Master's colloquium


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the course is to teach the student to present the interim results of his/her research activities while writing the thesis and to discuss them afterwards. The student will be given the opportunity to present the main points of his/her reasoning to invited guests, to formulate hypotheses and to describe the methodology used. The aim of this seminar is to provide assistance in evaluating the interim results of the research.
- An overview of the concepts and possible solutions to the problems formulated in the thesis.
- obtaining ongoing feedback from teachers and students present
- information on other possible approaches to writing a thesis
- express themselves professionally, present their ideas clearly and comprehensibly
- present the aim of the thesis in a comprehensive way, explain the methodological procedures and confront them with previous knowledge
- to respond to critical comments from the audience, to be able to defend the expected procedures in the preparation of the thesis

Indicative content

- Methods of scientific work
- Methodology of humanities and social sciences
- Discourse analysis
- Other topics according to the topics of diploma theses

Support literature

1. Desagulier, G.: Corpus Linguistics and Statistics with R: Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Linguistics. Cham: Springer 2017. ISBN: 978-3-319-64572-8.
2. Heath, R.; McKinley, J. (eds.): The Routledge handbook of research methods in applied linguistics. New York: Routledge, 2020. ISBN 9781138501140.
3. Paltridge, B.; Phakiti, A.: Research methods in applied linguistics: A Practical Resource. London et al.: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. ISBN 9781472524560.
4. Surbhi, J.: Research Methodology in Arts, Science and Humanities. Oakville: Society Publishing, 2019. ISBN 978-1773613543.
Supplementary literature:
1. Dobson, J. E.: Critical Digital Humanities: The Search for a Methodology. University of Illinois Press, 2019. ISBN 978-0252084041.
2. van Dijk, T. A.: "What is political discourse analysis". Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 11 (1): 11-52, 1997. ISSN 0774-5141.

Requirements to complete the course

Interim evaluation: 40%
Final evaluation: 60%

Student workload

Full-time study: 52 hours. Of which:
26 hours – attendance at seminars
10 hours – preparation for seminars and for the interim evaluation
16 hours – preparation for the final exam

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 16.05.2022