Employee Development and Career Management


Included in study programs

Teaching results

A comprehensive view of employee development needs to meet current and future business objectives. Elaboration of the possibilities of employees' careers, which are conditioned by the evaluation of employee development potential, where the employee's personality, prerequisites and conditions of his/her further development, the influence of educational, counselling and socio-andragogical action are essential. The basic task of the company is to ensure a continuous systemic process of employee education, based on the conclusions and principles of international and European institutions. Perfect knowledge of the individual stages of the systemic approach to education will enable employees to develop and manage their careers in accordance with the company's development objectives in the current conditions of economic and social development.
• harmonise the various groups in the company involved in the preparation and implementation of employee development activities;
• effectively use the information from the enterprise planning system to determine the objectives of employee development and its content;
• to organise the decision-making process in the selection of suppliers of training activities for the enterprise, taking into account also the career planning of employees;
• to ensure the implementation side of training and employee development, to critically evaluate the applicability of individual forms and to increase the dynamics of the training process by making the right decision on the choice of training methods;
• monitor the results of training and evaluate the results of training in terms of benefits and return on investment in the enterprise.
• Conduct an educational needs analysis, apply different types of data collection methods of analysis, evaluate the data collected;
• identify learning needs based on the results of the analysis using specific methods;
• interpret the specificities of the target groups in corporate training and create target groups for the training (e.g. taking into account the age of trainees, the profession, the job position/function, the organisational structure, taking into account career plans and the elaborated succession system, etc.);
• draw up a career plan, in line with the individual performance, education and development plan;
• draw up a training project following the required structure of training projects in continuing professional enterprise education.

Indicative content

Thematic definition of lectures:
1. Human resources in the company and employee development opportunities
2. Employee professional training, the teaching process and the didactic cycle in further education
3. Educational needs of employees and how they differ in relation to the performance of work activities
4. Analysis and identification of educational needs - the basis of the training system in the company
5. Planning and designing further professional education
6. Forms of education, their characteristics, division and importance in the education process
7. Methods of education and their application in the process of education implementation
8. Andragogical diagnostics and evaluation of education
9. Knowledge, its nature and meaning - needs and opportunities for development in the enterprise
10. Education market, education actors and marketing activities of educational institutions
11. Career guidance, training and career development roles
12. Career and its starting points
13. Career management
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. Introductory seminar on the interpretation of basic concepts and contexts in the field of education and careers, organisation of seminars, conditions for the award of credit
2. Vocational education, its role and importance in lifelong learning and careers
3. Educational needs of employees and further training in the enterprise
4. A systems approach to education and identification of educational needs
5. Planning and designing further education
6. Forms of education – and their practical application in the enterprise
7. Methods of education, their characteristics and classification
8. Diagnostics and evaluation in adult education in corporate education
9. Knowledge in the enterprise, action learning: its essence, meaning and modifications
10. Education market, education actors and marketing activities of educational institutions
11. The roles and importance of career guidance
12. Career and its starting points
13. Career management

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. KNOWLES S. Malcom - HOLTON III F. Elwood - SWANSON, A. Richard. Lebenslanges Lernen. Andragogik und Erwachsenenbildung. 6. vydanie. München : Spektrum Akademischer Verlag / Elsevier GmbH, 2007. 341 s. ISBN-13:978-3-8274-1699-5.
Supplementary literature:
1. CARRETERO, Sonia - VUORIKARI, Riina - PUNIE, Yves. The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens. 4. rozš. vyd. Luxembursko : Publications Office of the European Union, 2017, 48 s. ISBN 978-92-79-68006-9, doi:10.2760/159770, JRC107466.
2. FERRARI, Anusca. Digital Competence in Practice: An Analysis of Frameworks. 1.vyd. Luxembursko : Publications Office of the European Union, 2012, 95 s. ISBN 978-92-79-25093-4 (pdf), ISSN 1831‐9424 (online) doi:10.2791/82116.
3. WEBB, Sue at. al. Conceptualising lifelong learning for sustainable development and education 2030. In International Journal of Lifelong Education, volume 38, issue 3, Pp. 237-240, Routledge Toylor & Francis Group. Melbourne : 2019. Print ISSN: 0260-1370 Online ISSN: 1464-519 X, https://doi.org/10.1080/02601370.2019.1635353.
4. MAINARDES, Jefferson - STREMEL Silvana. Education Policy Research: Epistemological and Theoretical Issues. 1.vydanie. Curitiba : Brazil Publishing, 2020. 270 s. ISBN 978-65-86854-44-21.
5. MAINARDES, Jefferson - TELLO, César. Research on the field of education policy: Exploring different levels of approach and abstraction. In Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24 (75), Tempe : Arizona State University, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.14507/epaa.24.2331, ISSN 1068-2341.
6. TAHA, Ali Viktória - TEJ, Juraj - SIRKOVÁ, Michaela. Creative methods in management education from student´s perspective. In Journal of Management and Business: Research and Practice. Prešov : Prešovská Univerzita v Prešove, 2015, roč. 4, č. 1, s. 21-29. ISSN 1338-0494.


