doc. Ing. Eva Pongrácz, PhD.

Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Finance

Department: Department of Social Development and Labour

Position: Associate Professor



Current and previous employment

University teacher - assistant professor, associate professor
University of Economics Bratislava
assistent professor 2007 - 2022, associate professor 2022 - present

Finance manager
Stavebná sporiteľňa Wüstenrot, a.s., Wüstenrot poisťovňa, a.s.
2003 - 2004

Team leader and Head of department
Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s.
1999 - 2002

Bank clerk
Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s.
1991 - 1998

Drobný tovar, š. p.
1989 - 1991

Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills

Social innovations - People-to-People Central Europe, UK Study Visit- UK, Glasgow, Edinbrugh
British Council

Training + job shadowing „Development of a Train the Trainers in employment services“
EPIC Australia

Lektorský kurz „Simulátor pracovných pohovorov“/Lecturer course "Simulator of job interviews"
EPIC Slovakia

Školenie „Statistické metody v analýze dat“/Training "Statistical methods in data analysis"
ACREA Centrum výuky

Course "Qualitative Research Methods"
University of Amsterdam, Niederland

Course "Qualitative Research Design"
Emory University, USA

Number of defended theses

Bachelor's (first degree): 35

Diploma (second degree): 32

Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 15

Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 25

Number of invited lectures at the international, national level: 8

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

PONGRÁCZ, Eva - POLÁČKOVÁ, Hana - NOVÁKOVÁ, Michaela - POLONYOVÁ, Simona - HUDECOVÁ, Mariana. Innovation in Planning Homelessness Resolution Services – Implementing a "Housing First" Approach in Slovakia. In Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. - Dordrecht. ISSN 1566-4910, 2021, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. [1-19] online. VEGA 1/0367/17, VEGA 1/0851/21. Dostupné na : .

POLONYOVÁ, Simona - PONGRÁCZ, Eva. Social Entrepreneurship Education Providers – Slovak Case. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Social Enterprise Journal. - Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing. ISSN 1750-8614, 2021, vol., no., pp. [1-17] online. VEGA 1/0851/21.

PONGRÁCZ, Eva. Spoločenská zodpovednosť a sociálna ekonomika. Recenzenti: Jana Štofková, Vojtěch Krebs. 1. vydanie. Praha : Agentúra Fáma, 2021. 97 s. [3,48 AH]. VEGA 1/0851/2021, COST CA16206, VEGA 1/0367/17, VEGA 1/0112/13. ISBN 978-80-904926-7-7.

Development of Educational Activities and Counseling in Social Agriculture in Slovakia: Initial Experience and Future Prospects / Eva Pongrácz, Simona Polonyová, Hana Poláčková. - VEGA 1/0851/21. In: European Countryside [elektronický zdroj] : The Journal of Mendel University in Brno. - Varšava : Sciendo. - ISSN 1803-8417. - Vol. 15, no. 2 (2023), pp. 186-201.

PONGRÁCZ, Eva. Sociálna ekonomika. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2011. 156 s. [6,891 AH]. ISBN 978-80-225-3291-4.

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

PONGRÁCZ, Eva - POLÁČKOVÁ, Hana - NOVÁKOVÁ, Michaela - POLONYOVÁ, Simona - HUDECOVÁ, Mariana. Innovation in Planning Homelessness Resolution Services – Implementing a "Housing First" Approach in Slovakia. In Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. - Dordrecht. ISSN 1566-4910, 2021, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. [1-19] online. VEGA 1/0367/17, VEGA 1/0851/21. 

POLONYOVÁ, Simona - PONGRÁCZ, Eva. Social Entrepreneurship Education Providers – Slovak Case. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Social Enterprise Journal. - Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing. ISSN 1750-8614, 2021, vol., no., pp. [1-17] online. VEGA 1/0851/21.

PONGRÁCZ, Eva. Spoločenská zodpovednosť a sociálna ekonomika. Recenzenti: Jana Štofková, Vojtěch Krebs. 1. vydanie. Praha : Agentúra Fáma, 2021. 97 s. [3,48 AH]. VEGA 1/0851/2021, COST CA16206, VEGA 1/0367/17, VEGA 1/0112/13. ISBN 978-80-904926-7-7.

Development of Educational Activities and Counseling in Social Agriculture in Slovakia: Initial Experience and Future Prospects / Eva Pongrácz, Simona Polonyová, Hana Poláčková. - VEGA 1/0851/21. In: European Countryside [elektronický zdroj] : The Journal of Mendel University in Brno. - Varšava : Sciendo. - ISSN 1803-8417. - Vol. 15, no. 2 (2023), pp. 186-201.

