Latin America in the 20th and 21st centuries


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• Acquisition of theoretical knowledge and understanding of the historical, social and political events of the XXth and XXIst centuries in Latin American countries.
• the acquisition of theoretical knowledge of the most significant problems of Latin American countries (ecology, education, health, corruption, poverty, etc.)
• expanding knowledge of contemporary culture, art and cinema in Latin America and their contribution to world culture
• Acquisition of foreign language communicative competence in the professional (political and economic) Spanish language.
• the ability to take a critical view of current social, cultural, intercultural and political issues that are most acute in the XXth and XXIst centuries in Latin American countries
• Expanding the normal communicative vocabulary to include expressions in areas such as politics, economics, demography, social and legal systems, and cultural aspects
• ability to communicate in an international environment at a highly professional level
• acquiring skills in analysing and synthesising the content of contemporary texts

Indicative content

Indicative content:
 The authoritarian regimes of Latin America and their impact on society
 The status of womwn, gender based violence, gender inequality in Latin America
 Latin America and Spain – political, economic and cultural relations
 Social and cultural identity of Latin America. Cultural syncretism
 Thinking, art, architecture and gastronomy of Latin America and their contribution to world culture

Support literature

Support literature:
1. FUENTES, C.: El espejo enterrado. Espaňa, DEBOLSILLO. 2018
2. GULLO OMODEO, M.: Madre patria: Desmontando la leyenda negra desde Bartolomé
de las Casas hasta el separatismo catalán. Espaňa. S.L.U. 2021
3. LAGARDE, M.: Los cautiverios de las mujeres: madresposas, monjas, putas, presas y
locas. México, D.F. Siglo XXI Editores. 2015
4. LUCENA SALMORAL, M.: Breve historia de Latinoamérica. Espaňa. Cátedra. 2007
5. MAQUEIRA D´ANGELO, et al.: Mujeres, globalización y derechos humanos. Espaňa.
Ediciones Cátedra. 2010
6. OPPENHEIMER, A.: Crear o morir. Espaňa. Debate. 2014
1. DIAZ, P.: ABC del Diseňo Industrial latinoamericano. Espaňa. Caligrama Editorial.
2. SCHROEDER RODRIQUEZ, P.A., SUAREZ, J.: Una historia comparada del cine
latinoamericano. Espaňa. Iberoamericana. 2020
3. RIBEIRO DOS SANTOS, R.: Arte comtemporáneo latinoamericano en Espaňa.
Espaňa. Universidad de Granada. 2019

Requirements to complete the course

Requirements to complete the course:
Interim evaluation: 40%
Final evaluation: 60%

Student workload

Full-time study: 104 hours. Of which:
26 hours – attendance at seminars
30 hours – preparation for seminars and for the interim evaluation
48 hours – preparation for the final exam

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 05.05.2022