

Included in study programs

Teaching results

Teaching results
Upon finishing the course, the students will acquire the knowledge, competence and skills necessary for understanding the underlying economic assumptions of the accounting, fundamental principles of double-entry book-keeping, its regulatory framework, on the principles of preparation of the financial statements and the interpretation of the accounting data.
The student will acquire knowledge about the fundamental elements of financial statements (assets, liabilities, equity, expenses, income) , their application in determination, presentation and assessment of economic results, and the relation between the transactions and other events and such elements. Consequently he/she will acquire knowledge on the accounting in its sense as an information system providing data for the bot the decisions making and confirmatory purposes. He/she will also acquire the knowledge about the need and the existence of various accounting regulatory frameworks, on the techniques of double-entry accounting, on the principles, procedures and formal rules applied in accounting and on the content and the structure of the financial statements.

Upon finishing the course, the student will be able to identify the relations between the transactions and (respectively) other evets and fundamental elements of financial statements and to apply the fundamental principles and formal rules for maintaining the accounting records and for the preparation the documents for the preparation of the financial statements.
The students will be able, in accordance with the relevant accounting regulations, to apply the principles of double-entry accounting to reflect the economic transactions and other events. On the other hand, based on the said accounting information, their will be able to explain the economic position of the accounting entity and its changes due to such transactions and events.

Indicative content

Indicative content:
The accounting as a source of the economic information with confirmatory and predicting value. Measurement of assets and liabilities and its impact on accounting information. Regulatory framework of the accounting. Accounting statutes in the Slovak republic. Content and the structure of financial statements. General requirements for accounting information. Business activities of an enterprise and its general reflection in the accounting. Principles of double-entry accounting and their applications. Formal and technical aspects of the accounting Comparison of financial statements for micro entities, small entities and large entities

Support literature

Juhászová, Z. a kol. (2021). Účtovníctvo. Bratislava : Wolters Kluwer
Užík, J. - Sigetová, K. - Užíková, L. (2023). Účtovníctvo zbierka príkladov. Bratislava : SKCÚ
Pakšiová, R. – Janhuba, M. (2012). Teória účtovníctva v kontexte svetového vývoja. Bratislava : Wolters Kluwer.
Zákon č. 431/2002 Z. z. o účtovníctvo, v znení neskorších predpisov.
Zákon č. 513/1991 Z. z. Obchodný zákonník, v znení neskorších predpisov
Opatrenie Ministerstva financií č. 23054/2002 –92 ktorým sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o postupoch účtovania a rámcovej účtovej osnove pre podnikateľov účtujúcich v sústave podvojného účtovníctva v znení neskorších predpisov, v znení neskorších predpisov.
Opatrenie Ministerstva financií Slovenskej republiky z 3. decembra 2014 č. MF/23377/2014-74, ktorým sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o individuálnej účtovnej závierke a rozsahu údajov určených z individuálnej účtovnej závierky na zverejnenie pre veľké účtovné jednotky a subjekty verejného záujmu, v znení neskorších predpisov.


