

Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the course is to provide students a theoretical basis in the field of macroeconomics with a link to practical examples of calculation of individual macroeconomic indicators. It is necessary to work with actual statistical data in this field and to monitor actual trends in the development of individual macroeconomic indicators in Slovakia.
acquisition of knowledge in the field of basic economic theories, macroeconomic balance, economic growth and cyclical development
knowledge of consumption, savings, investment, money, economic performance measurement
knowledge related to solution of the problem of inflation and unemployment
search for current statistical data within the content of the course
calculate basic macroeconomic indicators
interpret the results achieved
draw curves, shifts of curves
express and present attitudes and opinions in solving macroeconomic problems
competence to think abstractly, analytically and economically, especially through the connection of theoretical knowledge with practical examples
competence to systematize knowledge in relation to other subjects in the field of economic policy and international trade.
competence to take own macroeconomic positions and assessments
competence to search, process, analyze and evaluate information on macroeconomic developments from various sources and apply the conclusions in practical situations

Indicative content

1. Theoretical basis of current macroeconomics.
2. Aggregate demand, aggregate supply, macroeconomic equilibrium.
3. Measuring the performance of the economy.
4. Consumption, savings, investments.
5. Economic growth.
6. Economic cycle and economic stabilization.
7. Money and the money market.
8. Inflation.
9. Unemployment.
10. Economic theory and economic policy.
11. Basic problems of budgetary policy.
12. Basic problems of monetary policy.
13. International trade, international economic integration and globalization.
1. Aggregate demand, aggregate supply, macroeconomic equilibrium - quantitative and graphical tasks.
2. Measuring the performance of the economy - quantitative tasks, work with current data.
3. Consumption, savings, investments - quantitative and graphical tasks, work with current data.
4. Economic growth - quantitative tasks, work with current data.
5. Economic cycle and economic stabilization - quantitative and graphical tasks.
6. Money and the money market - quantitative and graphical tasks.
7. Inflation - quantitative and graphical tasks, work with current data.
8. Unemployment - quantitative and graphical tasks, work with current data.
9. Economic theory and economic policy - quantitative and graphical tasks, work with current data and information.
10. Basic problems of budgetary policy - graphic tasks.
11. Basic problems of monetary policy - graphic tasks.
12. International trade, international economic integration and globalization - quantitative and graphical tasks, work with current data.
13. Presentation of semestral works.

Support literature

Elementary literature:
1. MUCHOVÁ, E. a kol. Základy ekonómie, Bratislava: Wolters Kluwner, a.s. 2021.
2. JUREČKA, V. Makroekonomie. Praha: Grada. 2017
3. LISÝ, J. a kol.: Ekonómia. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, a.s., 2016.
4. HOLMAN, R.: Základy ekonomie. Praha: C.H.Beck. 2015
5. MANKIW, G. N.: Macroeconomics, 10th International Edition, MacMillan Publishers New York 2019.
6. SCHILLER, B. – GEBHARDT, K. : The Macro Economy Today. 15th Edition, Kindle Edition. 2019.
7. CASE, K. E. - FAIR, R. C. - OSTER, S. E.: Principles of Macroeconomics, Pearson Education Limited, 2019
8. KRUGMAN, P.: Macroeconomics. USA: Worth Publishers Inc.,U.S. 2018
9. BLANCHARD, O. et al.: Marcoeconomics. A European Perspective. Pearson Education, 2011.
10. BURDA, M. – WYPLOSZ, Ch.: Macroeconomics. A European Text. Oxford University Press 2010.
Supplementary literature:
11. ROZBORILOVÁ, D. a kol.: Ekonómia praktikum. Ekonomická teória 2. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, a.s., 2018.
12. LISÝ, J. - ČAPLANOVÁ, A. – VONGREJ, M.: Dejiny ekonomických teórií. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, a.s., 2018.
13. DUJAVA,. D: Ekonomické krízy a ekonomická veda. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, a.s., 2016.
14. LISÝ, J. a kol.: Makroekonomická rovnováha a nerovnováha - teoretické a praktické problémy. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, a.s., 2013.
15. LIPOVSKÁ, H.: Moderní ekonomie. Praha: Grada, 2017
16. SPĚVÁČEK, V. a kol.: Makroekonomická analýza - teorie a praxe. Praha: Grada. 2016


Lectures: 1. Theoretical basis of current macroeconomics. 2. Aggregate demand, aggregate supply, macroeconomic equilibrium. 3. Measuring the performance of the economy. 4. Consumption, savings, investments. 5. Economic growth. 6. Economic cycle and economic stabilization. 7. Money and the money market. 8. Inflation. 9. Unemployment. 10. Economic theory and economic policy. 11. Basic problems of budgetary policy. 12. Basic problems of monetary policy. 13. International trade, international economic integration and globalization. Seminars: 1. Aggregate demand, aggregate supply, macroeconomic equilibrium - quantitative and graphical tasks. 2. Measuring the performance of the economy - quantitative tasks, work with current data. 3. Consumption, savings, investments - quantitative and graphical tasks, work with current data. 4. Economic growth - quantitative tasks, work with current data. 5. Economic cycle and economic stabilization - quantitative and graphical tasks. 6. Money and the money market - quantitative and graphical tasks. 7. Inflation - quantitative and graphical tasks, work with current data. 8. Unemployment - quantitative and graphical tasks, work with current data. 9. Economic theory and economic policy - quantitative and graphical tasks, work with current data and information. 10. Basic problems of budgetary policy - graphic tasks. 11. Basic problems of monetary policy - graphic tasks. 12. International trade, international economic integration and globalization - quantitative and graphical tasks, work with current data. 13. Presentation of semestral works.

Requirements to complete the course

Continuous assessment – total of 40%, of which:
results of semester test 1 (theoretical questions, quantitative and graphical tasks) – 15%
results of semester test 2 (theoretical questions, quantitative and graphical tasks) – 15%
semestral work – 10%
Final assessment: 60%
Exam – total 60%

Student workload

Attendance at lectures: 26 hours
Attendance at seminars: 26 hours
Preparation of semester work: 26 hours
Preparation for semester tests: 26 hours
Preparation for the exam: 52 hours
Total: 182 hrs.

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 06.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 25.01.2022