Economics and Labour Market Policy


Included in study programs

Teaching results

By completing the course, students will gain an overview of basic theoretical approaches, gain knowledge and understand the mechanism of functioning and management of the labor market, in the field of employment, unemployment, economic model of labor supply and demand. They will get acquainted with the situation, basic approaches to solving problems in the national and global labour market in the context of employment policies. Students will know the legislative and institutional framework of the functioning of the labour market. They will gain knowledge in the field of wage policy, employment policy, labor market policy tools.
Knowledge and understanding:
- acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the areas of labour market, employment and unemployment
- to obtain information about current processes and changes in the labor market as a result of socio-economic changes in society
- to acquire knowledge in the field of employment policy and labor market policies, their management and implementation
- apply the acquired knowledge in solving specific situations
- orientation in legislation, theories, concepts and strategic documents related to labour market issues at the national and EU level
- analyse, compare and evaluate the situation on the labour market, the models of the labour markets functioning, active and passive labour market policies, the effects on the situation on the labour markets and the links of the system in the context of economic development.
- to improve skills in creating a theoretical and methodological framework and implementation of primary and secondary analyzes of labor market policy issues
- analyze and professionally process theoretical and practical issues of the functioning of national and transnational labor markets in terms of financial and institutional
- apply the acquired knowledge in solving specific situations
- ability to competently prepare a presentation using modern means of communication, cultivated and constructively lead the discussion on current issues and problems in the field of labour market, employment, unemployment, evaluating the effectiveness of employment policy instruments
- fully understand the links and connections of basic socio-economic phenomena and processes, their interconnections in relation to employment policy and labour market policy
- combine knowledge and skills in economics and labour market policy using other related social science disciplines
- understand the tools of active labour market measures aimed at individual categories of applicants and assess their effectiveness
- use specific and core competencies for the needs of socio-economic practice, with an emphasis on the labor market and employment policy
- professionally argue and communicate the opinion

Indicative content

1. The role and functioning of the labour market in the economy
2. The processes and forces shaping the labour market
3. Economic model of the labour market
4. Labour market changes in the process of globalisation
5. The influence of the state and trade unions on the functioning of the labour market
6. Factors influencing the situation on the labour market with an emphasis on the economic and demographic factor
7. Price of labour, the structure of price of labour
8. Employment and unemployment, measurement methodologies, evaluation indicators
9. Determination of wages on the labour market, the minimum wage
10. Employment policy as a part of the state economic policy, goals, programs
11. Employment policy instruments, macroeconomic and regional level
12. Labor market policy, implementation and management, active and passive instruments of labor market policy in link to supply and demand for work

Support literature

Rievajová, E. a kolektív: Trh práce a politika zamestnanosti. Bratislava: Ekonóm 2016
Rievajová, E. a kolektív: Súčasnosť a nové výzvy na trhu práce v meniacich sa sociálno-ekonomických podmienkach. Bratislava: Ekonóm 2018
Wilkinson, A., Wood, G., Deeg, R.: The Oxford Handbook of Employment Relations.
Comparative Employment Systems. 2014.
Brožová, D.: Kapitoly z moderní ekonómie trhu práce. Praha: Vydavatelství C. H. Beck 2019
Borjas, George J. Labor Economics. 6th Edition, International Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irvin, 2013, 576 s. ISBN 978-007-132620-9.
Zákon o službách zamestnanosti

Requirements to complete the course

Individual work, written test, semester work, written examination
Active participation in exercises – 5%
Elaboration of professional semester work – 10%
Semester written test – 15%
Final written exam – 70%

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 07.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 28.10.2021