Thematic definition of lectures: 1. Human resources in the company and employee development opportunities The role of further education as a factor of increasing the dynamics of human resources in the enterprise. Socially determined demands for further professional education in the context of implemented structural changes and informatization of society. Labour mobility – occupational and geographical mobility and implications for training needs. Working careers and the role of education in the era of digitisation. The shaping of the European Learning Area, its impact on innovative and inclusive education. Employee development in the enterprise, the importance of educational, counselling and socio-andragogical action. Andragogy as a scientific discipline and practice of further education, subsystems of andragogy. 2. Employee professional training, the teaching process and the didactic cycle in further education Further education and basic orientation directions of continuing professional education in the enterprise. Adult vocational education and its structure. Employee training, broken down into adaptation training, further qualification training (aimed at professional growth and development of qualifications acquired to date, i.e. innovative training and qualification renewal), broadening and deepening of qualifications and retraining (retraining). Principles of adult continuing vocational education. The didactic cycle in further education. Androdidactics and curriculum development in adult education in corporate education. 3. Educational needs of employees and how they differ in relation to the performance of work activities Basic concepts (characteristics of work activity, employment in the sense of Act 5/2004 and its amendment on Employment Services. ISCO - International Standard Classification of Occupations (National Classification of Occupations for the Slovak Republic SK ISCO - 08 (2012). Occupational characteristics and occupational standards and educational needs. Creation of occupational standards - historical background. Integrated system of type positions. National system of occupations. Internet guide to the labour market. Orientation of education to groups of employees (categories of employees), according to the basic content of the activities they perform. The impact of training on the success of the employing entity in the market. 4. Analysis and identification of educational needs - the basis of the training system in the company Systemic approach in continuing professional education in the enterprise. Analysis and identification of educational needs - the first stage of the system approach in education and its preparation. Characteristics and essence of the three-level analysis of educational needs: organizational level of analysis, group needs (for departments teams, functions, professions), individual needs (for individual employees). This is an analysis of the employer entity, an analysis of jobs and work activities, an analysis of employee work performance and work tasks. Methods and techniques applied at different levels (enterprise, group, individual) to obtain data for educational needs analysis. Principles applied in the collection of data and their use for the identification of educational needs. 5. Planning and designing further professional education Introduction and characteristics of the different elements of planning and designing learning. Participants in further education and identification of target groups in continuing professional enterprise education, their characteristics and learning needs. Determination of training objectives and preparation of training content, selection of lecturers and organisation of training. Design of the training event and its structure. Training objectives and criteria for their determination. Basic andragogical documents and their content: curricula, educational programme, thematic plans. Costs of training broken down into: costs per trainee and costs per training programme. 6. Forms of education, their characteristics, division and importance in the education process Forms of education and their characteristics. The nature and importance of forms of education in the implementation of education. Definition of the way of organising training in relation to the number of participants, the place of the training, the time limit, and the way of organising the activities of the trainer and the trainees. Classification of forms of learning according to the way in which the activities of the learner and the participants are organised: managed forms of learning, open forms of learning, individualised learning, cooperative learning, and participatory learning. Application of modern information and communication technologies in managed forms of education. E-learning education - promotion of unrestricted access to information and the possibility of continuous learning. The importance and application of distance learning, evaluation of its course and specifics. 7. Methods of education and their application in the process of education implementation Characteristics of educational methods and factors of their application in the process of education. Basic breakdown of educational methods. Definition of training methods in terms of the interaction between the lecturer and the trainee: traditional (monological methods) and active methods – dialogue teaching methods, situational methods, methods developing skills and consolidating knowledge and practical methods. Selection of training methods in terms of the effectiveness of the educational process in relation to the achievement of the educational objectives. Choice of training methods and promotion of trainees' motivation. 