

Included in study programs

Teaching results

• students will acquire adequate knowledge and financial literacy as a basis for developing and understanding more complex processes and deeper analytical contexts in finance,
• obtaining a comprehensive picture of the sectoral approach to finance (corporate finance, banks and financial intermediaries, commercial insurance, central banking, public finance, social system finance, third sector finance, international financial system),
• acquiring knowledge about the main types of financial instruments and their use by entities operating in individual markets,
• understanding the principles and mechanisms of operation of financial markets and insurance,
• mastering the principles and mechanisms of operation of financial and monetary institutions at the national and supranational level,
• acquiring knowledge that is a prerequisite for further study of financial and economic subjects, as well as for solving more complex problems in the real economy.
Knowledge and understanding:
• completion of the subject Finance will create preconditions for mastering the basic concepts of financial theory, as well as for orientation in the issue of functioning of individual financial systems and institutions,
• understanding the interrelationships between the real economy and finance and gaining knowledge about the functioning of financial markets and the determinants shaping their balance.
Practical skills and competence:
• ability to analyze the basic context in finance,
• ability to evaluate the causes and consequences of ongoing processes in financial markets, including the formulation of adequate conclusions,
• ability to work in a team in solving projects and seminar work.

Indicative content

1. Introduction to the course.
2. Money, their evolution and forms
3. Financial market
4. Corporate finance
5. Public finance I
6. Public finance II
7. Banks and banking systems
8. Insurance
9. Finance of social systems
10. Finance of other financial institutions
11. Personal finance, Financial literacy
12. International finance

Support literature

Basic literature:
SIVÁK, R. a kol. Financie – Wolters Kluwer, 2019. 436 s. [29,14 AH], ČR 2 doplnené a rozšírené vydanie, Praha, ISBN 978-80-7598-533-0.
BELIČKOVÁ, Kornélia - NEUBAUEROVÁ, Erika - ZUBAĽOVÁ, Alena. Financie : metodická pomôcka na semináre. 2 prepracované vydanie. EKONÓM, 2020. 101 s. [5,05 AH]. ISBN 978-80-225-4687-4.
Recommended literature:
1. Handa, J. (2009) Monetary Economics. London: Routledge 2009, ISBN 978-04-1577-210-5
2. Chovancová, B. a kol. (2006) Finančný trh: nástroje, transakcie, inštitúcie. Prvé vydanie. vyd. Bratislava: Iura Edition, 2006. 611 s. ISBN 80-8078-089-2
3. Jankovská, A. (2003) Medzinárodné financie. Bratislava: Iura Edition, 2003, 2. prepracované a rozšírené vydanie, ISBN 80-89047-56-4
4. Kotlebová, J. - Sobek, O. (2007) Menová politika - stratégie, inštitúcie a nástroje. Bratislava: Iura Edition 2007, ISBN 978-80-8078-092-0
5. Kotlebová, J. - Chovancová, B. (2010) Medzinárodné finančné centrá - zmeny v globálnej finančnej architektúre. Bratislava: Iura Edition 2010, ISBN 978-80-8078-299-3
6. Mishkin, F.S. (2011) Financial Markets and Institutions (7th Edition) (The Prentice Hall Series in Finance), ISBN 978-0-73-213683-9
7. Pastoráková , E. (2008) Aktuálne otázky výučby poisťovníctva I. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2008. ISBN 978-80-225-2594-7
8. Rosen, H. S.; Gayer, T. (2010.) Public Finance Ninth Edition, International Edition 2010, ISBN 978-007-126788-5
9. SIVÁK, R: a kol. (2007) Verejné financie. Bratislava : Iura Edition, 2007. ISBN 978-80-8078-094-4
10. Smith, A. (2008) Pojednání o podstatě a původu a BOHATSTVÍ NÁRODŮ. Nové,přepracované vydání opatřené margináliemi. Liberální institut, Spálená 51, Praha.
11. Vaughan Emmett, J. – Vaughan T. (2008) Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, 2008. ISBN-13 978-0-470-08753-4
12. Zweifel, P. (2012) Eisen Roland: Insurance Economics. Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, 2012. ISBN 978-3-642-20547-7
13. Aktuálne vedecké a odborné články zaoberajúce sa súčasnými problémami z oblasti financií, bankovníctva a meny.

Requirements to complete the course

individual work, mid – term tests
written exam
1. individual work at seminars 10 %
2. mid – term tests at seminars 20 %
3. final written exam 70 %

Student workload

Full time: totally 6 x 26 = 156, namely:
Participation in lectures - 26 h.
Participation in seminars - 26 h.
Preparation for seminars - 20 h.
Preparation for mid – term test - 25 h.
Preparation for the exam - 59 h.

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 06.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 24.01.2022