International Energy Market and Decarbonization


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Students will possess following abilities:
- to be familiar with the principles of trading on the international market with energy carriers and their implications for the energy policy of the Slovak Republic,
- understand the development and state of play of the EU Energy Union,
- EU decarbonisation policies and impacts on the competitiveness of the Slovak exports.
Students will obtain following skills:
- competently process information from international databases and reports in the field of the international energy market as well as specific energy carriers,
- identify the impacts of regulation on business plan in the energy sector,
- prepare an analytical document on the current state of a specific problem in the field of energy at the international level or within the Slovak Republic.
Students will gain following competences:
- a comprehensive overview of business opportunities arising from current trends in the international energy market,
- understand the specificities and degrees of regulation in the energy market,
- the ability to identify opportunities arising from EU funds allocated to the energy sector.

Indicative content

International energy market with emphasis on the hydrocarbon market and the state of energy security in the Slovak Republic and the EU. Specific aspects of foreign trade in energy carriers of the Slovak Republic and impacts on foreign trade and its structure. Energy union, origin, pillars and decarbonisation initiative. The impact of decarbonisation measures and the Green Deal on the competitiveness of Slovak exporters via the obligation to trade emission allowances and bear the costs of supporting more extensive usage of renewable resources.

Support literature

1. HAFNER, Manfred; TAGLIAPIETRA, Simone. (2020). The geopolitics of the global energy transition. Springer Nature.
2. KAŠŤÁKOVÁ, Elena a Matúš ŽATKO. (2018). Vplyv geopolitických zmien na potenciál zahraničnoobchodných vzťahov Slovenska s Ruskom. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 109 s.
3. MIŠÍK, Matúš. (013). Energetická politika v rozšírenej Európskej únii: roly a preferencie Českej republiky, Poľska a Slovenska. Praha: Ústav mezinárodních vztahů. 2013. 205 s.
4. NIES, S. et al. The European Energy Transition: Actors, Factors, Sectors. European Energy Studies. Florence School of Regulation. Clays and Casteels Law Publishing. 2019. Leuven. 545 s. e-book: 9789077644591.
5. TICHÝ, Lukáš, et al. (2018). Vnitřní a vnější dimenze energetické politiky a bezpečnosti EU. Mezinárodní vztahy, 2018.
6. VAN DE GRAAF, Thijs; SOVACOOL, Benjamin K. (2020). Global energy politics. John Wiley & Sons, 2020.


Current development of the international energy market according to IEA and EIA. 2. Energy policy and energy security of the Slovak Republic. 3. The most important companies on the international energy market and foreign shareholders in the Slovak energy sector. 4. Problems and challenges of the European energy market. Regulation of the international and national energy market. 5. EU Energy Union. 6. EU and Slovak energy policy, winter legislative package of the European Commission from 2016. 7. International energy market with coal and oil, energy security of the Slovak Republic in the realm of oil supply. 8. International energy market with natural gas, energy security of the Slovak Republic in the realm of natural gas supply. 9. International energy market with nuclear fuel. 10. International electricity market. Energy security of the Slovak Republic in the power industry and cross-border transmissions. 11. Decarbonisation and renewable resources. The position of renewable sources in the energy balance of the Slovak Republic and the impacts on the competitiveness of industrial exporters in the Slovak Republic. 12. Carbon tariffs and their importance in the EU's common commercial policy. 13. Electromobility and its effects on the international energy market.

Requirements to complete the course

40% Semester work and its presentation
60% final exam (written test)

Student workload

Total: study load 4 credits x 26 h = 104 hours
Separate study load for individual educational activities:
Attendance at seminars/lectures: 26 hours
Preparation of the semester work and its presentation: 26 hours
Preparation for the final exam: 52 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 06.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 25.10.2023