8. Andragogical diagnostics and evaluation of education Characteristics of andragogical diagnostics as a scientific sub-discipline and practice of detecting, recognizing, assessing, characterizing, and evaluating the level of personal development, especially educational development of an adult. Methods of diagnosis in adult education. Evaluation of education and its characteristics. Models of educational assessment. Goal-based assessment. Levels of educational assessment. The impact of training on the behaviour and actions of trainees in the performance of work. Evaluation of the return on investment in training in the enterprise. The second group of models focuses on evaluation models based on a systems approach. The systems approach to training evaluation makes one think about enterprise learning in the context of the different phases of training. 9. Knowledge, its nature and meaning - needs and opportunities for development in the enterprise Knowledge and its importance in business practice, transformation of personal knowledge into business knowledge. Classification of knowledge into explicit and implicit. Development of explicit and implicit knowledge in vertical, horizontal and diagonal communication. Characteristics of the basic levels of knowledge from knowledge to creative action. Idea management, total quality management (TQM), total maintenance management (TMM) and other techniques for effective productivity improvement. Working with knowledge, teamwork and its importance in knowledge development. Innovation, extension and deepening of knowledge. Barriers to knowledge development. Building a learning organisation, conditions and possibilities of implementing knowledge management. 10. Education market, education actors and marketing activities of educational institutions The composition of the educational institutions constituting the adult education market. Cooperation between enterprises and educational institutions in the preparation of educational activities. Application of marketing in educational services, its evaluation or critical evaluation from the point of view of the client - enterprise. Marketing research of educational institutions, types of marketing research. Marketing activities in the creation of educational products and their offer on the educational market. Marketing mix in the educational sphere from 4P marketing mix to 7P marketing mix. Marketing communication and target groups in education. Communication mix tools – advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations. Educational marketing and its application today. Selection of suppliers of educational activities for the enterprise. 11. Career guidance, training and career development roles The nature and meaning of counselling, types of counselling: educational counselling, psychological counselling, socio-andragogical counselling, information counselling, vocational counselling, career counselling. Historical development of counselling. Concepts of lifelong learning and lifelong counselling. Professional and legislative background and institutional support for counselling. Basic departments of counselling service provision: Career counselling in the Department of Education. Career counselling in employment services. Career counselling in the private sector. Career counselling in the non-profit sector. Counselling provided by employers. Qualification requirements for a counsellor profile. 12. Career and its starting points Characteristics of careers, sociological and psychological perceptions of careers. Social mobility and career. Job mobility - change of occupation, workplace, job positions. The internal aspect of the individual's perception of his/her career and the development of personal capabilities of the individual. Stages of career development. Personal potential, personality and its determining factors. Types of personality according to Holland - Holland's hexagon. Personal career planning, career aspirations and personal conditions for their achievement. Career decision making, preferences in career value systems. Career anchor and motivational aspects in career. Sources of personal success, career paths, personal career models. 13. Career management Career management and the role of businesses in managing employees' careers. The essence of career management i.e. an organisation efforts, in line with its goals, vision and mission, to enable employees to develop their own potential. Career management policy as a starting point for career management. Career movement and job change. Career dynamics - Schein's, Jennings' system of career movement assessment. Basic lines of career development: professional, managerial and project. Career planning in the enterprise - the process of creating a career plan, participation of managers in the creation of the plan. Key employees in the enterprise, talent management and talent management tools. Career management policy decision issues, career map development. Thematic definition of exercises: 1. Introductory seminar on the interpretation of basic concepts and contexts in the field of education and careers, organisation of seminars, conditions for the award of credit Characteristics of the basic concepts: adult education, further education, vocational education, lifelong learning, lifelong learning. Education in the information society and its importance in working life. National and international activities providing lifelong learning for the needs of employees and their career development. Institutional provision of education. Preparation and organisation of seminars: - Preparation of students for independent individual work. - Preparation for team work in seminars. Team formation, identification of team leader, teamwork procedures for training project. 