Human Resource Development and Personnel Management


Included in study programs

Teaching results

After this course, students will acquire the professional competencies in the field of personnel management and human resource management, they will learn to respect their principles and laws at all levels of society. They will also deepen their skills in the areas of management, leadership and coaching of organizations, self-organization and individual development.
They will acquire the following professional competencies:
1. Will have an overview of theory of the personnel management and the human resources management and will be able to accurately use their categorical apparatus.
2. Will be able to perceive the organization as a system with its own manifestations and rules that need to be respected.
3. Will gain the ability to gain a deeper understanding of organizational culture, its impact on organizational development and change its quality.
4. Will gain the ability to shape the internal environment of the organization in intentions of the learning organization, the knowledge organization and the creative organization.
5. Will acquire basic and higher communication skills.
6. Will be able to apply the main motivation principles to the motivation system of organization.
7. Will manifest themselves in the work environment as leaders.
8. Will have the ability to coach in both professional and private life.
9. Will be able to create an evaluation system in organization.
10. Will have the professional competencies in self management.
11. Will be able to apply principles of the strategic management and the management of change directly in their work.
12. They will be able to prepare a project and manage it.
They will increase the following knowledge:
1. They will have an overview of the problems of theory in the field of personnel management and human resources management.
2. They will gain information about the functioning of the organization and its main components.
3. They will realize the importance of organizational culture and its role in achieving the progress of organization.
4. They will gain an overview of new forms of organization, which are the learning organization, the knowledge organization, the creative organization.
5. They will be able to apply the main principles of motivation in practice.
6. They will differentiate basic manifestations of management and leadership.
7. They will gain knowledge about coaching and its importance in professional and private life.
8. They will deeper perceive understanding of evaluation and its importance in achieving higher organizational performance.
9. They will gain an overview in processes of employment of people.
10. They will know the main principles of the strategic management and the change management.
11. They will be informed about the rules of writing a project.
They will gain the following skills:

1. They will increase their social skills in the field of the active listening, receiving and giving feedback, negotiation, leadership and coaching.
2. They will gain experience in problem solving, strategic analysis, change management and the creation of system of motivation and evaluation.
3. They will gain basic skills in writing projects.

Indicative content

The aim of the course is for students to acquire professional competencies in the field of personnel management as well as human resources management and to learn to respect their main principles and laws at all levels of society. Also, to deepen their skills in the field of self-organization and individual development as well as in achieving the progress of organizations.
Students will gain the skills needed for managers, executives as well as human resources experts. The individual professional competencies of this course are formed into roles, which are:
1. The role of personnel manager and human resources manager
Identification of personnel management and human resources management. Understanding their differences on a theoretical as well as a practical level.
2. The role of the manager.
Aimed at understanding the various components of the organization, which are: values, goals, structure, climate and environment. This role also includes knowledge of organizational culture and its typology.
3. The role of the rhetoric.
It represents basic interpersonal skills focused on the attributes of communication, verbal and nonverbal communication, active listening, feedback, effective and assertive communication.
4. The role of the negotiator.
It represents higher interpersonal abilities, which include negotiation, influencing, negotiation and its regularity.
5. The role of leader.
Differences in management of leader and manager. Conflict resolution in the workplace, characteristics of the social group and work team, stages of group development (chaotic stage, formal stage and developed stage).
6. The role of a coach.
Perception of coaching as a higher form of leadership. Coaching functions (counseling, mentoring, tutoring and confronting), coaching methods. Problem solving through coaching. Coaching yourself and others.

7. Human resource developer.
Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of personality. Positive acceptance of yourself and others. Knowledge of your own leadership style, its advantages and disadvantages. Effective time management and organization. Analysis of the potential of others. Identification of training needs for personal development.
8. The role of the motivator.
Selected theories of motivation. Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Alderfer's theory of needs, Herzberg's theory of needs, Expectation theory, McGregor's theory. Increasing motivation through project design.
9. The role of the evaluator.
Evaluation as a process. Evaluation criteria. Subjects, methods, principles of evaluation. Methods of work evaluation and assessment. Remuneration components. Employee benefits.

10. The role of strategist
Fundamentals of strategic management. The environment of the organization and its evaluation. Application of SWOT and STEEP analysis.
11. The role of the actor of change.
Perception of change, typology of changes. Elimination of resistance to change. Managing change through 5 steps: analysis of the forces leading to change, diagnosis of the problem, identification of methods of change, strategy of change, implementation and evaluation.

12. The role of the project manager.
Project and its form. Project life cycle stages. Project leader and his professional competencies. Logical framework of the project. Methods and forms of the project evaluation.
During the seminars, students solve practical tasks in which new methods of education are applied, such as case studies, role-playing, problem-solving exercises and they will gain basic skills in writing projects.

Support literature

1. ANTALOVÁ, M. 2004. Trh práce a manažment ľudských zdrojov. Semináre a cvičenia. Bratislava: Ekonóm, 2004. ISBN 80-225-1954-5.
2. ANTALOVÁ, M. 2011. Ľudské zdroje a personálny manažment. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, ISBN 978-80-225-3234-1.
3. ANTALOVÁ, M., CHINORACKÁ, A., PŘÍVARA, A. 2013. Ľudské zdroje a personálny manažment. Vysokoškolská učebnica. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM. ISBN 978-80-225-3742-1.
4. VOJTILOVÁ, Veronika. 2023. Rozvoj ľudských zdrojov prostredníctvom koučingu. Mladá Veda, 11.2: 208-215.
5. STACHOVÁ, Katarína - STACHO, Zdenko. 2023. Manažment ľudských zdrojov. Trnava: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda Trnava.
6. Koubek, J. 2001. Řízení lidských zdrojů. Základy moderní personalistiky. Praha: Manažment Press. ISBN 80-7261-033-3

Requirements to complete the course

Activity during seminars: 10 %
Middle test: 10 %
Semester work: 10 %
Final test: 70 %

Student workload

Total student load: 156
Attendance at lectures: 26 hours
Participation in seminars: 26 hours
Preparation for seminars: 13 hours
Preparation of seminar work: 13 hours
Preparation for the middle test: 26 hours
Exam preparation: 52 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 07.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 15.11.2023