International Business Law


Included in study programs

Teaching results

After completing the course, the students acquire especially following knowledge:
- repeating and strengthening knowledge of the basic institutes of private law,
- broad legal knowledge needed in practice in the field of international business and international trade,
- in a broader context, understanding more complex legal institutes related to international trade and international business in general, i.e. in the areas according to the indicative content of the course
After completing the course, the students acquire especially following practical skills:
- the students understand that the regulation of international business is subject to international law, European Union law, particular national legal systems and non-state forms of regulation such as business practices or INCOTERMS. The students understand the hierarchy of these regulatory systems and can solve simple cases of conflict-of-law,
- the students understand the method of determining the law applicable to the legal relationship, can define the criteria for selection of the appropriate legal form for starting an international business, identify appropriate type of securing of obligation in international financing, choose the appropriate contractual type for their transaction and identify its essentials,
- the students understand the way and process of concluding contracts in international trade, understand the impact of public regulation of individual states on international trade (e.g. in the areas of international taxation, economic competition or money laundering),
- the students have a basic overview of resolving disputes in international trade and know their advantages and disadvantages.
After completing the course, the students acquire especially following competencies:
- the students will gain the ability to work with applicable legislation governing international trade and international business,
- they can identify applicable international treaties, find them in respective databases and can identify their parties and assess whether they relate to the specific case,
- the students are also able to work with databases of European legislative acts ( and Slovak legislation (, can find the relevant legislation concerning the regulation of international trade and can read it with the knowledge of basic legal concepts and institutes.

Indicative content

Legal systems of the world, differences between them and common features. Methods of solving of a conflict-of-law problem (conflict of different legal orders). Subjects of international business law, legal forms of business. Rights in rem in international trade. Intellectual property and its use in international trade. Obligation rights in international trade. Public regulation of international trade. Dispute resolution in international trade.

Support literature

1. WINKLER, Martin - HARAKAĽOVÁ, Dorota - HOLUB, Dušan - JURKOVIČOVÁ, Lujza - KROPAJ, Marián - MAGUROVÁ, Hana - SLEZÁKOVÁ, Andrea - VAČOKOVÁ, Lenka - VETERNÍKOVÁ, Mária. Právo v medzinárodnom obchode. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer SR, 2021. 564 s. ISBN 978-80-571-0320-2
2. ERDOSOVÁ, Andrea – GARAYOVÁ, Lilla. Svetové právne systémy – základy komparatistiky. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2020. 208 s. ISBN 978-80-89603-91-6
3. FELLMETH, Aaron X. Introduction to International Business Transactions. Cheltenham – Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020. 864 s. ISBN: 978-1-83910-741-2
4. FOLSOM, Ralph H. – VAN ALSTINE, Michael P. – RAMSEY, Michael D. Principles of International Business Transactions. St. Paul: West Academic Publishing, 2022. 786 s. ISBN: 978-1-64708-566-7
5. LYSINA, Peter - HAŤAPKA, Miloš, BURDOVÁ, Katarína a kol. Medzinárodné právo súkromné. 3. vydanie. Bratislava: C. H. Beck, 2023. 592 s. ISBN 978-80-8232-031-5
6. ROZEHNALOVÁ, Naděžda - VALDHANS, Jiří - KYSELOVSKÁ, Tereza. Právo mezinárodního obchodu. 4. vydání. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2021. 524 s. ISBN 978-80-76760-46-2


1. Concept, subject-matter and sources of international business law. 2. Legal systems of the world – civil law system. 3. Legal systems of the world – common law system and Islamic legal system. 4. Legal relations with a foreign element and methods of their regulation (direct method, conflict-of-law method). 5. Subjects of international business law, conflict-of-law rules for subjects of law. 6. Rights in rem in international trade, legal regulation of securities, conflict-of-law rules for the rights in rem. 7. Protection of intellectual property in international law and European Union law. 8. Obligations in international trade in general, conflict-of-law rules for obligations. 9. Contractual obligations in international trade – conclusion of contracts, their fulfillment and termination, the most important contracts concluded in international trade and their regulation 1. 10. Contractual obligations in international trade – the most important contracts concluded in international trade and their regulation 2. 11. Non-contractual obligations in international trade. 12. Regulation of international trade by public law regulations. 13. Judicial and alternative dispute resolution in international trade.

Requirements to complete the course

10% evaluation of activity of students during semester
30% written test during semester
60% final oral or written exam

Student workload

Total: study load 5 credits x 26 h = 130 hours
Separate load for individual educational activities:
Attendance at seminars: 52 hours
Preparation for seminars: 13 hours
Preparation for a written test during semester: 13 hours
Preparation for the final exam 52 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 29.02.2024