1. The accounting as a source of the economic information with confirmatory and predicting value Essential elements used in the accounting (assets, liabilities, equity, expenses, income), theire economic substance and application for the decisions focused on the future and for the assessment of the past performance. Users of the accounting information and their typical requirement on the content and the quality of information. Assessment of the impact of actual transactions and other events on the wealth of a company and its changes. Comparability of accounting information and its impact on a creation of accounting regulation- 2. Measurement of assets and liabilities and its impact on accounting information Role of the measurement in assessment of the past results and decisions oriented for the future. Relation between essential accounting elements and cash-flows. Measurement based on the input and output prices. Use of the market prices, models using discounted cash-flows from the continuing activities and models with anticipated deterioration of the value. Allocation of the input and output prices. Procedures used for the non-monetary transactions and transactions with deferred payments. 3. Regulatory framework of the accounting The International (IFRS) and national (SR, CR, US GAAP) accounting statutes – their impact on the comparability of the accounting information and the cost of their provision. The scope and the volume of the accounting information required by the users and their impact on the typical organization of the accounting systems. The accounting information cycle: transactions, conditions, and other events within a domain of the accounting, accounting records, journal and books of accounts, and financial statements. Demands for aggregation and confidentiality as a reason for the invention of financial statements. General overview of the financial statements. Comparison of provisions on books on accounting in national statutes (SR and CR), comparison of provisions on financial statements in the SR, CR, and in accordance with the IFRS. 4. Accounting statutes in the Slovak republic Act on accounting and by-laws of the Ministry of finance of the Slovak republic – their function and scope. Relation between the accounting and other laws (Act on bankruptcy and restructuralization, Commercial code, Act on income taxes, Penal code). Accounting entity and the accounting related responsibilities of those with governing and controlling powers. Profit-based and other accounting entities. The role of the auditing of the financial statements. 5. Content and the structure of financial statements Classification of financial statements based on various criteria (annual and interim, periodicity, size criteria, respective industries, number of accounting entities covered). General structure of the financial statements and its components. Need for distinction of the equity and liabilities, non-current and current items. Open-source data about financial statements in the SR and the USA. 6. General requirements for accounting information Definition of the: faitfhul presentation of the financial situation and the performance of the accounting entity, relevance, comparability, understandability, timeliness, materiality, substance over the form, going concern, accruals, prudence, consistence, and verifiability. Illustration of the impact of their (non)application on the decisions to be taken by the stakeholders. 7. Business activities of an enterprise and its general reflection in the accounting I Business activities of an enterprise, its operating cycle, and their relation to the accounting. Key performance indicators for the enterprise. Transactions and events (including their change in measurement) having and not having an effect on profit or loss. Transactions and events (including their change in measurement) having and not having an effect on indebtedness and the ability of an enterprise to settle its liabilities in an ordinary manner. 8. Business activities of an enterprise and its general reflection in the accounting II General characteristics of following typical transactions and events and their impact on the (sub)headings (and/or individual items respectively) of a balance-sheet and the income statements: purchase, consumption, sales, and payments and clearing with suppliers, customers, and employees. 9. Business activities of an enterprise and its general reflection in the accounting III General characteristics of common transactions and their impact on (sub)heading (individual line items) of the balance-sheet and income statement: depreciation / amortization, impairment, revaluation, formation of a business, financing by credits and loans, relations with government 10. Principles of double-entry accounting and their applications General ledger and its role among the books of accounts, account, and double-entry accounting records. Use of double-entry and accounting equation as inherent controls of accounting. Fundamental principles of opening the accounts, examples of common accounting records of transactions on ledger accounts and fundamental principles of closing the ledger accounts. 11. Formal and technical aspects of the accounting I Documentation used and / or produced by the accounting, its content, obligatory information to be provided and requirement for its maintenance and storing. Examples of business documentation (price quotations, (sales) orders, receipts, invoices, statements form bank accounts, stock cards) and their relation to business activities and operating cycle of an enterprise. 12. Formal and technical aspects of the accounting II Confirmations of receivables and payables. Correction of errors. Stock-taking, its content, requirements for its realisation and its use as element of controls in accounting. Trial balance, its contents, its use as control of double-entry book-keeping a illustrative compilation based on a given data. 13. Comparison of financial statements for micro entities, small entities and large entities

Requirements to complete the course

26 hours of lectures
26 hours of seminars
13 hours of preparation for the lectures
26 hours of preparation for the seminars
26 hours of preparation for the continuous written essay (40 % of the overall grading)
39 hours of preparation for the final written exam (60 % of the overall grading)
Total study load (in hours): 156

Student workload

26 hours of lectures
26 hours of seminars
13 hours of preparation for the lectures
26 hours of preparation for the seminars
26 hours of preparation for the continuous written essay (40 % of the overall grading)
39 hours of preparation for the final written exam (60 % of the overall grading)
Total study load (in hours): 156

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 23.10.2023