Taxation of negative externalities


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Knowledge, Skills and Competencies
The main educational outcomes that students will acquire after completing the course Taxation of Negative Externalities are theoretical knowledge in the field of consumption taxation and economic solutions to the existence of negative externalities. After completing the course, students will understand the application of financial and economic instruments in various components of the environment as well as improving the quality of health of the population. They will be able to demonstrate expertise in the field of excise duties and environmental taxes, both in theoretical and practical terms.
They will acquire the latest theoretical knowledge necessary for scientific work in the field of taxation of negative externalities also in terms of current globalization processes. They will be able to orientate themselves in the taxation of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, mineral oils and environmental taxes in the system of taxation of the European Union. Working in groups during the elaboration of the study will stimulate team cooperation and its presentation to discussions and arguments. They will gain the ability to understand the financial and economic processes in the field of taxation of negative externalities, using a broad national perspective and work with data. They will be able to demonstrate creativity as well as assess and interpret tax implications. After completing the course, the student will be competent to act independently but also as a team, to integrate the acquired knowledge into their own findings and proposals. As part of his skills, he masters non-market solutions to eliminate negative externalities through taxation and is able to maintain contact with the latest developments in the area under study.

Indicative content

• Basic characteristics in the taxation of negative externalities.
• The process of European unification and tax policy.
• Excise taxes as a tool to eliminate negative externalities.
• Theoretical approaches to consumption taxation.
• Positive and negative factors influencing the revenue to the state budget from excise duties.
• Characteristics and types of environmental taxation.
• The main tools of the international fight against warming and pollution - the main tools.
• Possibilities of greening the tax systems of EU countries.
• Business schemes vs. emission taxes.

Support literature

Juraj Válek – Marcela Rabatinová – Jana Kušnírová – Denisa Ihnatišinová : Daňovníctvo; 2. vydanie; Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2023, ISBN 978-80-7676-736-2
Jana Kušnírová – Juraj Válek : Daňovníctvo. Zbierka riešených a neriešených príkladov, 2. vydanie, Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2023, ISBN 978-80-571-0594-7
KUŠNÍROVÁ, J. – RABATINOVÁ, M. – VÁLEK, J.: Daňová politika a jej vplyv na efektívny výber daní a elimináciu daňových únikov; Wolters Kluwer, Praha 2017; ISBN 978-80-7552-900-8
ROMANČÍKOVÁ, E. : Ekonómia a životné prostredie. Bratislava: Iura Edition, 2011, ISBN 978-80-8078-426-3
daňové zákony – denná odborná tlač a odborné ekonomické časopisy, prípadne,,
Decoupling Natural Resource Use and Environmental Impacts from Economic Growth
International Resource Panel, Working Group on Decoupling, United Nations Environment
Programme, 2011, ISBN: 978-92-807-3167-5, Job Number: DTI/1388/PA
DAVID, P. (2007) : Teorie daňové incidence s praktickou aplikací, Brno, Akademické
nakladatelství CERM 2007, ISBN 978-80-7204-711-6
DAVID, P. (2010) : Zdaňování a spotřeba cigaret, Brno, Akademické nakladatelství CERM 2010,
ISBN 978-80-7204-522-8
OECD (2010),Taxation, Innovation and the Environment, OECD PUBLISHING, ISBN
978-92-64-08762-0 – No. 57481 2010
Platné daňové zákony k jednotlivým daniam. Príslušné smernice a nariadenia EÚ

Requirements to complete the course

3 % class exercise, 20% midterm test, 7 % class project, 70 % written exam

Student workload

Full time 5 x 26 = 130 :
• Lectures 26 h; Seminars 13 h; Preparation for seminars 6 h; class project 25 h; Preparation for midterm test 10 h; Preparation for final exam 50 h

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 06.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 17.05.2024