2. Vocational education, its role and importance in lifelong learning and careers Objective and subjective aspects of career mobility - External and internal mobility and careers. Management of education in the enterprise, characteristics of education as an emotional, cognitive training and information-communication process. Characteristics of purposeful learning activities according to UNESCO and their application in corporate practice. Products of education: knowledge, skills, abilities, competences and attitudes. Approaches to education - didactic, Socratic, facilitative, and their implications for learning outcomes. Discussion of current issues and trends in enterprise learning. The different components of adult vocational education. 3. Educational needs of employees and further training in the enterprise Qualification and retraining of employees and its focus. Andragogy and its use in the practice of education in the enterprise, subsystems of andragogy, andragogical disciplines. Demands of work activities - Integrated system of type positions, National system of occupations and training needs. Internet guide to the labour market, characteristics of Internet portals providing information on individual occupations and the demands placed on their performance. The first stage of the team project aimed at acquiring practical skills and consolidating the knowledge acquired so far. 4. A systems approach to education and identification of educational needs Enterprise approaches to corporate learning. Systemic approach in corporate education its essence and meaning. Identification of training needs - the first stage of the systemic approach. The starting point of identification of educational needs - analysis of educational needs. Sources for training needs analysis: information commonly available in the employer's entity; purposefully obtained information by means of specific methods, which ascertain specific required data. The essence of the three-level educational needs analysis: organisational level of analysis, task and task performance ('KSA' level), knowledge-skill-ability, personal level of analysis. The second stage of the team project aimed at acquiring practical skills and consolidating the knowledge acquired so far within the scope of the curriculum covered. 5. Planning and designing further education Characteristics of the theoretical basis of educational planning and preparation of educational projects. Partial parts of a training project. Determination of the target group of training in the selected enterprise, the system of forming target groups, determination of training objectives broken down into cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Criteria for setting objectives: specificity of objectives, appropriateness of objectives, controllability of objectives and consistency of objectives. Preparation of educational content and the creation of basic andragogical documents: curricula, curriculum, thematic plans. Costs of training broken down into: costs per trainee and costs per training programme. The third stage of the team project aimed at acquiring practical skills and consolidating the knowledge acquired so far, within the scope of the curriculum covered. 6. Forms of education – and their practical application in the enterprise Definition and characteristics of forms of training, their classification in relation to the number of participants, to the place of venue, to the time limit. Classification of forms of education according to the way of organisation of the activity of the trainer and trainees: managed forms of education (full-time study, correspondence education, distance education, hybrid form of distance education), open forms of education, individualised education, cooperative education, participative education. The fourth stage of the team project aimed at acquiring practical skills and consolidating the knowledge acquired so far within the scope of the curriculum covered. Discussion on the application of different forms of learning in continuing professional education in the enterprise. E-learning education its possibilities and applicability in continuing professional education in the enterprise. Preparation and implementation of off-line and on-line e-learning in continuing adult education. Synchronous and asynchronous version of online e-learning in enterprise education. 7. Methods of education, their characteristics and classification Methods of education, their characteristics and basic breakdown (traditional and active methods of education). Traditional (monological) methods of education. Active methods of education - dialogic teaching methods focused on the individual and applied in small and large groups. Situational methods i.e. complex problem-solving methods (suitable for team learning), skill-developing and knowledge-strengthening methods. Practical methods focused on work-based learning - targeted teaching / mentoring, job change - job rotation, transfer of specific responsibilities, participation in project teams. Fifth stage of the team project aimed at acquiring practical skills and consolidating the knowledge acquired so far within the scope of the curriculum covered. Discussion on the suitability of the application of individual methods in further corporate training, the possibility of implementing selected methods in education. 