Law in Tourism (in English)
- Credits: 4
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 4C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Commerce
Included in study programs
Teaching results
Knowledge and understanding:
Mastering the basics of legal regulation of various forms of tourism covered by many international, European and domestic (Slovakian) law.
Practical skills:
An ability to enter into various types of contracts in tourism. Claim for their rights as a consumer or provider of a tourism duty. Skill to work with effective legal regulation.
An ability to apply legal regulation in praxis.
Indicative content
A course deals with Law in Tourism/Tourism Law, which is in Slovakian legal regulation known as hybrid. It consists of both types of legal norms – public and private. It provides cross legal knowledge of institutional frame of tourism on international platform, Europeans’ Union platform, as well as domestic (Slovakian) platform. It focuses on the basic definitions of Law in Tourism and sources of Law in Tourism; relationships with other branches of law; consumer protection, as well as a negotiation of a legal dispute and support of tourism (especially in Slovak republic).
Support literature
CORKE, J.: Tourism Law (Travel & Tourism), Elm Publications, 1993, 480 p. ISBN 978-1854500281.
POUSTIE M., POUSTIE M. R. J., GEDDES M., STEWART W.: Hospitality and Tourism Law: Cengage Learning Emea, 368 p. ISBN 1861521812.
GUČÍK, M.: Cestovný ruch: Úvod do štúdia, Banská Bystrica: Dali-BB, s.r.o., 2010, 307 s. ISBN 978-80-89090-80-8.
HAVLÍČKOVÁ K., KRÁLOVÁ R.: Cestovní právo, Praha: C.H.Beck, 2015, 508 s. ISBN 978-80-7400-267-0.
JANKU, M. a kol.: Základy práva pre poslucháčov neprávnických fakúlt, Praha: C.H.Beck, 2012, 493 s. ISBN 978-80-8960-306-0.
JURČOVÁ M., DOBROVODSKÝ R., NEVOLNÁ Z., OLŠOVSKÁ A.: Právo cestovného ruchu, Bratislava: C.H.Beck, 2014, 360 s. ISBN 978-80-89603-27-5.
MAGUROVÁ, H. a kol.: Základy práva v cestovnom ruchu pre ekonómov, Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2016, 184 p. ISBN 978-80-8168-491-3.
NOVACKÁ, Ľ. a kol.: Cestovný ruch a Európska únia, Bratislava: Sprint, 2010, 160 s. ISBN 978-80-89393-26.
PETRÁŠ, R.: Právo a cestovní ruch, Praha: Univerzita J. A. Komenského Praha, 2013, 224 s. ISBN 978-80-7452-032-7.
1. Introduction to the Law in Tourism/Tourism Law/Holiday Law. 2. International and European sources of Law in Tourism. 3. Constitutional basis and others national sources of Law in Tourism. 4. Law in Tourism and relations with Civic Law. 5. Law in Tourism and relations with Commercial Law and Administrative Law. 6. Consumer contracts and protection of consumer rights. 7. Most often used types of contracts relates with tourism. 8. Law in Tourism and relations with Financial Law. 9. Law in Tourism and relations with Labour Law. 10. Protection of consumer’s rights in airway, railway, bus and boat transfer. 11. Civil litigation and alternative dispute resolution in Law in Tourism. 12. Support of Slovakian tourism. 13. Summary.
Requirements to complete the course
written essay;
preliminary tests.
Active participation in seminars: 10 %;
Semester tests result/semester paper work: 30 %;
Result of the final written test: 60 %.
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 09.02.2023
Date of the latest change: 13.12.2022