Cooperative Enterpreneurship


Included in study programs

Teaching results

- acquiring basic knowledge about cooperative business in Slovakia, EU countries and the rest of the world.
- to effectively use information on substitute fulfilment within the framework of the legislation of the Social Enterprises Act and the Employment Services Act,
- critically evaluate the current possibilities and perspectives of individual cooperative forms and types of cooperatives in Slovakia and EU member states.
- analyse the possibility of marginalised citizens to enter the labour market through cooperative sheltered workshops and sheltered workplaces,
- ability to assess business and cooperation opportunities for Slovak and foreign cooperative enterprises,
- assessing the business of cooperative enterprises and the possibilities of improving their management with a view to adjusting various aspects of their operation.

Indicative content

1. Basic information about the cooperative form of business in Slovakia cooperative business in general, development and current state of cooperative business in Slovakia. Information about individual weeks, seminar work and evaluation of the course
2. Co-operative business in the world, International Co-operative Federation and its sectoral and regional organisations. The Cooperative Union and its position within the ILO.
3. Consumer cooperatives in Slovakia and in the world.
4. Coop Jednota Slovensko and European consumer cooperatives.
5. Agricultural cooperatives in Slovakia and worldwide.
6. The Union of Agricultural Cooperatives and Commercial Companies of the Slovak Republic and its role in agricultural production in Slovakia.
7. The system of housing and building cooperatives in Slovakia and the world
8. Housing cooperatives, their current status and development perspectives in Slovakia.
9. The system of production cooperatives in Slovakia and in the world and the role of Coop Produkt Slovakia in the development of production cooperatives in Slovakia.
10. Employment of citizens with disabilities and compensation. The Act on Social Enterprises and the Employment Services Act.
11. Specifics of the cooperative form of business (cultural, health, credit,...)
12. Current problems of cooperative business in the Slovak Republic and in the world and perspectives of cooperative business during crises and pandemics.
13. New types of cooperatives. Final student presentations.

Support literature

Basic literature:
ŠÚBERTOVÁ, Elena. Družstevníctvo v procese globalizácie. Bratislava. Vydavateľ: KARTPRINT. 192 s. ISBN: 80-88870-34-8.
Supplementary literature:
HESKOVÁ, Marie - PÍCHA, Kamil - ŠÚBERTOVÁ, Elena. Evropská družstva : vzdělávání a výchova. Zeleneč : Profess Consulting, 2008. CD-ROM, 156 s. ISBN 978-80-7259-041-4.
HESKOVÁ, Marie - WILSON, Mervyn - ŠÚBERTOVÁ Elena; Encyklopedie družstevnictví. Svazek 1. Bratislava : KARTPRINT, 2005. 71 s. ISBN 80-88870-51-8.
ŠÚBERTOVÁ, Elena - GAJDOVÁ, Denisa. Družstvá v období globálnej krízy. In Nová teorie ekonomiky a managementu organizací 2010 : sborník z mezinárodní vědecké konference Jak se zastavil a změnil svět realizované v rámci výzkumného záměru : 15.10.2010 Praha. - Praha : Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze - Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2010. ISBN 978-80-245-1691-2, s. 1-7. VEGA 1/0330/08.
GAJDOVÁ, Denisa. Družstvá a spoločenská zodpovednosť podnikov. In Indikátory spoločensky zodpovedného správania podnikateľskej sféry na Slovensku v súčasnej etape ekonomického vývoja : [zborník vedeckých prác]. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2011. ISBN 978-80-225-3259-4, s. 82-88. VEGA 1/0657/10.
GAJDOVÁ, Denisa. Vplyv krízy na družstvá. In Ochrana hospodárskej súťaže - globálna hospodárska kríza II. : zborník vedeckých prác. - Šoporňa : Ľuboš Janica, 2011. ISBN 978-80-970622-1-7, s. 62-67.
GAJDOVÁ, Denisa. Družstvá ako nástroj na posilnenie podnikateľstva počas svetovej hospodárskej krízy. In Aktuálne problémy podnikania v podmienkach krízy : [zborník vedeckých prác]. - Šoporňa : Vydavateľstvo Ľuboš Janica, 2012. ISBN 978-80-970622-2-4, s. 61-65.
GAJDOVÁ, Denisa. Analýza družstevných princípov - vplyv Covid 19 krízy na význam sociálnych družstiev. In Trendy v podnikání - mezinárodní vědecká konference. Trendy v podnikání. - Plzeň : Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2020. ISBN 978-80-261-0971-6, s. [1-7]. VEGA 1/0340/19.
GAJDOVÁ, Denisa. Zákon o službách zamestnanosti - vplyv novely na výrobné družstvá invalidov. In Ekonomika, financie a manažment podniku - rok 2013 : zborník vedeckých statí pri príležitosti 60. výročia založenia Fakulty podnikového manažmentu EU v Bratislave. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2013. ISBN 978-80-225-3651-6, s. [1-6] CD-ROM.
GAJDOVÁ, Denisa. Družstevné podnikanie v kontexte spoločensky zodpovedného podnikania. In Socio-Economic Determinants of Sustainable Consumption and Production : Proceedings of Scientific Papers. - Brno : Masaryk University Press, 2020. ISBN 978-80-210-9705-6, pp. 102-108 online. VEGA 1/0708/20.

Requirements to complete the course

10% active participation in seminars, 30% elaboration of a case study of a selected cooperative enterprise, 60% elaboration and presentation of a seminar paper on a selected topic related to a specific selected cooperative enterprise

Student workload

104 h (participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars and preparation of case study 26 h, preparation of seminar paper 52 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 23.05.2022