Public Finance Management


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The course focuses on a critical evaluation of the most important theoretical approaches and concepts of using tools for public finance management, especially public debt.
The study of the course will enable students to understand the current state of theory and policy in the field of public finance management, build the ability to formulate their own approaches / attitudes to key topics and apply their theoretical knowledge in analyzing current issues at the national and transnational level.
Knowledge and understanding.
• Understanding the theoretical basis for public finance management, their methodological approaches and theoretical models
• Knowledge of key analytical tools used in the analysis of management in public finances
Skills, properties and Competence.
• Ability to use formalized models
• Ability to formulate one's own attitudes to the problems of fiscal and budgetary policy management and theoretically argue them

Indicative content

1. Introduction to the public finance management
2. Public revenue management
3. Management of public expenditures and investments
4. Fiscal rules as a tool for public finance management
5. Fiscal councils as an institutional element in public finance management in the Slovak Republic and abroad
6. Fiscal targeting and medium-term budgetary and fiscal frameworks
7. Fiscal risk management
8. Structural reforms of public finances as a basis for successful reform of public finance management
9. Public finance management reforms and public finance management reform in the Slovak Republic
10. Government debt management in the Slovak Republic and abroad
11. Liquidity management in the Slovak Republic and abroad
12. Management of budgetary relations within integration organizations
13. Management of budgetary relations within integration organizations in times of debt crisis

Support literature

• Cangiano, M. (2013). Public Financial Management and Its Emerging Architecture. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund.
• Allen, A. Tommasi, D. Řízení veřejných výdajú: Odborná příručka pro tranzitivní země. Redakční zpracování anglického originálu: Richard Allen a Daniel Tommasi. OECD, ISBN I80-85045-12-5
• Sivák a kol.: Verejné financie, Iura Edition, Bratislava, 2007
• Ochrana, F. Pavel, J. Vítek, L. Maaytová, A. Urbánek, V. (2010). Veřejný sektor a veřejné finance: financování nepodnikatelských a podnikatelských aktivit. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2010, 261 s. Expert. ISBN 978-80-247-3228-2.
• Medveď, J. a Juraj Nemec, J. (2011). Verejné financie. Bratislava: Sprint dva, 2011, 640 s. Economics. ISBN 978-80-89393-46-6.
• Baldwin, R. Wyplosz, CH.: Ekonomie evropské integrace, Grada Publishing, Praha, 2008
• Maaytová, A., Ochrana, F. Pavel J. (2015). Veřejné finance: v teorii a praxi. Praha: GRADA Publishing, 2015, 208 s. Expert. ISBN 978-80-247-5561-8.
• Pretorius, C. Pretorius, N.(2008)A Review of PFM Reform Literature. London:DFID
• World Bank (2013). Beyond the Annual Budget : Global Experience with Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks. Washington, DC: World Bank. © World Bank.
• Zákon č. 291/2002 Z. z. Zákon o Štátnej pokladnici a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov
• Stratégia riadenia štátneho dlhu, výročné správy ARDAL a Štátnej pokladnice, správy Rady pre rozpočtovú zodpovednosť, atď....

Requirements to complete the course

20 % assignments,
30 % seminar paper,
50 % written exam

Student workload

Lectures 26 h,
Seminars 26 h,
Preparation of assignments 26 h,
Preparation seminar paper 13 h,
Preparation for final exam 52 h

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 06.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 27.01.2022