Labor Economics


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• Using data from the development of labor market in Slovakia and other countries, he acquires theoretical concepts of the labor market performance and statistical reporting on employment and unemployment (LFS)
• The student recognizes the role of human capital and labor migration in the further development of the labor market.
• The student will get the opportunity to acquire and apply theoretical knowledge from the labor market from real practice examples. Therefore, the student creates links between the theory of labor market with practice.
• He empirically verifies the role of trade unions in the labor market together with the impact of the existence of a minimum wage on labor demand.
• During the preparation of seminar papers, he develops skills for the formulation of qualitative and quantitative economic analysis in this area.
• The student expands his ability to understand phenomena in the labor market in the context and understands the consequences of income inequality and different remuneration strategies on the performance of employees.

Indicative content

1. Labor supply
2. Demand for labor
3. LFS database and other datasets used in labor economics.
4. Labor migration
5. Human capital as factors of long-term development of the labor market
6. Labor discrimination and its correction possibilities
7. Income inequalities
8. Remuneration strategies
9. Unemployment – Reasoning
10. Economic activity rate - analysis
11. Minimum wage
12. Over-qualification as phenomenon in labor market

Support literature

McLaughlin, K. J. (2017). Labor Economics: Principles in Practice. OUP Catalogue.
Borjas, G. J. (2016). Labor Economics (Seventh). New York: The MacGrow-Hill Companies.

Requirements to complete the course

Class activity, Continuous written assignments and final seminar paper 40 %.
Written exam 60 %.

Student workload

Total study load 156 hours

Of which: Lectures 26 hours, Seminars 26 hours, Preparing for seminars 13 hours, Semester assignment 13 hours, Preparing for evaluations during the semester 26 hours, Final exam preparation 52 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 04.03.2022