8. Diagnostics and evaluation in adult education in corporate education Application of andragogical diagnostics in the fields of: adult education, vocational, professional and interest education of adults; but also personnel management (management and development of human resources); educational counselling; social-educational work and socio-andragogical counselling. Implementation of diagnostics in adult education and characteristics of diagnostics as a process. Methods of diagnosis in adult education and their benefits, pitfalls - discussion. Evaluation of corporate education - the final stage of the systemic approach of education implementation. Formation of methodology and determination of criteria for the application of the system of evaluation of corporate education using models of evaluation of education based on the systems approach. The sixth stage of the team project aimed at the acquisition of practical skills and consolidation of the knowledge acquired so far in the scope of the curriculum covered. Preparation for the presentation of the results of the work of the individual teams at the seminars. 9. Knowledge in the enterprise, action learning: its essence, meaning and modifications Knowledge in the enterprise. Classification of knowledge into explicit and implicit. Communication tools applied in explicit and implicit knowledge development in vertical, horizontal and diagonal communication in the enterprise (practical use of the parliamentary dialogue method of education). Development of specific knowledge in the enterprise through action learning. The essence of team learning, characteristics of team learning. Application of methods in team learning and their practical implementation. Practices used to create an appropriate environment for the creation, dissemination and use of knowledge in the enterprise. The learning organisation, its nature and meaning and knowledge management (practical application of the learning method: chain discussion). 10. Education market, education actors and marketing activities of educational institutions Analysis of the education market and characteristics of the institutions constituting the education market. Cooperation between employers and educational institutions as a crucial part of continuing professional education in the enterprise. Discussion on marketing activities applied in educational institutions: - Characteristics of educational service from the marketing point of view, - marketing mix of its components, - the choice of the communication mix, - conditions and possibilities of applying internet communication (analyse the possibilities of using Facebook promotion, paid advertising on Instagram, communication on LinkedIn, etc.). - Marketing monitoring in an educational institution, marketing research and its implementation. Selection of a supplier of educational services for the enterprise (evaluation and assessment of the offer). Use of the dialog method of training: panel discussion. 11. The roles and importance of career guidance Origins of counselling, historical background of counselling. Concepts of lifelong learning and lifelong counselling, professional and legislative background and institutional support for counselling. Basic departments of counselling service provision: Career counselling in the education department. Career counselling in employment services. Career counselling in the private sector. Career counselling in the non-profit sector. Counselling provided by employers. Qualification requirements for a counsellor profile. Modular distance learning of career counsellors for European mobility - pilot project of the State Institute of Vocational Training - analysis of individual training modules. Comparison of approaches in the training of career counsellors in selected countries and suggestions for supplementation and improvement (application of the syndicate method in education). 12. Career and its starting points Job mobility in the knowledge-based society. Characteristics of labour mobility and its consequences. Phases of career development. Personal potential, personality and its determining factors. Internal aspect of individual's perception of career and development of individual's abilities, elaboration of SWOT analysis. Personal career planning, career aspirations and personal conditions for their achievement. Career decision making, preferences in career value systems. Career anchor and motivational aspects in career. Sources of personal success, career paths, personal career models and education. 13. Career management Career management and career management policy. Career movement and career dynamics - Schein, Jennings career movement assessment system. Basic career development lines: professional, managerial and project. Career planning in the enterprise - the process of creating a career plan. Participation of subjects in career development. Key employees in the enterprise, talent management and talent management tools. The seventh stage of the team project aimed at acquiring practical skills and consolidating the knowledge acquired so far within the scope of the curriculum covered. Creation of a career plan. Completion of the workshops, final summary of the learning and mid-term evaluation.

Requirements to complete the course

40 % continuous written work, 60 % combined examination

Student workload

130 h (attendance at lectures 26 h, attendance at seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars and preparation of seminar paper 34 h, preparation for credit paper 20 h, preparation for exam 24 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 14.05.2022