Advanced macroeconomics


Included in study programs

Teaching results

- Understanding the development of macroeconomic theories, their methodological approaches, and theoretical models
- Knowledge of key analytical tools used in macroeconomic analysis
- Competence in the evaluation of macroeconomic data using quantitative methods and modeling techniques of macroeconomic phenomena, processes and contexts.
- Think abstractly and analytically, economically and take macroeconomic positions and evaluations.
- Ability to use formalized models in macroeconomic research
- Ability to formulate their own attitudes to macroeconomic development and theoretically
- argue
- Ability to apply theoretical knowledge in macroeconomic research.
- Ability to search, process, analyze and evaluate information on macroeconomic developments from various sources (OECD, WB, IMF, EUROSTAT and others) and use them to formulate recommendations and conclusions for their application in practical situations.

Indicative content

1. Solow's model of economic growth.
2. Endogenous growth
3. Consumption, investment and savings.
4. Investments in conditions of uncertainty and the role of interest rates.
5. Financial markets and financial crises.
6. Unemployment.
7. Inflation and monetary policy.
8. Budget deficits and fiscal policy.
9. Economic cycle.
10.Theory of real economic cycles.
11. Traditional theories of fluctuations in economics.
12. Mundell - Fleming's model.

Support literature

Support literature:
Compulsory reading:
1. ROMER, David. Advanced macroeconomics. 4th ed. New York : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2012. 716 s. The McGraw-Hill series in economics. ISBN 978-0-07-351137-5.
Suggested reading:
1. Baláž, V.: Riziko a neistota, Bratislava, Veda, SAV 2009, ISBN 978-80-224-1082-3. Dostupné:
2. Árendáš, Peter - Chovancová, Božena. The Adaptive markets hypothesis and the BRIC share markets. In Ekonomický časopis, 2015. ISSN 0013-3035, 2015, roč. 63, č. 10, s. 1003-1018.
3. Lisý a kol.: Ekonomický rast a ekonomický cyklus /Teoretické a praktické problémy/ , Iura Edition 2011
4. Yellen, J.L.: Efficiancy Models of Uneymployment In: American Economic Review, Vol. 74, No. 2, 1984
5. Titze Miroslav: Netradičná menová politika a kvantitatívne uvoľňovanie centrálnej banky Japonska v rokoch 2001 – 2006. In: Politická ekonomie, 2015, č. 5, s. 603 – 623.
6. Koehler, S., Konig, T. Fiscal Governance in the Eurozone: How Effectively Does the Stability and Growth Pact Limit Governmental debt in the Euro Countries? In Political Science Research and Methods, Volume 3, Issue 2, May 2015. Dostupné na:
7. Dujava, D. : Ekonomické krízy a ekonomická veda .Wolters Kluwer 2016. ISBN 97880816844258.
8. Acemoglu,D., Robinson,J.A.: Why Nations Fail, Profile Books 20122, Chapter 13,14,15.

Requirements to complete the course

Seminars 40 %
Out of which:
Activity at seminars (homework, assignments) 10 %
Elaboration of the essay and its presentation 10 %
Elaboration and presentation of a case study in the team 10 %
Final written project 10 %

Final exam 60 %

Date of approval: 13.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 08.04.2021