Methodology of Final Thesis


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Teaching results:
The aim of the study of this subject is to acquire the knowledge, competencies and skills necessary for the successful creation of the student's own creative work. The course focuses on the methodically correct construction of students' final qualification theses.
The student will gain knowledge in the field of methods of scientific work, creation of methodological apparatus, formal requirements of final theses, possibilities of presenting results, correct citation and principles of ethics of scientific work, methods of correct communication. They will have knowledge of bibliographic and statistical databases and the possibilities of their use.
The student will acquire skills in formal writing and completion of texts, elaboration of tabular and graphic parts of the work, in scientific creation and scientific communication. He will creatively use the methods of scientific work in his own work, modify general knowledge for the needs of his own solutions. He will be able to critically assess the results of research work and their application significance. Can present his own conclusions and recommendations.
The student will be able to independently and systematically create the final work, autonomously decide on the use of methodological apparatus, use creative thinking in designing their own solutions. He will acquire competencies for systematization of knowledge, analysis of data and data and interpretation of results using correct argumentation, to present his opinions appropriately.

Indicative content

Interdependency topic - research problem. Application of the "relevance tree" method to the final work and identification of the main and related research problems and topics. Work with databases of bibliographic sources, work with selected statistical databases. Formal setting of the final thesis and correct use of bibliographic sources. Content of individual parts of the final work, their meaning and context. Principles of correct determination of the main and partial goals of the final work, logic of construction of the basic methodological apparatus of the final thesis. Principles of correct creation of research questions, assumptions and hypotheses. Research methods and their use. Correct interpretation of results and importance of discussion in final theses. Principles of purposeful presentation of research logic, content and results of the final theses.

Support literature

MICHALOVÁ, V. a kol. Vedecká tvorba a vedecká komunikácia. Vybrané aspekty zásad a metód. Bratislava: Vyd. EKONÓM, 2011. 174 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3255-6.
GAVORA, P. a kol. 2010. Elektronická učebnica pedagogického výskumu. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského. Dostupné na
BEDNÁRIK, R.-HOLUBOVÁ, B.-REPKOVÁ, K. a kol. 2008. Tréning komunikácie vedy. Bratislava : Inštitút pre výskum práce a rodiny. 2008. 36 s.
LENGÁLOVÁ, A. 2010. Guide to Writing Master Thesis in English. Dostupné na:
LOCHAROENRAT, K. 2018. Research Methodologies for Beginners. Jenny Stanford Publishing. ISBN 9789814745390


1. Theoretical basis of student scientific and research work. 2. Creation of a research topic. Interdependency research topic - research problem. Correct identification of research problems. 3. Application of the "relevance tree" method to the final thesis and identification of the main and related research problems and topics. 4. Structure of the final theses. Content and formal conditions of individual parts of the final thesis. Formal arrangement of the final thesis. 5. Databases of bibliographic sources and their use. 6. Databases of statistical data and their use. 7. Basic methodical apparatus of the final thesis and its logical construction. 8. Main and partial goals of the final thesis, research questions, assumptions, hypotheses. 9. Research methods and their use in the final thesis. Empirical and theoretical methods, suitability for use. 10. Use of mathematical-statistical methods in the final thesis. 11. Principles of correct interpretation of results, formulation of discussion. 12. Scientific communication, presentation of research results and correct argumentation. 13. Ethics of scientific work, copyright.

Requirements to complete the course

Semester work, group work, written exam

Student workload

Total student workload: 78 hours. Of this:
Attendance at seminars: 26 hours
Preparation for seminars: 13 hours
Semester work processing: 13 hours
Preparation for the exam: 26 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 04.04.2022

Date of the latest change: 30.03.2023