Research Seminar
- Credits: 10
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 32sP
- Year: 1, 2
- Faculty of Economics and Finance
Included in study programs
Teaching results
Knowledge - This course is aimed at acquiring knowledge that is associated with academic research, academic publishing and work in the academic community. The graduate will gain advanced knowledge of the philosophy of science, research questions and hypotheses, scientific methods and ethical issues associated with academic research.
Skills - The graduate will improve his presentation skills, ability to read academic literature and compile a review of literature. At the same time, he will acquire the skills to write and present his own academic works as well as to provide and accept constructive criticism.
Competences - By completing the course, students will be able to define their own research plan, ask a relevant research question, study the necessary literature, choose the appropriate research method, identify relevant data, perform analysis and discuss the main findings.
Indicative content
1. Science and academic research.
2. Research proposal. From research topic to research question and to working hypothesis.
3. Consultation with the supervisor.
4. Short presentation of the research topic and research question.
5. Literature review in qualitative, quantitative and combined research.
6. Working with online databases. Text analysis of abstracts.
7. Choice of research method (quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods).
8. Consultation with the supervisor. Drafting a paper.
9. Draft paper presentation.
10. Consultation with the supervisor. Reviewing the paper.
11. Ethical principles of academic research.
12. Joint research seminar with supervisors.
Support literature
1. Turabian, K., L., (2010) Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Dissertations. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, ISBN-13: 978-0-226-81638-8.
2. Harris, D. (2020). Literature Review and Research Design. Routledge, London. ISBN: 978-0-367-25037-9
3. Neuman, W., L., (2006). Social Research Methods. 6th edition. Pearson, Boston. ISBN 9780205457939.
4. Resnik DB. What is ethics in research and why is it important? National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. 2011. Available at:
5. Cresswell, J., W. (2003) Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed method approaches. 2nd edition. Sage Publications, London. ISBN 0761924426.
Requirements to complete the course
Presentation of the topic and research question 10%
Presentation of the first draft 20%
Presentation of the second draft 20%
Final version of the article 50%
Total study load for (in hours):
student workload 260 hours:
participation in seminars 32 hours
consultations with supervisor 28 hours
elaboration of the draft paper 100 hours
elaboration of the final paper 100 hours
Language whose command is required to complete the course
English language
Date of approval: 10.02.2023
Date of the latest change: 14.06.2021