Scientific-pedagogical characteristics of the person
Second degree of higher education
Study field and programme: National Economic Planning, 1985, University of Economics in Bratislava
Third degree of higher education
Study field and programme: Economic theory - Economic policy, 2001, University of Economics in Bratislava
Current and previous employment
Expert Officer
Hydrostav Bratislava
1985 - 1987
Assistant Professor
Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences
1987 - 1991
PhD Student
University of Economics in Bratislava
1991 - 1994
Assistant Professor
University of Economics in Bratislava
from 1996 until now
Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills
State Examination in German
University of Economics in Bratislava
pedagogical minimum
University of Economics in Bratislava
Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university
Number of defended theses
Bakalárske (prvý stupeň): 15
Diplomové (druhý stupeň): 18
Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs
Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 3
Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 13
Number of invited lectures at the international, national level: 6
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs
Matoušková, Eleonóra. Hospodársky cyklus. (Economic cycle) Bratislava: Ekonóm, 2015. 120 s. ISBN 978-80-225-4158-9.
Matoušková, Eleonóra. Cyclical Fluctuations in the Economies of V4 Countries. In The EuroAseans: Journal on Global Socio-Economic Dynamics. Bangkok: International College Suan Sunandha Ragabhat University. ISSN 2539-5645, 2020, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 26-36, online.
MATOUŠKOVÁ, Eleonóra. The Position of Heterodox Economics in Economic Science. - Registrovaný: Scopus, Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Public Finance Quarterly : Journal of Public Finance. - Budapest : Publishing House of Hungarian Official Gazettes. ISSN 0031-496X, 2021, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 275-290 online.
MATOUŠKOVÁ, Eleonóra et al. Hospodársky cyklus : ekonomické, sociologické a behaviorálne aspekty. (Economic cycle : economic, sociological and behavioral aspects) Recenzenti: Ladislav Andrášik, Karol Morvay. 1. vydanie. Brno : Tribun EU, 2021. 175 s.
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years
Matoušková, Eleonóra. Cyclical Fluctuations in the Economies of V4 Countries. In The EuroAseans: Journal on Global Socio-Economic Dynamics. Bangkok: International College Suan Sunandha Ragabhat University. ISSN 2539-5645, 2020, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 26-36, online.
Matoušková, Eleonóra. Revenue and Expenditure Analysis from the Point of View of the State Budget Balance.. Sofia: Saima Consult, 2019. ISBN 978-619-7495-06-05, pp. 361-368.
MATOUŠKOVÁ, Eleonóra et al. Hospodársky cyklus : ekonomické, sociologické a behaviorálne aspekty. (Economic cycle : economic, sociological and behavioral aspects.) Recenzenti: Ladislav Andrášik, Karol Morvay. 1. vydanie. Brno : Tribun EU, 2021. 175 s.
MATOUŠKOVÁ, Eleonóra. The Position of Heterodox Economics in Economic Science. - Registrovaný: Scopus, Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Public Finance Quarterly : Journal of Public Finance. - Budapest : Publishing House of Hungarian Official Gazettes. ISSN 0031-496X, 2021, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 275-290 online.
The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs
VEGA 1/0246/16 - Efektívnosť fiškálnej a monetárnej politiky v priebehu ekonomického cyklu (spoluriešiteľka) / VEGA 1/0246/16 - Effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy over the economic cycle (co-solver). Doba riešenia: 2016-2019. Projekt sa sa zameriaval na možnosti nástrojov hospodárskej politiky pri riešení makroekonomických problémov slovenskej ekonomiky. Solution time: 2016-2019. The project focused on the possibilities of economic instruments in solving the macroeconomic problems of the Slovak economy.
VEGA 1/0239/19 - Implikácie behaviorálnej ekonómie pre zefektívnenie fungovania súčasných ekonomík (spoluriešiteľka) / VEGA 1/0239/19 - Implications of behavioural economy to streamline the functioning of current economies (co-solver). Doba riešenia: 2019-2022. Solution time: 2019-2022. The project deal with the issues of using the knowledge of behavioural economics in various areas of the economy (public sector, labour and human resources and others).
Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years
VEGA 1/0246/16 - Efektívnosť fiškálnej a monetárnej politiky v priebehu ekonomického cyklu (spoluriešiteľka) / VEGA 1/0246/16 - Effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy over the economic cycle (co-solver). Doba riešenia: 2016-2019. Projekt sa sa zameriaval na možnosti nástrojov hospodárskej politiky pri riešení makroekonomických problémov slovenskej ekonomiky. Solution time: 2016-2019. The project focused on the possibilities of economic instruments in solving the macroeconomic problems of the Slovak economy.
VEGA 1/0239/19 - Implikácie behaviorálnej ekonómie pre zefektívnenie fungovania súčasných ekonomík (spoluriešiteľka) / VEGA 1/0239/19 - Implications of behavioural economy to streamline the functioning of current economies (co-solver). Doba riešenia: 2019-2022. Solution time: 2019-2022. The project deal with the issues of using the knowledge of behavioural economics in various areas of the economy (public sector, labour and human resources and others).
Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study
University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
1993 - 1994,
scholarship awarded by the Swiss Confederation