Selected Chapters from Mathematics and Statistics
- Credits: 6
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 4C
- Semester: winter
- Year: 2
- Faculty of Commerce
Included in study programs
Teaching results
The primary educational objective of the course is:
- understanding the basic principle of infinitesimal calculus and its simple applications in economy,
- understanding the basic principle of theory of probability and random variable,
- provide an explanation of the basic statistical methods,
- to teach students to select and apply appropriate statistical methods to solve practical problems.
- teach students to correctly interpret the results obtained.
A successful graduate of the course gained knowledge and skills of:
- infinitesimal calculus and theory of probability, necessary for the study of other economic subjects,
- application of basic statistical methods, which form the basis for decision-making in all areas of
economic practice.
Indicative content
Function of one variable. Functions of economic analysis. Limit and continuity of function. Infinitesimal and its economic applications.
The definition of probability. Repeated dependent and independent events. Discrete and continuous random variables. Distribution of discrete and continuous random variable.
Presentation of statistical data. Descriptive statistics. Statistical Inference Methods about the parameters of one set of data. Investigation of linear relationships of two variables using regression and correlation analysis. Categorical Data Analysis. Descriptive analysis of time series. Individual and aggregate indices and differences.
Support literature
1. KADEROVÁ, A. - KRÁTKA, Z. - KRČOVÁ, I. - MUCHA, V. - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, T. (2020). Matematika pre ekonómov. Bratislava: Letra Edu.
2. MUCHA, V. (2011): Vybrané kapitoly z matematiky : teória pravdepodobnosti. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM.
3. KOTLEBOVÁ, E. a kol. (2017). Štatistika pre bakalárov v praxi. Bratislava: EKONÓM.
4. PACÁKOVÁ, V. a kol. (2009). Štatistické metódy pre ekonómov. Bratislava: IURA EDITION.
5. ŠOLTÉS, E. a kol. (2018). Štatistické metódy pre ekonómov. Zbierka príkladov. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer.
1. Function of one real variable. Economic applications. 2. Limit and continuity of a function. 3. Infinitesimal calculus of a function of one variable. 4. Infinitesimal calculus of a function of one variable. Economic applications. 5. Definition of probability. Repeated dependent and independent events. 6. Discrete and continuous random variable. 7. Distributions of discrete and continuous random variable. 8. Presentation of statistical data. Descriptive statistics. 9. Statistical inference. 10. Regression and correlation analysis. 11. Categorical data analysis. 12. Descriptive analysis of time series. 13. Individual and aggregate indices and differences.
Requirements to complete the course
Final written test 100%
Student workload
Participation in exercises – 52
Preparing for exercise – 52
Exam preparation – 52
Total – 156
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 17.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 17.03.2024