Business Negotiations


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Students will possess following abilities:
- to understand the context of psychology, communication, presentations, etiquette, ethics, strategy in the process of preparation for business negotiations and understand the need for a comprehensive approach to the negotiation process,
- master the selection and use of constructive and effective negotiation and sales techniques and creatively use various methods to influence the business partner,
- to master intercultural differences and apply them appropriately in a business negotiation with a partner who is from a foreign cultural environment (way of perceiving cultural differences, protection against cultural shock, negotiation style, intercultural models of negotiations),
- master negotiation and sales techniques, closing techniques and characteristics of a professional negotiator.
Students will obtain following skills:
- to be able to professionally prepare and drive business negotiations at home and abroad, in companies and international organizations,
- to manage negotiations and sales techniques of trade negotiations,
- to be able to recognize a type of business partner and typology of the business partner, mastering the qualities of a professional negotiator,
- to have professional orientation skills in the multicultural environment of international negotiations and negotiators,
- to obtain and use the cultivated behavior, taking into account the ethical aspects and principles of etiquette, apply them in international negotiations.
Students will gain following competences:
- professionally organize and run business negotiations, professionally communicate and act in negotiation teams, to eliminate risks and negative influences
- to work in managerial and business positions abroad (in companies, international economic organizations and at diplomatic missions),
- to obtain the ability to run business negotiations in foreign languages and in the international environment, to make independent and constructive decisions in the negotiation process, properly and correctly react to business partners questions,
- to manage the process of self-improvement with the aim of the further professional growth.

Indicative content

Multidisciplinary approach to business negotiations, application of psychology, sociology, communication, cultural differences and its impact on trade negotiations. Objectives and definitions of business negotiations. Typology of business negotiations and its types and sales techniques. Stages of business negotiations. The multicultural dimension of trade negotiations. Business negotiation as the workflow of businessman. Ethics in business negotiations and promotion of interests.

Support literature

KNAPIK, P.: Obchodné rokovanie I. 2010. Bratislava: Ekonóm 2010, s. 444. ISBN 978-80-225-2992-1
KNAPIK, P. – ZORKÓCIOVÁ, O. 2006. Vplyv kultúrnych odlišností na obchod a rokovanie v medzinárodnom obchode. Bratislava: Ekonóm 2006, s 320, ISBN 80-225-2154-X
GULLOVÁ, S. 2013. Mezinárodní obchodní a diplomatický protokol (3. vydání). Praha: Grada 2013, s. 336. ISBN 978-80-247-4418-6
LAPŠANSKÝ, L. 2012. Obchodné rokovania vo francúzskom jazyku. Bratislava: Ekonóm 2012, s. 107. ISBN 978-80-225-3483-3
KORDA, P. 2011. Zlatá pravidla obchodního vyjednávání (jak obhájit své ceny a marže a stát se mistrem ve vyjednávání). Praha: Grada 2011, s. 208. ISBN 978-80-247-3752-2
GROSSMANOVÁ, Marta. 2010. Obchodné rokovanie v angličtine. Bratislava: Sprint dva. 2010. ISNB 978-80-893-932-37
DAVIES Melissa. Practical Negotiation Handbook. Vyd. Kogan Page Ltd. New York, 2021. ISBN: 1398601802. 248 pgs.


1. Profile of a businessman operating in the field of international business and foreign trade, the relationship between mastery of required professional disciplines and their application in business negotiations (business levels, business philosophy, business activities, strengths and weaknesses of the trader, factors influencing successful sales). 2. Business negotiations, its definitions and goals, typology of agreements, anatomy of business negotiations (Case study). 3. Types of business negotiations (acquisition, price negotiations, urgency, complaints ...). 4. Preparation of business negotiations, forms (how) of preparation and run business negotiations and areas (what) of business negotiations. (Case study) 5. Negotiation and sales techniques, „closing techniques“. Transaction analysis. To understand and correctly identify a business partner, typology of the business partner, characteristics and requirements for a professional negotiator.(case study) 6. Negotiation phases and their content, traps of business negotiations. The course of business negotiations (cybernetic scheme of operation of elements in business negotiations). 7. Strategy, tactics and technique of business negotiation, methodology of BN, business negotiation as a work procedure. 8. Methods and principles of running and influencing the business negotiations - appropriate and inappropriate methods. (Case study) 9. The influence of cultural differences on business negotiations, cultural model, culture shock, repatriation shock, cultural identity and prejudices. Peculiarities of international negotiations with foreign partners, procedural rules, negotiation strategies, intercultural models of negotiations. The course of business negotiations and its stages in a foreign cultural environment. Risks and barriers in decision making, conflict prevention in business negotiations.(Case study) 10. Preparation of managers for positions in abroad, the work of a commercial workers in an intercultural and foreign environment. Peculiarities of communication in foreign cultures. 11. Business negotiations as a professional work. Mental hygiene, standards and rules for business negotiations (corporate, legal). Dangerous feelings in business negotiations and control of their manifestations. Evaluation of employees participating in business negotiations. 12. Ethics in business negotiations and promotion of interests. 13. Properties of negotiators and their typology. Team negotiations. Communication application in business negotiations (typology, communication principles, barriers, dangerous manifestations in the negotiations)

Requirements to complete the course

20 % active participation in seminars
20% seminar project and its presentation
60 % final exam

Student workload

Total: study load 4 credits x 26 h = 104 hours
Separate study load for individual educational activities:
Attendance at seminars: 26 hours
Preparation for seminars: 26 hours
Elaboration of a semester project: 16 hours
Preparation for the final exam: 36 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 06.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 18.05.2022