: Company presentation (presentation structure) Week 5: Problem solving in the company (types of problems, crisis management, modal verbs) Week 6: Company management (typology of managers, indirect speech) Week 7: Negotiation I. (conflict resolution, past simple) Week 8: Negotiations II. (reach an agreement) Week 9: Sales (shopping habits, marketing) Week 10: Telephoning (information exchange) Week 11: Brainstorming Week 12: Working meetings (memo, email) Week 13: Presentation (presentation of selected economic issues)

Requirements to complete the course

Activity at seminars – 20 %
The result of a homework – 20 %
The result of a final written test – 60 %

Student workload

78h (participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, preparation for the exam 26 h

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 08.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 03.02.2025