Selected topics from macroeconomics
- Credits: 7
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 26sP
- Semester: summer
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Economics and Finance
Included in study programs
Teaching results
Teaching results:
The course aims at providing students with the critical assessment of the most important issues studied by the modern macroeconomic theory. The course enables students to become familiar with the current state of macroeconomic analysis, to build up their abilities to formulate their own approaches/positions to key macroeconomic issues and apply their theoretical knowledge in the analysis of current macroeconomic issues at both national and international levels.
Knowledge and understanding.
- Understanding of the development of macroeconomic theories, their methodological approaches and theoretical models.
- Knowledge of key analytical tools used in the macroeconomic analysis. Skills, qualities and attributes.
- Ability to use formalized models in macroeconomic research
- Ability to formulate positions on macroeconomic development and to develop the underlying argument.
- The ability to apply theoretical knowledge in macroeconomic research.
Indicative content
Indicative content:
Solow's model of economic growth.
Consumption, investment and savings.
Investments in conditions of uncertainty and the role of interest rates.
Financial markets and financial crises.
Inflation and monetary policy.
Budget deficits and fiscal policy. Economic cycle. Theory of real economic cycles.
Traditional theories of fluctuations in economics. Mundell - Fleming's model.
Support literature
Support literature:
Basic literature:
1. ROMER, David. Advanced macroeconomics. 4th ed. New York : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2012. 716 s.
The McGraw-Hill series in economics. ISBN 978-0-07-351137-5.
Additional literature:
1. Baláž, V.: Riziko a neistota, Bratislava, Veda, SAV 2009, ISBN 978-80-224-1082-3. Dostupné:
2. Árendáš, Peter - Chovancová, Božena. The Adaptive markets hypothesis and the BRIC share
markets. In Ekonomický časopis, 2015. ISSN 0013-3035, 2015, roč. 63, č. 10, s. 1003-1018.
3. Lisý a kol.: Ekonomický rast a ekonomický cyklus /Teoretické a praktické problémy/ , Iura
Edition 2011
4. Yellen, J.L.: Efficiancy Models of Uneymployment In: American Economic Review,
Vol. 74, No. 2, 1984
5. Titze Miroslav: Netradičná menová politika a kvantitatívne uvoľňovanie centrálnej banky
Japonska v rokoch 2001 – 2006. In: Politická ekonomie, 2015, č. 5, s. 603 – 623.
6. Koehler, S., Konig, T. Fiscal Governance in the Eurozone: How Effectively Does the Stability
and Growth Pact Limit Governmental debt in the Euro Countries? In Political Science Research and
Methods, Volume 3, Issue 2, May 2015. Dostupné na:
7. Dujava, D. : Ekonomické krízy a ekonomická veda .Wolters Kluwer 2016. ISBN
8. Acemoglu,D., Robinson,J.A.: Why Nations Fail, Profile Books 20122, Chapter 13,14,15.
Requirements to complete the course
Requirements to complete the course:
Individual work, written and presentation seminar work,
final exam
Seminars 40%, of which:
Elaboration of seminar work (essay) 20%
Presentation of the topic of the seminar work 10%
Preparation for the seminar and participation in the discussion,
questions, speeches in the discussion 10%
Result of the final exam 60%
Date of approval: 13.02.2023
Date of the latest change: 16.06.2021