Economic Development


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The course offers complex view at global development issues of developed and developing countries. It’s oriented on handling current and future challenges of economic development.
After absolving this course, student will be able to understand the difference between economic growth and economic development and the conflict between the two.
 Students will gain knowledge of theories of economic development, economic, social, environmental and institutional aspects of economic development, their interdependence and complementarity
 Students will gain knowledge and global and regional approaches to tackling poverty, inequality and the role of public policies in shaping sustainable development and tackling climate change
Students will acquire skills for:
 the analysis of data on economic development
 the analysis of economic development data based on data from international statistics,
 the analysis of impacts of proposed approaches and public policy measures on the elimination of bottlenecks in individual areas of economic development
 the communication and presentation skills to clarify the need for sustainable development
 evaluation of socio-economic development
 on the basis of the analysis of relevant data sources and economic-political development to identify the basic development problems and challenges at the global and regional level
 formulate specific development problems
 prepare alternative solutions and implement measures in the field of improving economic, social, environmental conditions and institutional quality

Indicative content

1. Definition of the economic development
2. Theory of the economic development
3. The role of values in economic development, development goals,
4. The cost of economic growth (social and environmental consequences)
5. Sustainability of economic development (environmental and social limits)
6. Climate change, its causes, extent and consequences
7. Inequality of income and wealth distribution (causes, extent, consequences)
8. Poverty, its causes, extent, approaches to solutions
9. Unbalanced effects of globalization
10. The role of institutions in economic development
11. Tendencies and consequences of demographic development, human capital, education, health
12. Current development issues and approaches to their solution in developed and developing countries, global and regional development strategies

Support literature

Todaro, M. P. – Smith, S. C. 2015. Economic Development. Pearson.
Clunies-Ross, A. – Forsyth, D. and Huq, M.2009. Development Economics. McGraw-Hill.
Thirlwall, A.P. and Pacheco-López, P. 2017. Economics of development: Theory and evidence. Palgrave.
Acemoglu, D. – Robinson, J. A.2012. Why nations fail: the origins of power, prosperity, and poverty. Crown Publishers.

Requirements to complete the course

20% solving case studies
20% semestral work
60% final written exam

Student workload

156 h (presence at exercise sessions 52 h, preparing for exercise sessions 26 h, semestral work (essay) 20 h, exam preparation 58 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak and English languages

Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 03.01.2022