Mgr. Ing. Terézia Ondrušová, PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Applied Languages
Department: Department of German Language
Position: Assistant Professor
Scientific-pedagogical characteristics of the person
Second degree of higher education
Study field and programme: International Relations, 2010, Faculty of International Relations, University of Economics Bratislava
Current and previous employment
Assistant Professor
Department of German Language, Faculty of Applied Languages, University of Economics Bratislava
2002 -
Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills
DAAD Summer German course - International Summer Academy Sans Souci
University of Potsdam, Germany
ÖAAD, Summer course of German for German studies students
University of Graz, Austria
Goethe-Institut, Course for young teachers of German language
Goethe-Institut, Course for young teachers of German language
Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university
Number of defended theses
Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs
Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 2
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs
1.Tvorba a realizácia jazykovej politiky Európskej únie : dizertačná práca. Škol. Ľudovít Tóth. Bratislava, 2010
2.Rahmen für den Fremdsprachenunterricht im multilingualen Europa. In DaF-Unterricht aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. - Hamburg : Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2020.
3.Jazyková politika a nacionalizmus. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Jazyk a politika: na pomedzí lingvistiky a politológie V.,2020
4.Jazyk a integrácia. Nemecký jazyk v integračnej politike Rakúska. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Jazyk a politika : na pomedzí lingvistiky a politológie III., 2018
5.Výučba cudzích jazykov v kontexte Európskej únie. In Moderné trendy vo výučbe cudzích jazykov. - Brno : Tribun EU, 2018
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years
1.Rahmen für den Fremdsprachenunterricht im multilingualen Europa. In DaF-Unterricht aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. - Hamburg : Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2020.
2.Jazyková politika a nacionalizmus. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Jazyk a politika: na pomedzí lingvistiky a politológie V.,2020
3.Jazyk a integrácia. Nemecký jazyk v integračnej politike Rakúska. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Jazyk a politika : na pomedzí lingvistiky a politológie III., 2018
4.Výučba cudzích jazykov v kontexte Európskej únie. In Moderné trendy vo výučbe cudzích jazykov. - Brno : Tribun EU, 2018.
5.Sprachpolitik als Begriff. In Fórum cudzích jazykov, politológie a medzinárodných vzťahov, 2018
The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs
Project VEGA 1/0295/23/12 Multilingualism in various spheres of life in contemporary Bratislava
The project deals with the topic of multilingualism in terms of the concept of dominant languages constellation. It is a group of languages whose use is most suitable for the individual and which brings him the greatest personal benefit. The subject of the research is the multilingualism of the Slovak capital, Bratislava, both in the field of economy and in other spheres of private and public life. The target group is employees of international companies operating in the city of Bratislava as well as in its vicinity. The priority is to find out which foreign languages and to what extent they are used in the workplace, what level of command of foreign languages is expected by employers, what is the need to master the other, resp. third language. Other areas of interest are the public as well as the private sphere of life in present-day Bratislava.
Chief researcher: Ing. Mgr. Terézia Ondrušová, PhD.
Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years
Project VEGA 1/0295/23/12 Multilingualism in various spheres of life in contemporary Bratislava
The project deals with the topic of multilingualism in terms of the concept of dominant languages constellation. It is a group of languages whose use is most suitable for the individual and which brings him the greatest personal benefit. The subject of the research is the multilingualism of the Slovak capital, Bratislava, both in the field of economy and in other spheres of private and public life. The target group is employees of international companies operating in the city of Bratislava as well as in its vicinity. The priority is to find out which foreign languages and to what extent they are used in the workplace, what level of command of foreign languages is expected by employers, what is the need to master the other, resp. third language. Other areas of interest are the public as well as the private sphere of life in present-day Bratislava.
Chief researcher: Ing. Mgr. Terézia Ondrušová, PhD.