Tax systems in European Union
- Credits: 6
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2P + 2C
- Semester: winter
- Year: 2
- Faculty of Economics and Finance
Included in study programs
Teaching results
Upon successful completion of this course, students will gain a comprehensive view of the tax systems of EU member states.
• Students will be able to identify the key elements of the external and internal environment that affect the structure of tax systems of states as well as the system of taxation of entities.
• Through comparative analysis, students will be able to demonstrate the use of tax instruments to influence the microeconomic and macroeconomic indicators of the state.
• Students will have the ability to acquire the latest theoretical knowledge that is needed for scientific work in the field of finance and taxation,
• Students will be able to integrate these skills into their own findings, proposals, decisions and also to formulate practical proposals for specific financial and tax decisions and policies.
These learning goals need to be achieved as follows:
a) to point out the harmonization efforts of the Member States and the application of the principles of EU tax policy,
b) to point out selected forms of cooperation of EU states in the field of taxes,
c) to divide the tax systems of the Member States into geographical units and to create a precondition for the comparability of the Member States' approaches to the taxation of entities and to the tax measures taken,
d) clarify the system of taxation of natural persons as well as companies, analyze the method of determining the tax base and tax liability,
e) point out the special conditions which the tax system of a Member State creates for the development of the economy.
Upon successful completion of this course, students should have:
a) to understand that the promotion of a common EU tax policy creates better conditions for the functioning of the EU single market,
b) understand the fact that the application of a common tax policy can create the preconditions for reducing administrative costs and eliminating tax evasion,
c) explain the inconsistency of the principle of fiscal sovereignty applied in practice by the Member State and the principle of fiscal subsidiarity applied in EU tax policy,
d) to point out the impact of the applied EU tax policy on the level of revenues of public budgets of member states.
e) apply the acquired knowledge in the practical solution of professional issues, especially using methods of behavioral public finance,
f) find and present their own solutions to problems in theoretical research.
a) argue different, resp. the different approach of a Member State in determining its tax base and tax liability,
b) understand the implementation of EU tax legislation (regulations, directives, measures) into the tax systems of the Member States,
c) use the acquired knowledge to compare tax systems and tax procedures in individual states,
d) justify the use of tax exemptions and special procedures in the tax systems of the Member States.
e) act independently in professional life, work effectively as an individual and as a member of a group of a professional team or as a team leader,
f) make the right decisions, choices, measures and propose adequate decision-making procedures.
a) list the pros and cons of EU Member States' tax cooperation,
b) justify different approaches to income taxation of natural persons and companies in EU countries regarding their applied economic policy resp. social policy,
c) to specify the causes of tax evasion in direct and indirect taxes and to be able to apply EU measures aimed at eliminating tax evasion,
d) justify and make practical use of the investment incentives and tax incentives provided by the tax system of a Member State.
e) to master modern management procedures within the financial and tax policy of the governments of the EU member states,
f) to keep in touch with the latest developments in their field using new technologies in finance and taxation
Indicative content
1. Bases of EU tax policy
2. Principles of EU tax policy
3. Forms of cooperation of EU states in the field of taxes
4. Harmonization versus tax competition
5. Common procedures of EU states aimed at eliminating tax evasion.
6. Tax systems of northern European countries
7. Tax systems of the Baltic states
8. Tax systems of Western Europe
9. Tax systems of Western Europe
10. Tax systems of Central Europe and Austria
11. Tax systems of southern Europe
12. Tax systems of southern Europe
13. Summary and comparison of subject knowledge
Active forms of teaching:
Exercises are focused on the practical mastery of the curriculum lectured in lectures with emphasis on
– addressing examples of quantifying the tax burden of EU Member States through various indicators and comparing them,
– presentation of works - group seminar works concerning the specifics of tax systems within the EU which are confronted with the tax system in the Slovak Republic,
– addressing practical issues related to taxes in force in tax systems and tax administration,
– current trends and reforms in the tax systems of EU countries based on which they will understand the different approaches to taxation,
– the student's ability to evaluate the process and degree of unification of tax systems of EU member states and to analyze the tax burden of states.
Support literature
1. European Commission. (2020). Tax Policies in the European Union. 2020 Survey.
2. Taxation trends in the European Union (2007). Luxemburg: European Commission. ISBN 978-92-79-04865-4.
3. SCHULTZOVÁ, Anna - RABATINOVÁ, Marcela. Elimination of tax evasion as a prequisite for stabilization and sustainability of public finances in the EU. In Political sciences, law, finance, economics and tourism. International multidisciplinary scientific conferences. Political sciences, law, finance, economics and tourism : SGEM International multidisciplinary scientific conferences on social sciences and arts : conference proceedings : 1-10 September 2014, Albena, Bulgaria. - Sofia : STEF92 Technology, 2014. ISBN 978-619-7105-26-1. ISSN 2367-5659, s. 225-232
4. SCHULTZOVÁ, Anna - GEŠKO, Martin. Communication of the EU member states at the exchange of the tax information. In Skuteczna komunikacja w teorii i praktyce : praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Henryka Przybylskiego. - Katowice : Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Karola Adamieckiego, 2006. ISBN 83-7246-859-1, s. 315-320
5. OECD (2020), Revenue Statistics 2020, OECD Publishing, Paris,
6. OECD (2020), Tax Policy Reforms 2020: OECD and Selected Partner Economies, OECD Publishing, Paris,
7. OECD (2020b), OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2020 Issue 1, OECD Publishing, Paris,
OECD (2020), Taxing Wages 2020, OECD Publishing, Paris,
Requirements to complete the course
Active forms of teaching 40%:
• Activity 5 %
• Presentation of seminar work - specifics of the tax system of a selected EU country 15%
• Continuous paper 20%
Written exam 60%
Student workload
total student workload in hours - daily: 156 hours
individual load for individual educational activities: participation in lectures 26 h, participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for exercises 13 h, presentation of seminar work 13 h, preparation for a continuous paper 26 h, preparation for the exam 52 h.
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 06.02.2023
Date of the latest change: 27.01.2022