Phraseology of the Spanish Language


Included in study programs

Teaching results

- Acquisition of theoretical knowledge of phraseology as a linguistic discipline.
- Acquisition of knowledge about phraseology as a linguistic discipline and its position among other linguistic disciplines, its object of study and its historical development.
- Acquire knowledge of the most important representatives of Spanish phraseology.
- Acquisition of the ability to distinguish between several scientific approaches to the status of phraseology and the taxonomy of the units that make up the subject of study. Orientation in the theoretical approaches of several contemporary Spanish phraseologists.
- Acquisition of the competence to distinguish the basic types of phraseological units in the Spanish language.
- Acquiring an overview of the syntactic-semantic functioning of the basic types of phraseological units in the Spanish language.
- Acquisition of the ability to identify phraseological units in texts.
- Acquire the ability to identify and characterise specific phraseological units in the light of the theoretical knowledge acquired (type, structure and meaning of the phraseological unit).
- Acquire the ability to distinguish phraseological units according to linguistic styles and to be able to apply this knowledge to one's own texts.

Indicative content

- Phraseology: the origin and development of the discipline. Phraseology and borderline linguistic disciplines
- Limits of the scope of phraseology, subject of study, basic unit
- The most important trends in phraseological research: Spanish and European phraseology
- Contemporary Spanish phraseology: collocations (colocaciones)
- Contemporary Spanish phraseology: phraseological twists (locuciones)
- Contemporary Spanish phraseology: proverbs, sayings (refranes)

Support literature

1. CORPAS PASTOR, Gloria. Manual de fraseología teórica española. Valencia: Gredos, 1996, ISBN 978-842-4918-29-3
2. ORTEGA, Gonzalo – ROCHEL, Guy. Dificultades del español. Madrid: Ariel, 1995, ISBN 978-84-34481-13-8
3. SPIŠIAKOVÁ, Mária. The contrastive analysis of the use, meaning and connotations of the colors in the Slovak and Spanish language. In: XLinguae Journal, 2016, 9, 3, pp. 104
1. GÓMEZ TORREGO, Leonardo.. Hablar y escribir correctamente. Madrid: Arco/Libros S.L., 2011, ISBN 978-84-7635-645-8
2. LAKOFF, George – JOHNSON, Mark. Metáforas de la vida cotidiana. Madrid: Cátedra, 1986, 978-84-37606-33-0
3. LEAL RIOL, María Jesús. Descubrir el agua tibia o inventar la pólvora. Variación diatópica de la fraseología española. In: Paremia, 24, 2015, 177-189. ISSN 2172-10-68
4. PAMIES BERTRÁN, Antonio. De la idiomaticidad y sus paradojas. En: Conde, G. (ed.) Nouveaux apports à l´étude des expressions figées. Cotril-Wodon: Intercommunications & E.M.E. (Collection Proximités-Didactique), 2007, 173-204. ISBN 978-2-930481-31-9
5. RUIZ GURILLO, Leonor. Aspectos de fraseología teórica española. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia, 1997, ISBN 84-370-3327-6
6. VARELA CANO, Diana Patricia. Equivalentes fraseológicos entre el español de Colombia y el idioma eslovaco. In: Fórum cudzích jazykov, politológie, a medzinárodných vzťahov, 9, 2, 2017, s. 106-120.

Requirements to complete the course

Interim evaluation: 30%
Final evaluation: 70%

Student workload

Full-time study: 104 hours. Of which:
26 hours – attendance at seminars
23 hours – preparation for seminars and for the interim evaluation
55 hours – preparation for the final exam

Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 06.05.2022