Theories in Finance


Included in study programs

Teaching results

To develop doctoral students' knowledge of the development of key financial theories and hypotheses. Both in terms of topicality, applicability in real economies, as well as in individual historical periods. The individual theories discussed, which form the core of the subject, will enable doctoral students to better understand the real processes taking place in the financial markets and their segments.
Against the background of various theoretical concepts, the doctoral student acquires the competence to think systematically. In addition, he will gain a theoretical basis for formulating his own views on current processes that take place in world finance, as well as the ability to think critically. After completing the course he will be able to creatively synthesize the main ideas of individual theoretical postulates / hypotheses in finance.
Based on their own activity, presentations and economic discussion in the team, they will acquire skills related to the search for key scientific articles and skills related to the processing of scientific literature into the theoretical basis for their research. He will develop his presentation skills as part of the presentations of his ongoing results. In addition, he will gain skills in accessing scientific publications and information sources of renowned institutions (OECD, World Bank, IMF, Eurostat, etc.).

Indicative content

The basis of the course syllabus is the main theoretical currents and key contributions that have contributed to the development of corporate and public finance, taxation, money, international finance and insurance.
• theories and hypotheses of financial bubbles, financial crises,
• the hypothesis of financial instability,
• the theory of financial market efficiency,
• the theory and development of CAPM models,
• the theory of fiscal sustainability,
• Ricardian equivalence,
• modern tax and insurance theories,
• the theory of the optimal monetary area, the theory of currency crises, the theory of exchange rates, etc.
The choice of individual topics will be made by the subject guarantor with the teachers in the first lesson so that the discussed topics and theoretical works have a direct link to the topics of students' dissertations.

Support literature

Original print and web versions of individual theories. The choice of resources will be made by the guarantor of the course in connection with the topics of students' dissertations, during the introductory meeting or in individual consultations. Recommended reading: electronic and print resources, available in archives, including the latest scientific articles and studies. The literature will be continuously updated with the latest scientific and professional titles.
Ochotnický, P. (editor učebnice, Kap. 1: Financie a finančná veda, in Sivák, R. a kol.: Financie. Wolters Kluver, Bratislava 2019.
Ochotnický, P., Kiseľáková, D.: Konkurencieschopnosť, ekonomický rast a prežitie firiem. Wolters Kluver, Bratislava 2019.
Ochotnický, P.: Fiškálna udržateľnosť. Wolters Kluver, Bratislava 2012.
Sivák, Rudolf - Ochotnický, Pavol. Reflexie finančných kríz v teórii a v teórii finančných bublín. In Ekonomické rozhľady : vedecký časopis Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave. - Bratislava : Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, 2009. ISSN 0323-262X, 2009, roč. 38, č. 3, s. 299-311.

Requirements to complete the course

30% two presentations during the semester, 10% activity during the semester, 60% final exam

Student workload

Total 8 x 26 = 208, of which:
Participation in consultations 30 h, preparation for seminars 58 h, preparation for the final exam 120 h.

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 06.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 24.01.2022