Direct taxes
- Credits: 6
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2P + 2C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Economics and Finance
Included in study programs
Teaching results
• gain advanced, complex and systematic knowledge and understanding in the area of direct income tax, which will make the basis for gaining further individual knowledge and skills
• show knowledge of legislative norms, which modify the area of taxation of income of individual and legal entity in the Slovak Republic
• show professional skills in the area of income taxation of individual and legal entity and the ability to individually solve theoretic and practical problems and gain active and effective solutions
After completing the subject students should get:
1. Knowledge and understanding:
• understand the basic principles of income taxation of individual and legal entity and their application in praxis
• identify different types of taxable personal income and correctly determine the amount of tax liability of individual
• identify different types of legal entities and correctly identify the level of tax responsibility of chosen legal entity
• show knowledge of administrative responsibilities involving income taxation of individual and legal entity
2. Practical skills:
• the ability to analyse and apply basic concepts of taxation involving income taxation of individual and legal entity
• the ability to allocate income tax base and calculate tax liability for individual and legal entity
• the ability to fill in tax return for income tax of individual and legal entity and settle up the relationship with a tax administrator
3. Competency:
• the ability to apply gained knowledge and skills when solving problematic case in the area of income taxation of individual and legal entity and accept active and effective solutions
• the ability to work alone as well as in a team.
Indicative content
• Allocate the relevance and place of income tax in the tax system of the Slovak Republic. Illustrate current problems and questions in the area of income taxation of individual and legal entity.
• Clarify basic concepts of income taxation of individual entity.
• Identify different types of taxable personal income and show different types of assessing partial tax bases and particular income tax base of individual.
• Assess options of application of tax expenses when evaluating individual partial tax bases, respectively particular income tax base of individual.
• Characterize total income tax base of individual, allocate the options of modifying tax base and evaluate total tax liability of individual for taxing season. Clarify the meaning of application of non-taxable parts of tax base and tax bonus.
• Evaluate the role of micro taxpayer (individual) and benefits resulting from this role in relationship to income tax.
• Settle up tax liability of individual after the end of tax season with flow on structure of the income (annual account, tax return).
• Provide a complex view on transformation of economic result of corporation on income tax base of legal entity in form of innovative and practical solutions.
• Evaluate the impacts of tax operations on tax base of legal entity in a relationship to social, economic, financial and investment needs of the corporation.
• Trough specific tax regimes achieve tax savings in a relationship to long-term development of corporation.
• Identify the most suitable tax structure for the specific types of legal entities in a relationship to long-term plan for development of corporation.
• Illustrate the role and impact of selected tax regimes focusing on supporting start-up companies.
• Settle up tax liability of legal entity after the end of tax season with emphasis on a type of legal entity and structure of income.
Support literature
1. Legislative standards in the field of direct taxes
2. Methodical guidelines of the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic in the field of direct taxes
3. VÁLEK, J. a kol.: Daňovníctvo. 2. vydanie. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2023, ISBN 978-80-7676-736-2
4. KUŠNÍROVÁ, J. : Teoretické a praktické aspekty zdanenia právnických osôb v Slovenskej republike, Vydavateľstvo Wolters Kluwer, Praha 2016, ISBN 978-80-7552-490-4
Requirements to complete the course
Continuous 2 written work, written final examination
Student assessment includes:
20 % I. continuous written work
20 % II. continuous written work
60 % written final examination
Student workload
Total student work-load for 6 credits (6 x 26) = 156 hours include:
participation in lectures 26 hours
participation at practice 26 hours
preparation for lectures 10 hours
preparation for practices 15 hours
preparation for I. continuous written work 15 hours
preparation for II. continuous written work 15 hours
preparation for examination 49 hours
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 06.02.2023
Date of the latest change: 14.09.2023