Communication in Management (in English)


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• Comprehensive knowledge of the application of communication theory in business practice, defining the application possibilities of using communication forms and models in business management, their advantages and disadvantages, the possibility of predicting and eliminating communication conflicts in internal and external communication, selection and use of communication tools in managerial situations, in the field of using communication tactics, techniques and strategies and from the creation of communication plans and strategies of the company as well as crisis communication plans and their application.
• effectively use essential information about internal and external corporate communication, its basic features, goals, forms and models in practice,
• critically evaluate the application possibilities of individual communication models of internal and external communication of the company,
• characterize the nature and evaluate the emergence and possibilities of resolving communication conflicts in the internal and external communication of the company with an impact on the internal climate and competitiveness of the company,
• propose, communicate/present and defend solutions and recommendations aimed at increasing the effectiveness of internal and external communication of the company,
• develop a scheme of effective internal company communication, including crisis communication.
• professionally and effectively use the components of verbal communication in the intentions of the requirements of the managerial communication role in a linguistically and culturally homogeneous and intercultural work environment,
• professionally and effectively use the components of non-verbal communication in the intentions of the requirements of the managerial communication role in a linguistically and culturally homogeneous and intercultural work environment,
• critically evaluate the possibilities of choosing communication tools, tactics, techniques and strategies in relation to the communication situation and corporate culture and justify their choice,
• analyze the causal context of the emergence of communication conflicts and establish procedures for predicting and limiting their occurrence,
• prepare the conditions for conducting a communication audit and defend the procedure and selected methods.

Indicative content

Thematic definition of lectures:
1. Introduction to the subject Communication in Management.
2. Communication and managerial communication.
3. Role, social status and corresponding communication patterns in the communication process of the manager in the company.
4. Communication skills and communication competencies of the manager.
5. Types and forms of professional managerial communication, their characteristics and use at various communication levels in the organization.
6. Verbal communication of the manager and its use in relation to the management style.
7. Active listening and listening as a part and condition of professional managerial communication.
8. Non-verbal communication in professional managerial communication.
9. Communication patterns for individual specific forms of professional managerial communication.
10. Supportive communication techniques in professional communication and their characteristics.
11. Psychological barriers in professional managerial communication.
12. Communication audit.
13. Specifics of managerial communication in a multicultural company/organization.
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. The subject of communication in management.
2. Exercise aimed at understanding the effectiveness of individual communication vectors in model communication situations.
3. Training of basic communication patterns used in formal and informal communication roles of a manager.
4. Training of communication skills.
5. Training of basic forms of managerial communication in model situations.
6. Training of basic components of verbal communication.
7. Training of active listening in model situations.
8. Practicing correctly transmitting and reading/decrypting signals of nonverbal communication.
9. Training of selected communication patterns of professional managerial communication.
10. Training in assertive managerial communication.
11. Training in identifying communication barriers and noise in the communication process.
12. Case study for communication audit.
13. Case study of managerial communication in a multicultural enterprise.

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. BREWSTER, C. et al. (2016). International Human Resource Management. CIPD – Kogan Page, 2016. 522 s. ISBN 978-1843083750.
Supplementary literature:
1. MERRIAM-WEBSTR, INC. (2016). The Merriam-Webster dictionary. Sprigfield: Merriam-Webstr, Inc. 939 p. ISBN 978-0-87779-295-6.
2. EMMITT, S., GORSE, C.A. (2009), Construction communication. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. pp. 34-35. ISBN 978-14-051-4872-6.
3. KEMPEN, R., ENGEL, A., (2017) Measuring intercultural competence. In Interculture Journal, Vol. 16, 2017, No.29. ISSN 2196-9485, p. 39-60.
4. THORSBY, D. (2001). Economics and Culture. Cambridge: University press. ISBN 978-80-7556-036-0.


