Corporate controlling in ESET s.r.o.


Included in study programs

Teaching results

- A comprehensive view of corporate controlling through the tools of controlling; management reporting; partial controlling.
- Solve practical problems in the application of corporate controlling tools
- Respond to the external synergistic effect of multinational influences using adequate tools; understand and evaluate the effectiveness of controlling tools and their interrelationships,
- Gain experience in preparing reports and ad-hock analyses of impacts and processes in different markets,
- Understand the communication function of controlling in an international environment,
- Evaluate the relevance of controlling report information for management,
- Apply knowledge in the development of recommendations in the course of unfavourable development of economic indicators in the enterprise.
- Independently or in a group, create a case study using controlling tools and relevant information from the enterprise and interpret the results,
- To justify professionally any deviations of reality from the plan and to propose relevant measures for their elimination,
- Gain experience of practical, effective and flexible cooperation in the preparation of reports in the context of controlling and reporting engagements and "corporate networking",
- Demonstrate knowledge in the production of different types of reports), design techniques for presenting reports and present relevant information to the management of the company for decision-making purposes.
- Have experience in the practical application of ICT for corporate controlling purposes as corporate reporting

Indicative content

1. Tools, methods and functions of corporate controlling in ESET as an original system of economics and management of multinational Slovak corporation:
2. System of corporate controlling organization within the international corporate structure:
3. Management reporting. Internal structure of management reporting according to controlling objects in the corporation, including ICT.
4. Data sources for corporate controlling and reporting in the corporate management system:
5. Planning and budgeting process of the corporation:
6. Financial controlling.
7. Controlling receivables and financing of ESET Group:
8. Transfer pricing and tax policy in ESET Group:
9. Individual financial statements according to SAS as part of the corporate controlling system.
10. Consolidated IFRS financial statements as part of the corporate controlling system:
11. CSR controlling/integrated reporting:
12. 12. Virtual tour of the functioning of the corporate controlling system - live
13. Student as a controller - project proposal of corporate controlling segment .

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. ESET internal materials:
- ESET Annual Reports
- controlling reports
- budget performance evaluations
- published statutory and consolidated annual financial statements
Supplementary literature:

Requirements to complete the course

35 % elaboration of case studies in seminars, 65 % presentation of term papers

Student workload

104 h (participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, preparation of the term paper and preparation for presentation of the term paper 52 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course

slovak, english

Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 23.05.2022