Marketing of Culture


Included in study programs

Teaching results

After completing the course, students will gain knowledge of art marketing. They will gain knowledge about the possibilities of applying marketing tools in cultural institutions and about the specifics and differences in comparison with the traditional marketing approach. They will get acquainted with marketing models in culture, with the marketing environment of cultural institutions and with consumer behavior in culture.
They will gain knowledge about the tools of building audiences in culture and about possible ways of financing cultural organizations.
Graduates of the course will be able to apply elements of the marketing mix and implement them in the activities of cultural organizations. They will be able to actively find and use opportunities to present institutions and will be ready to attract potential sponsors and donors. They will understand the relationship between culture and economics.
After completing the course, students will acquire competencies that will allow them to work in managerial positions in various types of cultural institutions. They can find creative solutions in the field of marketing. They will be able to organize various cultural events and represent cultural organizations in promoting their interests

Indicative content

Functions and marketing tools of organizations working in the field of culture. The relationship between culture and economy and the economic specifics of culture.
Culture from the point of view of economic theories. Marketing models in culture. Marketing environment of cultural organizations. The role of the state in culture. Competition and competitors of cultural institutions. Consumers in culture. Culture market segmentation. Marketing research in culture. Elements of the marketing mix of cultural organizations and their specifics.

Support literature

1. Loydlová, M. 2022. Marketing kultúry. Skriptá. Bratislava. Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM. ISBN:............. (v príprave)
2. Tajtáková, M. 2010. Marketing kultúry. Ako osloviť a udržať si publikum. Bratislava: Eurokódex. ISBN 978-80-89447-29-9
3. Johnová, R. 2008.: Marketing kulturního dědictví a umění. Praha: Grada Publishin. ISBN 978-80-247-2724-0
4. Colbert, F., Ravanas, P. 2019. Marketing Culture and Arts. 5th Edition. Montreal: François Colbert’s book.


1. Introduction to the subject. Functions and marketing tools of organizations operating in culture. 2. The relationship between culture and economics and the economic specifics of culture. Culture from the point of view of economic theories. Marketing models in culture. 3. Marketing environment of cultural organizations. The role of the state in culture. 4. Competition and competitors of cultural institutions and events. 5. Consumers in culture. Consumer behavior in culture. 6. Culture market segmentation. 7. Marketing research in culture - audience research, sources of marketing information. 8. Marketing mix of cultural organizations and their specifics - product 9. Elements of the marketing mix of cultural organizations and their specifics - price. 10. Marketing mix of cultural organizations and their specifics - distribution. 11. Marketing mix of cultural organizations and their specifics - marketing communication. 12. Marketing mix of cultural organizations and their specifics - staff and personalities. 13. Current problems, creative economy.

Requirements to complete the course

40 % - Seminar work (project)
60 % - Written exam

Student workload

Total study load (in hours): 78
Participation in seminars: 26 hours
Getting ready for seminars: 13 hours
Seminar work (project): 19 hours
Getting ready for final exam: 20 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 26.01.2024

Date of the latest change: 15.01.2022