
Included in study programs

Teaching results

- In this course, students will learn the basic categorical apparatus and understand the relationship between individual economic phenomena and processes of market economy.
- During the seminars, students will gain basic knowledge in the field of teamwork and learn the basics of critical thinking.
- The student will acquire competencies in the field of analysis and comparison of the functioning of basic economic systems.

Indicative content

Subject and methodology of economics. Development of economic thoughts. Economic laws, types of economies. A triad of economic problems. Market and market mechanism, demand, supply, equilibrium price. Elasticity of demand and supply. Decision-making of market subjects in perfect and imperfect competition. Production factors market, income distribution and quality of life.

Support literature

Support literature:
Basic literature:
1. LISÝ, J. a kolektív: Ekonómia.Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2016.
2. ROZBORILOVÁ, D. a kolektív: Ekonómia praktikum. Economic Theory 2. Second edition. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2018.
Additional literature:
1. HOLMAN, R .: Economics. 5th edition. Prague: Nakladat. C. H. Beck. 2011. ISBN 978-80-7400-006-5.
2. SCHILLER, B. R .: Macroeconomics. Brno: Computer Press. 2004
3. MANKIW, N.G .: Principles of Economics. Prague: Grada, 1999.
4. SAMUELSON, P. A. - NORDHAUS, W. D .: Ekonómia, Bratislava: 2000.

Requirements to complete the course

Requirements to complete the course:
individual work, written test, written exam
Seminars 40 %, of which:
Activity at the seminar 15 %
Elaboration and presentation of a case study 10 %
Written tests from quantitative and graphic tasks 15 %
Result of the final written exam 60 %

Student workload

Total student workload: 156 hours. Of which:
Attendance at lectures: 26 hours
Attendance at seminars: 26 hours
Preparation for seminars: 13 hours
Elaboration of a case study in the form of team cooperation: 18 hours
Preparation for written tests of quantitative and graphical tasks: 21 hours
Preparation for the exam: 52 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 11.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 17.02.2025