Environmental Finance
- Credits: 5
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2P + 1C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 2
- Faculty of Economics and Finance
Included in study programs
Teaching results
Knowledge, Skills and Competencies
The main learning outcomes that students will receive after completing the course Environmental Finance are knowledge of current environmental issues, as well as the possibility of improving it through funding - from both the public and private sectors. Including the possibility of using alternative sources of funding, public-private partnership models, such as voluntary agreements. After completing the course, students will understand the application of financial and economic instruments in various components of the environment. They will acquire the latest theoretical knowledge necessary for scientific work in the field of environmental financing. Working in groups during the elaboration of the study will stimulate team cooperation and its presentation to discussions and arguments. They will gain the ability to understand the financial and economic processes in the field of the environment using a broad national economic perspective and work with data. After completing the course, the student will be competent to act independently but also as a team, to integrate the acquired knowledge into their own findings and proposals. Within the skills, he / she masters the procedures of financing environmental protection (public as well as private) and is able to maintain contact with the latest developments in the studied environmental area.
Indicative content
• Environment and its connection with the economy - financial and economic dimension of the environment.
• Theoretical and practical aspects of the construction and application of financial and economic instruments of protection and creation of individual components of the environment.
• Negative impact on the environment and the optimum quality of the environment.
• Indirect instruments of environmental protection and their theoretical background.
• Principles of environmental policy and causes of environmental damage in the EU.
• Economic impacts of the introduction of environmental taxes, their fiscal and incentive function.
• Types of environmental taxation and possibilities of greening the tax system in the Slovak Republic and the countries of the European Union.
• Competitiveness of states and companies in implementing environmental measures.
• Effectiveness of environmental investments and mechanisms of their financing in the private and public sector, use of public-private partnership models.
• Economic impacts of regulatory measures and indirect instruments of environmental protection.
• Possibilities of using renewable energy sources and their impact on the environment.
Support literature
1. Romančíková,E.: Ekonómia a životné prostredie, Iura Edition , Bratislava, 2011
2. Kanianska, R.,Jaďuďová,J.,Marková,I.: Zelená ekonomika, Belianum, Banská Bystrica, 2017
3. Van Jones: Zelená ekonomika, Vyšehrad spol.s.r.o., Praha 2011
4. MŽPSR, SAŽP. 2021 .Správa o stave životného prostredia Slovenskej republiky v roku 2021, ISBN : 978-80-8213-091-4
5. Mezřický,V.: Environmentální politika a udržateľný rozvoj, Praha, Portál 2005
6. Košičiarová,S a kol.: Právo životného prostredia – vybrané kapitoly, HEURÉKA, 2002
7. Decoupling Natural Resource Use and Environmental Impacts from Economic Growth
8. International Resource Panel, Working Group on Decoupling, United Nations Environment Programme, 2011, ISBN: 978-92-807-3167-5, Job Number: DTI/1388/PA
9. Endres,A.: Environmental Economics: Theory and Policy. New York: Cambrige University Press, 2011
10. Kerry Turner, David Pearce, Ian Bateziani : Ekonómia životného prostredia, EU v Bratislave, 2002
11. OECD 2010,Taxation, Innovation and the Environment, OECD PUBLISHING, ISBN 978-92-64-08762-0 – No. 57481 2010
12. ENVIROPORTÁL, Informačný portál rezortu MŽP SR
13. Aktuálne materiály a podklady OECD 18. Platné zákony v danej oblasti . Príslušné smernice a nariadenia EÚ www.zbierka.sk, https://www.slov-lex.sk/domov,
Requirements to complete the course
10% class exercise, 10% midterm test, 20% class project, 60% written exam
Student workload
Full time 5 x 26 = 130 :
• Lectures 26 h; Seminars 13 h; Preparation for seminars 6 h; class project 15 h; Preparation for midterm test 10 h; Preparation for final exam 60 h
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 06.02.2023
Date of the latest change: 29.01.2024