LACKO-BARTOŠOVÁ, Magdaléna - MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Danka - CHRENEKOVÁ, Marcela - PONGRÁCZ, Eva - GUĽOVÁ, Hedviga. Základy sociálneho poľnohospodárstva. Recenzenti: Jan Moudrý, Patrik Rovný. 1. vydanie. Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre, 2021. 89 s. [6,65 AH]. VEGA 1/0650/20, EHP 2014-2021. ISBN 978-80-552-2349-0.

The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

2020 - 2022 zástupca zodpovedného riešiteľa projektu INTERREG „Social Entrepreneurship Education and Development Hub - SEED Hub" / Deputy lead of the project INTERREG "Social Entrepreneurship Education and Development Hub - SEED Hub" Cieľom projektu SEED-Hub je poskytovať podporu subjektom sociálnej ekonomiky v dotknutých regiónoch v Slovenskej republike a Rakúsku: transfer know-how, vzdelávanie a sieťovanie. / The aim of the SEED-Hub project is to provide support to social economy entities in the affected regions in the Slovak Republic and Austria: know-how transfer, education and networking.

2017 - 2021 člen Riadiaceho výboru projektu COST Action CA16206 " Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars" / Member of Management Committee of project COST Action CA16206 " Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars" Hlavným cieľom projektu je prekonať existujúce znalosti a geografickú roztrieštenosť v oblasti sociálnych podnikov (SE) a posilniť postavenie ďalšej generácie vedcov z oblasti SE a zároveň vytvoriť politiku založenú na dôkazoch a interakciu so zainteresovanými stranami. / The main aim of project is to overcome existing knowledge and geographic fragmentation regarding social enterprises (SE) and empowering the next generation of SE scholars while foresting evidence-based policy and interaction with stakeholders.

2021 - 2024 zodpovedný riešiteľ projektu č. 1/0851/21 VEGA „Sociálna ekonomika ako moderný nástroj budovania inkluzívnej spoločnosti v kontexte globálnych zmien a výziev Agendy OSN 2030 pre udržateľný rozvoj. / 2021-2024 lead researcher of the VEGA project no. 1/0851/21: The social economy as a modern tool for building an inclusive society in the context of global change and the challenges of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Projekt sa zameriva na rôzne aspekty sociálnej ekonomiky a sociálneho podnikania v kontexte naplňania cieľov Agenda udržateľného rozvoja 2030 OSN. / The project focuses on the aspects of the social economy and of the social entrepreneurship in the context of the Agenda 2030 OSN.

2017-2020 zodpovedný riešiteľ projektu VEGA č. 1/0367/17: Ekonomické, legislatívne a inštitucionálne predpoklady a perspektívy rozvoja sociálnej a solidárnej ekonomiky v krajinách V4 vo väzbe na podporu sociálnej inklúzie/2017-2020 lead researcher of the VEGA project no. 1/0367/17: Economic, legislative and institutional preconditions and perspectives of development of social and solidarity economy in V4 countries in connection with support of social inclusion. Projekt sa zameriava na identifikáciu súčasného stavu a perspektívy rozvoja sektora sociálnej ekonomiky s akcentom na sociálne podnikanie v podmienkach krajín V4/The project focuses on identifying the current state and prospects for the development of the social economy sector with an emphasis on social entrepreneurship in the conditions of the V4 countries.

2018-2019 spoluriešiteľ projektu organizácie UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office „People to People Central Europe“ – „People to People Slovakia – sociálne inovácie“ /2018-2019 researchef of the project of UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office „People to People Central Europe“ – „People to People Slovakia – social inovations“ SR. Projekt sa zameriaval na analýzu sektora sociálnej ekonomiky vo Veľkej Británii s akcentom na príklady úspešne fungujúcich subjektov a na transformáciu poznatkov v slovenských podmienkach./The project focused on the analysis of the social economy sector in the United Kingdom with an emphasis on examples of successfully operating entities and on the transformation of knowledge in Slovak conditions.

2021 - súčasnosť, Country Team Leader Slovakia v rámci projektu SHARE ERIC - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe / 2021 - present, Country Team Leader Slovakia within the project SHARE ERIC - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe

SHARE - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe je výskumná infraštruktúra na skúmanie účinkov zdravotných, sociálnych, hospodárskych a environmentálnych politík v priebehu života európskych občanov. / SHARE - Survey of Health, Ageing

and Retirement in Europe is a research infrastructure to investigate the effects of health, social, economic and environmental policies over the life course of European citizens.

Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

2020 - 2022 zástupca zodpovedného riešiteľa projektu INTERREG „Social Entrepreneurship Education and Development Hub - SEED Hub" / Deputy lead of the project INTERREG "Social Entrepreneurship Education and Development Hub - SEED Hub" Cieľom projektu SEED-Hub je poskytovať podporu subjektom sociálnej ekonomiky v dotknutých regiónoch v Slovenskej republike a Rakúsku: transfer know-how, vzdelávanie a sieťovanie. / The aim of the SEED-Hub project is to provide support to social economy entities in the affected regions in the Slovak Republic and Austria: know-how transfer, education and networking.

