Corporate Social Responsibility
- Credits: 3
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 0P + 2C
- Semester: winter
- Year: 3
- Faculty of Business Economics with seat in Košice
Included in study programs
Teaching results
• on ethics, responsibility in business, stakeholders and their interests and the search for amicable CSR solutions
• on legal, social, cultural and other aspects of socially responsible business
• equality of employees in terms of gender, race and religion.
• prepare relevant documents for the application of social responsibility in the company
• apply the principles of social responsibility
• discuss corporate social responsibility issues
• ability to define a socially responsible company
• the ability to collect and interpret data related to this issue
• ability to recognize manifestations of social responsibility
• the ability to make effective decisions in the field of corporate social responsibility
Indicative content
1. Defining the CSR.
2. Principles of the CSR.
3. Stakeholders in relation to the CSR.
4. Sustainability of businesses.
5. Performance evaluation and demonstration of results.
6. Ethics and social responsibility.
7. Globalization and social responsibility.
8. Corporate social responsibility and corporate citizenship.
9. CSR and business strategy.
10. CSR and leadership.
11. CSR and employee motivation.
12. Linking the main areas of the CSR and achieving the competitiveness of enterprises.
13. Changes in the understanding of social responsibility.
Support literature
Elementary literature:
1. SEKNIČKA, P. – PUTNOVÁ, A. 2016. Etika v podnikání a hodnoty trhu. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2016. 200 s. ISBN 978-80-247-5545-8.
2. KOZÁKOVÁ, J. 2021. Spoločenská zodpovednosť v podnikaní nadnárodných spoločností na Slovensku. Nitra: Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre, Fakulta ekonomiky a manažmentu, 2021. 262 s. ISBN 978-80-552-2409-1.
3. KAŠPAROVÁ, K. – KUNZ, V. 2013. Moderní přístupy ke společenské odpovědnosti firem a CSR reportování. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2013. 160 s. ISBN 978-80-247-4480-3.
4. KULDOVÁ, L. 2010. Společenská odpovědnosť firem – etické podnikání a sociální odpovědnost v praxi. Praha: OPS, 2010. 193 s. ISBN 978-80- 87269-12-1.
5. STN EN ISO 26000: 2011 Usmernenie k spoločenskej zodpovednosti.
Supplementary literature:
6. MOON, J. 2014. Corporate Social Responsibility: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2014. 180 s. ISBN 0199671818.
7. STIERL, M. 2013. Corporate Social Responsibility. Springer Berlín, 2013. ISBN: 0415683254.
8. CROWTHER, D. – GÜLER, A. 2008. Corporate Social Responsibility. Ventus Publishing ApS, 2008. 144 s. ISBN 978-87-7681-415-1.
9. GECHEVSKI, D. et al. 2016. Corporate Social Responsibility Based on EFQM Framework. In International Journal of Engineering Tome. 2016, roč. XIV., č. 1, s. 115-120. ISSN 1584-2665.
Seminars: 1. Defining the CSR. 2. Principles of the CSR. 3. Stakeholders in relation to the CSR. 4. Sustainability of businesses. 5. Performance evaluation and demonstration of results. 6. Ethics and social responsibility. 7. Globalization and social responsibility. 8. Corporate social responsibility and corporate citizenship. 9. CSR and business strategy. 10. CSR and leadership. 11. CSR and employee motivation. 12. Linking the main areas of the CSR and achieving the competitiveness of enterprises. 13. Changes in the understanding of social responsibility.
Requirements to complete the course
semester work, semester test
combined exam
• elaboration and presentation of semester work - 15%
• result of the semester test – 15 %
• activity in exercises / seminars – 10 %
• final written test and oral exam – 60 %
Student workload
• participation in seminars = 26 hrs.
• preparation for active forms of teaching = 10 hrs.
• elaboration of the semester work = 10 hrs.
• preparation for the semester test = 10 hrs.
• preparation for the final written test and oral exam = 22 hrs.
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 17.08.2023
Date of the latest change: 19.12.2022