Social Protection and Social Inclusion


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Within the course, students will get acquainted with the role, functioning and managing of the social protection system in Slovakia. They will gain practical experience in dealing with a specific life event and will be able to explain the validity of the process of social inclusion. Completion of the course will stimulate critical thinking of students in the subject area.
After completing the course student should be able to:
- apply the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of social protection support,
- critically analyze the current state of social protection and social inclusion,
- be familiar with the causes and effects of aid,
- identify new socio-economic risks and their capture by the system,
- know the institutional framework of social protection in Slovakia in connection with managment of support to individuals,
- synthesize the role of the State, the role of the market and the role of individuals in dealing with an unfavorable life situation,
- apply knowledge in specific situations and their creative solution,
- understand socio-economic phenomena and their impact on social protection and social inclusion,
- gain knowledge about the dynamics of global problems in the researched issue.
- obtain, analyze and professionally process data relevant to the given issue,
- critically evaluate the process of increasing social protection spending and reflect on the consequences,
- work in a team and intuitively assess the objective and subjective causes of life situations,
- orientate in the theories, legislation, concepts and strategic documents related to the issue
- the ability to direct the citizen to the subject of assistance in his or her unfavorable life situation,
- responsibly manage the social protection system towards fulfilling social inclusion,
- propose changes, corrections to the current social protection system,
- discuss current problems of social protection and social inclusion and their possible solutions,
- identify the responsibilities of selected institutions according to their competencies in the field of interest.

Indicative content

Within the course, students will get to know with the system of social protection in Slovakia, which is an important part of public policy. We will focus on selected areas of social protection, on assistance tools at all levels of management, as well as on subjects providing assistance in adverse life situations. The course will result in the concept of social inclusion as one of the prerequisites for reducing inequalities in society.
The role of the state in tackling market failures. Social protection and public policy.
Social protection financial instruments and target groups for assistance.
Areas of social protection support and ich managment on the national and local level.
Rescue social network - meaning and function.
Minimum income quantities and their use in Slovakia.
Poverty and social exclusion - manifestations, consequences and possible solutions.
Social protection focused on the family (social work with the family, social and legal protection of children and youth ...).
Crisis intervention social services.
Managment of Volunteer activities in the process of social work.
Population ageing in relation to the need for long-term care. Protection of people's health in an unfavorable social situation.
Social work in connection with the activities of direct and subsequent health care providers. Helpline, medical rescue system.
Concept of social inclusion and its implementation in the conditions of the Slovak Republic and in the EU. Tools for social inclusion.

Support literature

Sika, P. a kol.: Sociálna politika. Bratislava: Vyd. EKONÓM, 2018. 355 s. ISBN 978-80-225-4544-0
Rievajová, E. a kol.: Sociálne zabezpečenie. Bratislava: Vyd. EKONÓM, 2017. 313 s.ISBN 978-80-225-4381-1.
Pechová, M. Stanek, V: Zdravotná politika. Bratislava: Vyd. EKONÓM, 2010.
Nováková, M.: Zdravie a zdravotná starostlivosť v socioekonomických súvislostiach, Bratislava: Vyd. EKONÓM, 2014. 88 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3850-3
Husáková, M.: Sociálna práca. Bratislava: Vyd. EKONÓM, 2014. 177 s. . ISBN 978-80-225-3851-0
Bednárik, R.: Stav sociálnej ochrany na Slovensku (stav k 1.7.2019). Bratislava: Inštitút pre výskum práce a rodiny, 2019. Dostupné na internete:
EK: Social Protection Committee Anual Report 2018. Review of the social protection performance monitor and developments in social protection policies. 644 s. ISBN 978-92-79-93285-4
Systémy sociálnej ochrany MISSOC:
Legislatívne normy

Requirements to complete the course

Completion of the course is conditioned by continuous assessment at seminars (40%: final semester test - 25%, active participation in seminars - 5%, semester work - 10%) and successful completion of a written final exam, which represents 60% of the final grade.

Student workload

Attendance at lectures: 26 h
Participation in seminars: 26 h
Preparation for seminars: 39 h
Preparation for the exam: 65 h

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 07.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 10.11.2023