Business Negotiations


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Creation of a new original interdisciplinar educational subject „Business negotiation“ and its inclusion to the tuition on universities in Slovak and in Czech republic. Educational subject „Business negotiation“ was created on the basis of long standing pedagogical practice (from 1976) in the training process of foreign trade corporation employees (send out to work in abroad in business diplomacy representations of CSFR). Structure of educational subject is based on long-standing publication activity (books publishes at Foreign trade institute and publishing houses ALFA, FAMILIARIS, EKONÓM and articles in scientific and professional journals in Slovak and Czech republic) and verification of knowledges and findings on base of comments of practicioner working as foreign trade specialists. Educational subject Business Negotiation served as foundation for implement educational subjects in teaching foreign languages at University of Economics in Bratislava (business negotiations in English, German, French...).
To creat prerequisite for students to cope with negotiations in international trade. This topic is very complex and diversed (international and foreign trade, international economic organizations, corporate sphere, the executive of state).
To understand the need of a complex and interdisciplinary mastering of principles and rules of business negotiation (theoretical and practical/business like level) according to usage exercised in international trade.
Mastering context of business negotiation in strange cultural environment with consideration to intercultural differencies in order to prevent possible conflicts.
To adopt principles of preparation of business negotiation and preparation of commercial staffer on negotiation proces.
Knowledge and understanding:
To understand and manage the causal connections in application of multiple disciplines (psychology, sociology, communication, presentation, ethics, etiquette, mental hygiene, strategy...) in preparation for business negotiations and to perceive the need of a complex acces to the negotiation proces
To acquire the ability appropriately choose and use constructive and effective negotiation and selling techniques and to use in creative way various methods of influencing business partner
To understand cross cultural differencies (to be aware of stereotypes, which are influencing cross cultural negotiations in a very negative way) and to apply it properly during the negotiation with partner from another culture environmnent (way of perceiving of cultural differencies, protection against cultural shock, negotiation styles, cross-cultural models of negotiations).
Skills, characteristic quality and attributes:
To master professional and managerial skills in order to be capable work on managerial and business posts in abroad (in corporations, international economical organisations and diplomatic representations)
To handle sophisticated behaviour and manners and take into consideration ethic viewpoint, business etiquette and diplomatic protocol
Capability (competence):
To adopt ability to attend and to orchestrate business negotiations not only between two partners but also to communicate and act in negotiation teams
To cope with process of self-evaluation and self-improvement as a benefit for additional skill and provessional growth

Indicative content

Multidisciplinary procedures and aplication to the business negotiations (psychology, sociology, communication, cross-cultural communication, cultural influence on business negotiations, types of busines negotiations. Business negotiations as metods of operation for commercial employee.

Support literature

KNAPIK, P. 2010. Obchodné rokovanie I. Bratislava: Ekonóm 2010. s. 444. ISBN 978-80-225-2992-1
KNAPIK, P. – ZORKÓCIOVÁ, O. 2006. Vplyv kultúrnych odlišností na obchod a rokovanie v medzinárodnom obchode. Bratislava: Ekonóm 2006. s 320, ISBN 80-225-2154-X
GULLOVÁ, S. 2013. Mezinárodní obchodní a diplomatický protokol (3. vydání). Praha: Grada 2013. s. 336. ISBN 978-80-247-4418-6
LAPŠANSKÝ, L. 2012. Obchodné rokovania vo francúzskom jazyku. Bratislava: Ekonóm 2012. s. 107. ISBN 978-80-225-3483-3
KORDA, P. 2011. Zlatá pravidla obchodního vyjednávání (jak obhájit své ceny a marže a stát se mistrem ve vyjednávání). Praha: Grada 2011. s. 208. ISBN 978-80-247-3752-2
ONDRČKOVÁ, E. – GROSSMANNOVÁ, M. 2007. Obchodné rokovanie v nemčine a angličtine. Bratislava: Sprint 2007. s. 360 strán. ISBN 80-89085-67-9
VOZNIAKOVÁ, F. – SEDLÁČKOVÁ, N. 2009. Obchodní jednání v ruštině a ruské obchodní smlouvy. Praha: Nakladatelství IGS – Intergeoservis s.r.o. 2009. s. 201. ISBN 978-80-254-5255-0
WERTH, L. – THUM, Ch. 2007. Obchodní obědy a večeře (obchodní obědy, obchodní večeře, obchodní stolování, psychologie a gastronomie). Praha: ASPI 2007. s. 107. ISBN 80-7357-282-6
ZAMYKALOVÁ, M. 2003. Mezinárodní obchodní jednání. Praha: Professional Publishing 2003. s. 172. ISBN 80-86419-28-2
MAXA, M. 2013. Právo medzinárodných obchodných transakcií. C.H.Beck Bratislava 2013. s. 303. ISBN 978-80-89603-07-7
ROZEHNALOVÁ, N. 2010. Právo mezinárodního obchodu. Praha: Wolters Kluwer 2010, s. 552. ISBN 978-80-7357-562-5

Requirements to complete the course

individual work
other (specify): business negotiation scenario
combined examination
Active attendance on seminars, involvement on discussion (capability of performing and advocate promoted positions). Presentation of elaborated seminar work and performance of business negotiations with other students 40 %. Final final written work 60 %.

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 08.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 14.01.2022