Marketing Research


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Knowledge: The graduate of the course will gain knowledge about the process of marketing research from setting the goal of research, through its implementation, qualitative and quantitative methods, to the interpretation of findings and results and their processing in the form of outputs from marketing research (final report, presentation).
Competences: The graduate will be able to formulate a research question and/or economic problem, and to propose a research design for its examination using empirical methods.
Skills: The graduate knows how to compile a questionnaire correctly and how to use it as a tool for data collection in marketing research. The graduate will be able to decide on the choice of data collection method. The graduate will master the methods of data processing in marketing research. The result will be the final presentation of the project. The graduate is able to use R software in empirical economic research. They will be able to independently develop their knowledge in the field of statistical methods and to use of modern software, will understand empirical studies in the field of marketing and will be able to use them in new contexts.

Indicative content

The concept and essence of marketing research, types of marketing research, decision-making on the validity of marketing research, research on B2C and B2B markets. Marketing research project. Sample survey. Questionnaire, types of scales, validity, reliability (Cronbach's alpha). Data processing and analysis. Selected methods of quantitative research (hypothesis testing and their interpretation – parametric and nonparametric tests, ANOVA test, Chi-square test). Qualitative research. Selected methods of qualitative research (grounded theory method, ethnographic research, in-depth and group interview). Secondary research, concept, essence. Selected methods of secondary research (regression and correlation analysis, introduction to time series; work with databases). Presentation of marketing research results. Practical implementation of a marketing research project.

Support literature

1. Brace, I. (2018). Questionnaire design: How to plan, structure and write survey material for effective market research. London: Kogan Page Publishers.
2. Chapman, C., Feit, E. M. (2019). R For Marketing Research and Analytics. Springer.
3. Lyócsa, Š ., Baumöhl, E., Výrost, T. (2013). Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonómii I. Košice : ELFA, 2013.
4. Lyócsa, Š., Baumöhl, E., Výrost, T. (2013). Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonómii II. Košice : ELFA, 2013.
5. Malhotra, N., Nunan, D., Birks, D. (2017). Marketing research: An applied approach. 5th Edition. Pearson.
6. McDaniel Jr, C., Gates, R. (2018). Marketing research. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
7. Richterová, K., Klepochová, D., Kopaničová, J., Vokounová, D., Žák, Š. (2013). Úvod do výskumu trhu. Bratislava: Sprint 2, 2013.


1. Introduction to marketing research. Types of research. Content of a research project. Research planning. 2. Introduction to the R program. 3. Data collection and processing. Sampling methods. Basic statistical concepts and types of variables. 4. Questionnaire and its requisites, questionnaire creation, experiment and types of experiment. Validity and reliability. 5. Descriptive statistics. Measures of location, variability and shape. Visualization in program R. 6. Formulation and procedure of hypothesis testing (tests of mean, variance and proportion). Confidence intervals. 7. Data normality testing. Goodness-of-fit tests. Tests of extreme values. Selected nonparametric tests. 8. Introduction to regression analysis, ANOVA (one-factor, two-factor). 9. Examining the dependence between different types of variables. 10. Secondary research: work with publicly available databases. 11. Time series analysis (time series decomposition, autocorrelation, stationarity, spurious regression problem, Granger causality). 12. Qualitative methods. 13. Qualitative methods.

Requirements to complete the course

20% continuous semester assessment
20% semester work
60% written exam

Student workload

Workload: 208 hours
Attendance at lectures: 24 hours
Attendance at seminars: 0 hours
Preparation for seminars: 0 hours
Semester project processing: 57 hours
Preparation for written verification of knowledge: 57 hours
Preparation for the exam: 70 hour

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 05.04.2022

Date of the latest change: 17.10.2023