Intellectual Property Protection in International Trade


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Students will possess following abilities:
- in-depth knowledge of intellectual property protection applicable to international trade,
- understanding the links between intellectual property protection and international trade,
- knowledge and understanding of the procedures used to protect intellectual property at national, European and international level,
- knowledge of relations to the related field of intellectual property law.
Students will obtain following skills:
- ability to actively acquire new knowledge and information e.g. from registers of industrial property rights, as well as the ability to analyze, integrate and use this information in the development of intellectual property protection strategy in international trade,
- ability to creatively design and implement solutions relating to the protection of intellectual property in international trade,
- ability to formulate recommendations for the implementation of intellectual property protection in international trade.
Students will gain following competences:
- ability to work in teams as well as coordinate work in teams in the field of study,
- ability to make independent and responsible decisions in a changing international environment,
- ability to think innovatively and creatively in designing a strategy for the protection of intellectual property in international trade,
- ability to discuss professional opinions and present the results of own study and work.

Indicative content

Protection of intellectual property in the Slovak Republic, in the European Union and abroad, copyright and industrial property rights, registers of rights and searches, strategy of intellectual property protection, commercialization of intellectual property, infringement of intellectual property rights.

Support literature

1. ADAMOVÁ, Zuzana (2020). Právo duševného vlastníctva. TINCT. 224 s.
2. ADAMOVÁ, Zuzana (2019). Nové technológie, internet a duševné vlastníctvo 3. Právnicka fakulta Trnavskej univerzity, 245 s. ISBN 9788056801819
3. STEWART, George (2020). International Trade and Intellectual Property. Routledge, 216 s. ISBN 9780367158996


1. Introduction to the issue of intellectual property protection in international trade, its importance from a microeconomic and macroeconomic points of view, intellectual property in EU trade agreements. 2. Copyright and related rights in the Slovak Republic and in the international context, including the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). 3. Patents in the Slovak Republic and in the international context, including the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). 4. Utility models in the Slovak Republic and in the international context. 5. Designs in the Slovak Republic and in the international context, including the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). 6. Trademarks in the Slovak Republic and in the international context, including the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). 7. Geographical indications and designations of origin, traditional specialties guaranteed in the Slovak Republic and in the international context, including the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). 8. Rights related to the logo, know-how, trade secret, including the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). 9. Registers of industrial property rights, searches – relevance for international trade. 10. Intellectual property protection strategy when penetrating new markets. 11. Commercialization of intellectual property - licensing, assignment of rights, establishment of a subsidiary. 12. Infringement of intellectual property rights, bodies ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights - courts, customs administration, technology transfer. 13. Presentation and discussion of semester projects.

Requirements to complete the course

10% assignments during semester
30% semester project
60% final written exam

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 06.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 25.10.2023