Technique in Tourism (in English)
- Credits: 6
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 4C
- Semester: winter
- Year: 2
- Faculty of Commerce
Included in study programs
Teaching results
The aim of the study of this course is to acquire knowledge, competences and skills for the
successful creation of tourism products not only in the form of a separate service, but in the form
of a set of services package. The course focuses on the processing of a comprehensive supply.
The student will gain knowledge in the area of calculation of accommodation and other services
into the final price of tourism product. They will be able recognize type of contracted price of travel
agency (guarantee - commitment or allotment). Students will be able to analyse the possibilities of
combining different types and prices of transport – maritime, air, rail, and road. They will expand
their knowledge by calculating allowances in case studies using a tour catalogue. They identify the
use of mobile applications in security, operation and payment for these modes of transport.
The student will be able to synthesize and then apply theoretical knowledge related to the
preparation of an offer for the customer not only in the form of a separate service, but in the form
of a set of services package. Based on the acquired knowledge, he will be able to systematically
use current professional knowledge and present his skills in order to design the most appropriate
combination of services implemented on a specific example, create working groups, manage them
and work in a team.
Graduates of this course will be prepared for competencies in creating a tourism product offering.
They will be able to analyze, budget and decide on a set of service packages that will be specific
to a given destination. The acquired competencies will enable the student to improve their critical
thinking in the creation of tourism products with regard to the possibility of combining different
types of transport. They will improve their soft skills (communication and presentation and / or
interpreting skills).
Indicative content
Course Technique in tourism introduces students to the practice of tourism enterprises. They will
able applicate functions of marketing management in tourism enterprises with emphasis on the
mutual relations these enterprises (on the side of the supplier to the customer and the customer in
relation to external service providers). They will be able to use techniques of sale of services to
offer not only in the form of a separate service, but in the form of a set of services package.
Support literature
Basic literature:
1. Dileep, Madhav R. Tourism, transport and travel management. NY: Routledge. 2019, 492 p. ISBN 9781138557444
Support literature:
1. Inkson, Clare, & Minnaert, Lynn. Tourism management: an introduction. London: Sage, 2022, 480 p. ISBN: 9781529758467
2. Robinson, Peter - Lück, Michael - Smith, Stephen. Tourism. Boston: CABI, 2020, 472 s. ISBN 9781789241518
1. Theoretical basis for operations in the processes of services implementation, which are part of tourism products. Basic and additional services that are part of package. 2. Financial relations and payments in tourism B2C. Financial relations and payments in B2B. 3. Human resources and specifics of their work in tourism services. Qualification requirements. Specifics of conditions for workers in Slovak companies in the sense of the Labor Code and in the conditions of international enterprises outside the territory of the Slovak Republic. 4. Acquisition of means of transport. Loan, Leasing and its forms. Car sharing. 5. Accommodation and catering facilities in the franchising. 6. The provision of accommodation capacities, types of contracting between travel agents and hotel. 7. Maritime transport II. Transport provision for the needs of tourism divided into river and sea transport. Vehicle models. Port mooring services and ship service during B2B mooring. Care for passengers during the voyage and during mooring. Operations related to the organization of trips for participants in the B2C cruise. 8. Coach and bus transport in tourism. Contracting of coach transport between the customer and the transport company. Price calculation. Time limits for driving performance. Specifics of passing a coach on the territory of another state. 9. Coach trip calculation as package product. 10. Air transport services II. Requirements for airlines from the aspect of cooperation with the Transport Office in the Slovak Republic, IATA and ICEAO. Contracting in organized tourism. 11. Air transport services II. Contracting in organized tourism. Division of responsibilities between travel agencies and airlines. Contracting of catering services. 12. Client insurance, types of insurance for the needs of traveling abroad. Interconnection of banking and insurance products. International cooperation of insurance companies in the implementation of insurance claims. Cooperation of an insurance company and an intermediary. International cooperation of insurance companies in resolving insurance claims abroad. 13. Guide services. Legal framework for the performance of guide activities. Specifics of individual positions in terms of technical standard. Cooperation of the guide with the tour operator, local tours.
Requirements to complete the course
Active lecture/seminar 15 %
Presentation and defence of project 25 %
Total 40 %
Final written exam 60 %
Student workload
Total student workload: 156 hours.
• Attendance at lectures: 52 hours
• Preparation for seminars 13 hours
• Processing of semester project 26 hours
• Participation of group tasks 13 hours
• Preparation for the exam 52-hours
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 09.02.2023
Date of the latest change: 03.03.2024