2017 - 2021 člen Riadiaceho výboru projektu COST Action CA16206 " Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars" / Member of Management Committee of project COST Action CA16206 " Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars" Hlavným cieľom projektu je prekonať existujúce znalosti a geografickú roztrieštenosť v oblasti sociálnych podnikov (SE) a posilniť postavenie ďalšej generácie vedcov z oblasti SE a zároveň vytvoriť politiku založenú na dôkazoch a interakciu so zainteresovanými stranami. / The main aim of project is to overcome existing knowledge and geographic fragmentation regarding social enterprises (SE) and empowering the next generation of SE scholars while foresting evidence-based policy and interaction with stakeholders.

2021 - 2024 zodpovedný riešiteľ projektu č. 1/0851/21 VEGA „Sociálna ekonomika ako moderný nástroj budovania inkluzívnej spoločnosti v kontexte globálnych zmien a výziev Agendy OSN 2030 pre udržateľný rozvoj. / 2021-2024 lead researcher of the VEGA project no. 1/0851/21: The social economy as a modern tool for building an inclusive society in the context of global change and the challenges of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Projekt sa zameriva na rôzne aspekty sociálnej ekonomiky a sociálneho podnikania v kontexte naplňania cieľov Agenda udržateľného rozvoja 2030 OSN. / The project focuses on the aspects of the social economy and of the social entrepreneurship in the context of the Agenda 2030 OSN.

2017-2020 zodpovedný riešiteľ projektu VEGA č. 1/0367/17: Ekonomické, legislatívne a inštitucionálne predpoklady a perspektívy rozvoja sociálnej a solidárnej ekonomiky v krajinách V4 vo väzbe na podporu sociálnej inklúzie/2017-2020 lead researcher of the VEGA project no. 1/0367/17: Economic, legislative and institutional preconditions and perspectives of development of social and solidarity economy in V4 countries in connection with support of social inclusion. Projekt sa zameriava na identifikáciu súčasného stavu a perspektívy rozvoja sektora sociálnej ekonomiky s akcentom na sociálne podnikanie v podmienkach krajín V4/The project focuses on identifying the current state and prospects for the development of the social economy sector with an emphasis on social entrepreneurship in the conditions of the V4 countries.

2018-2019 spoluriešiteľ projektu organizácie UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office „People to People Central Europe“ – „People to People Slovakia – sociálne inovácie“ /2018-2019 researchef of the project of UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office „People to People Central Europe“ – „People to People Slovakia – social inovations“ SR. Projekt sa zameriaval na analýzu sektora sociálnej ekonomiky vo Veľkej Británii s akcentom na príklady úspešne fungujúcich subjektov a na transformáciu poznatkov v slovenských podmienkach./The project focused on the analysis of the social economy sector in the United Kingdom with an emphasis on examples of successfully operating entities and on the transformation of knowledge in Slovak conditions.

2021 - súčasnosť, Country Team Leader Slovakia v rámci projektu SHARE ERIC - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe / 2021 - present, Country Team Leader Slovakia within the project SHARE ERIC - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe

SHARE - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe je výskumná infraštruktúra na skúmanie účinkov zdravotných, sociálnych, hospodárskych a environmentálnych politík v priebehu života európskych občanov. / SHARE - Survey of Health, Ageing

and Retirement in Europe is a research infrastructure to investigate the effects of health, social, economic and environmental policies over the life course of European citizens.

Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities

Member of the Scientific Council
Faculty of Economics, EU in Bratislava
2019 - present

Member - expert of the Advisory Working Group IA of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Slovak Republic of the National Program "Institute of Social Economy"
IA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Slovak Republic
2020 - present

Member of the working group of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and the Family of the Slovak Republic on the drafting of the legislation on social economy and social entrepreneurship
Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic
2016 - 2018

Professional guarantor of the educational program "Counseling for young people in the field of employment - training of youth workers
accreditation: Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
2017 - 2022

Guarantor of the lifelong learning course "Municipal Social Entrepreneurship"
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
2016 - 2021

Member of the Working Group on Employment, Active Labour Market Policy, Youth Guarantees and Social Economy of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic
2021 - present

Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study

Corvinus University Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
6. 10. 2008 - 18. 10. 2008,
intergovernmental bilateral agreement
Corvinus University Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
14. 6. 2010 - 23. 6. 2010,
intergovernmental bilateral agreement
UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK
3. 3. 2019 - 8. 3. 2019,
project cooperation
EPIC Austrália, Austrália
17. 7. 2017 - 1. 8. 2017,
project cooperation