Thematic definition of lectures: 1. Introduction to the subject Communication in Management. Characteristics of individual approaches to the issue of communication in management. Communication theory and its application possibilities in management and leadership of people in the work process. 2. Communication and managerial communication. Characteristics of individual vectors of managerial communication. Communication flows in the organization. Communication tools in the organization. Communication effect. Communication barriers on the sender's side and on the recipient's side. Communiqué. 3. Role, social status and corresponding communication patterns in the communication process of the manager in the company. Characteristics of formal and informal communication managerial role. Communication role and natural authority of a manager in an organization. Communication models in managerial communication in the organization in relation to the social status of the manager. 4. Communication skills and communication competencies of the manager, their nature and characteristics. Managerial communication as a skill. Personality/psychological preconditions of a manager for managerial communication. Physical and physiological prerequisites for managerial communication. 5. Types and forms of professional managerial communication, their characteristics and use at various communication levels in the organization. Rational and emotional approach in managerial communication and their combination in relation to the communication situation. Communication estimation and communication impact of incorrect/correct non/professional managerial communication. 6. Verbal communication of the manager and its use in relation to the management style. Content of the term verbal communication. Components of verbal communication and their characteristics. Psychological and psychological essence of individual components of verbal communication in professional managerial communication. 7. Active listening and listening as a part and condition of professional managerial communication. Characteristics of terms listening, hearing, active listening. The essence of active listening. Active listening as a process. The difference between active listening and listening. Objective and subjective obstacles occurring in individual stages of active listening and the possibility of limiting and eliminating them. 8. Non-verbal communication in professional managerial communication. Content of the concept of nonverbal communication. Characteristics of individual nonverbal signals. Characteristics of mimics, facial expressions, haptics, proxemics, gesticulation and posturics. Interpretation of the content of individual components in non-verbal communication and their cultural conditionality. 9. Communication patterns for individual specific forms of professional managerial communication. Definition of the term communication pattern. Cultural and intercultural communication patterns used in professional managerial communication. Creation of communication patterns in the professional communication of a manager in relation to his/her management style. 10. Supportive communication techniques in professional communication and their characteristics. Content of the concept of assertiveness. Characteristics of assertive managerial communication. Content of the concept of empathy. Characteristics of empathic managerial communication. Content of the concept of persuasion. Characteristics of persuasive managerial communication. 11. Psychological barriers in professional managerial communication. Characteristics of individual psychological barriers in managerial communication. Objective and subjective psychological barriers in managerial communication and their content. Communication noise and their limitation and elimination. Crisis communication. 12. Communication audit. Characteristics of communication audit and its importance in small and medium companies. Methods used in communication audit. Results of communication audit in the company and their interpretation in accordance with the principles of GDPR. 13. Specifics of managerial communication in a multicultural company/organization. Intercultural communication patterns incorporated into corporate culture. Intercultural communication skills of managers. Intercultural communication competencies of managers. Corporate slang, pictograms and a set of corporate gestures and communication signs. Thematic definition of exercises: 1. The subject of communication in management. Content definition of individual terms and terms used in the theory of communication. Analysis of individual theoretical approaches in the theory of communication from the point of view of management and manager. 2. Exercise aimed at understanding the effectiveness of individual communication vectors in model communication situations. Correct and incorrect message sending. Analysis of errors in the process of sending and receiving a message in the communication process. Identification of objective and subjective obstacles in the communication process in the organization - modeling. 3. Training of basic communication patterns used in formal and informal communication roles of a manager. Training of managerial communication in individual communication models - linear, interpersonal and cross. 4. Training of communication skills. Verification of managerial skills in model situations. Consolidation of communication skills and communication competencies in individual communication patterns used in the organization in manager-employee communication and vice versa. 5. Training of basic forms of managerial communication in model situations in order to teach communicants to estimate the communication situation and the communication impact of their chosen form of communication. Legibility and illegibility in professional managerial communication - practice of behavior regulation, elimination of manifestations of stress in communication, presentation performance. 6. Training of basic components of verbal communication, voice and certainty in the voice, dynamics of speech, vocabulary and work with it, harmony between thinking and speech. Application of individual components of verbal communication in basic forms of managerial professional communication - in monologue, conversation, conversation with a group, in discussion and in polemic. 7. Training of active listening in model situations. Detection and removal of objective and subjective obstacles in individual stages of the process of active listening. Listening training as a professional manager's skill. 8. Practicing correctly transmitting and reading/decrypting signals of nonverbal communication. Training of individual components of nonverbal communication. Mimics and facial expressions. Haptics and basic forms of haptics in managerial communication - practice. Posturics, gestures and proxemics - practice of decrypting the contents of individual components and their combinations. 9. Training of selected communication patterns of professional managerial communication. Practicing communication patterns in relation to applied communication models and in relation to management styles. 10. Training in assertive managerial communication. Training in the use of assertive rights in communication. Practicing assertive communication techniques. Practicing empathic managerial communication. Training in expressing empathy and compassion. Practicing persuasive managerial communication. Working with arguments. Using emotions in persuasive managerial communication in model situations. 11. Training in identifying communication barriers and noise in the communication process. The ability to prevent the emergence of communication barriers. Development of a communication plan to eliminate risk factors that cause communication barriers. Elaboration and presentation of crisis communication plan. 12. Case study for communication audit. Determining the plan and procedures of communication audit in the company. Determination of criteria for selection and work with individual methods used in communication audit. Evaluation of obtained results and their interpretation. Working in groups. 13. Case study of managerial communication in a multicultural enterprise. Specifics of communication and sharing in an intercultural communication environment. Creation of unifying in-house communication patterns.

Requirements to complete the course

30% semestral work, 70% written or oral or combined exam

Student workload

156 h (participation in lectures 26 h, participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, preparation for credit exam 26 h, preparation for final exam 52 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 08.05.2022