Tomáš Jacko, PhD.

Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Finance

Department: Department of Public Administration and Regional Development

Position: Lecturer



Scientific-pedagogical characteristics of the person

Second degree of higher education

Study field and programme: Public Administration, 2009, University of Manchester, Manchester Business School

Third degree of higher education

Study field and programme: European Studies and Policies - Public Policy, 2013, Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences

Current and previous employment

lecturer since Oct. 2019, Research Assistant until Sep. 2019
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of National Economy
October 2013 - now

Anti-Corruption Specialist
Office for Public Procurement
Feb. 2020 - now

Research Assistant
The Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for the Development of the Civil Society
Sep. 2017 - Dec. 2019

Researcher, Student Advisor
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences
Sep. 2013 - Aug. 2015

Programme Coordinator
Transparency International Slovensko
Jan. 2010 - Dec. 2012

Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills

Train the Trainer - marketing
American Chamber of Commerce

Train the Trainer - IT
American Chamber of Commerce

ISO 37001:2016 and ISO 17021-9:2016
ACCIA Consulting

Pedagogical training for university teachers
epartment of Pedagogy, Faculty of National Economy, University of Economics in Bratislava

Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university

Number of defended theses

Bakalárske (prvý stupeň): 17

Diplomové (druhý stupeň): 24

Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 1

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

ŽÁRSKA, Elena - ČERNĚNKO, Tomáš - JACKO, Tomáš. Efektívnosť v miestnej samospráve [Efficiency in Local Government]. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2020. 65 s. VEGA 1/0705/18. ISBN 978-80-225-4789-5.

Malíková, Ľ.; Jacko, T. (eds.): New Public Management a Slovensko: Podoby a aplikácia princípov. [New Public Management and Slovakia: Forms and Application of Principles] Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo UK, 2013. ISBN 978-80-223-3515-7

Jacko, T.: „Performance Measurement and Performance-related Pay in Slovak Local Government,“ in: J. Nemec, M. S. de Vries (eds). Implementation of New Public Management Tools: Experiences from transition and emerging countries. Brusel: Bruylant. 2015, s. 251-266. ISBN 978-2-8027-4999-8.

Jacko, T.; Malíková, Ľ.: „Public Administration Reform in Slovakia: Reviewing Previous Structures and Adopting a New Model“. Institut Universitaire Varenne (Collections de la Fondation Varenne): Kultura collection (Lextenso editions). 2016. p. 667-686.

Jacko, T.: „Public Administration and Local Government Reform in Slovakia – An Unfinished Step Forward”, in Diana-Camelia Iancu (ed.), Local Reforms in Transition Democracies. Romania: Institutul European, 2013. s. 85-107. ISBN 978-973-611-935-4

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

ŽÁRSKA, Elena - ČERNĚNKO, Tomáš - JACKO, Tomáš. Efektívnosť v miestnej samospráve [Efficiency in Local Government]. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2020. 65 s. VEGA 1/0705/18. ISBN 978-80-225-4789-5.

Jacko, T.; Klimovský, D.; Malíková, Ľ.: „Dilemma of Autonomy vs. Supervision in The Local Self-Government System in Slovakia“. In: Geis, Max-Emmanual; Guérard, Stéphane; Volmerange, Xavier, A Threat to Autonomy? Control and Supervision of Local and Regional Government Activities. Institut Universitaire Varenne. 2018, s. 131-146. ISBN 978-2-37032-152-7

The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

VEGA 1/0683/21 - Generational exchange and provision of public services and administration (co-researcher): Public administration and public sector organizations are increasingly faced with the problem of filling suitable vacancies with suitable candidates. This is reflected in a lower capacity of offices and thus an extension of equipment deadlines, a smaller number of provided public services or their lower quality. In the long run, however, this may lead to the collapse of some public administrations or public services. The current debate in the given issue in Slovakia focuses mainly on the impact of wages on interest in working in the public sector. The aim of the presented project is to examine this problem from several points of view, including the discrepancy between the offered job positions and the expectations of public administration graduates and related fields of study, the analysis of relevant policies and the outlook for the future.

VEGA 1/0705/18 - Economics of joint exercise of competencies (co-researcher): The problem caused by the fragmentation of the administration has been dealt with by Slovak administrative science since the mid-1990s. years. From initial considerations about whether and how to fragment through municipalization or amalgamization eliminate, through the search for the optimal size of municipal administrative units to measure efficiency system of territorial self-government. In addition to this debate, however, a number of changes have taken place that allow us to be more courageous in the search for an efficient and economical organization of public administration. E-government enabled provide the right services almost continuously and makes the report ubiquitous. The aim of our project is based on the analysis of economic aspects of the current performance arrangement competences by the municipality (either directly or through joint municipal offices) categories of competencies and related economic standards for individual levels and spatial units news."

VEGA 1/0049/17 - Legal and economic aspects of corruption - causes, consequences, prevention and economic analysis of legislation (co-researcher): The project aims to analyze the social, legal and economic context of corrupt behavior in the Slovak Republic in the broader context of Central Europe. Corruption is not a specific feature of Slovak society. Other countries, but also non-governmental organizations, private companies and, last but not least, sports organizations at national and international level face the same problem. The aim of the project is to analyze the assumptions contributing to corrupt behavior, the economic impact of corruption, but also various tools to prevent this type of behavior. An innovative element of the project is the focus not only on legal aspects, but also on economic and broader societal assumptions and impacts of corruption, including economic analysis of corruption legislation. Another novelty is the focus not only on public administration, but also on corruption in the non-state environment, specifically in the environment of business relations and sports, where corrupt behavior is currently the focus of media attention around the world."

APVV-15-0306 - Cooperative activities of local governments and measuring their efficiency and effectiveness (co-researcher): In the pan-European context, local (self-) government has been extraordinarily strengthened in the last three decades. This was reflected, among other things, in increased pressure on the efficiency and effectiveness of its performance. While in some countries the key players have started to implement territorial consolidation in order to improve the outputs of local (self-) government, the Slovak experience is different. Relevant actors opposed any merger reform, but local government was nevertheless strengthened through the transfer of competencies and fiscal decentralization. These processes have led to an emphasis on expectations of local government and the results of its actions. However, due to the persistently high degree of territorial fragmentation at the local level, most municipalities were able to "survive" only due to the various cooperative forms developed between municipalities as well as between municipalities and other entities. Despite this fact, such cooperative forms are an insufficiently explored area and the same is true in relation to their effectiveness and efficiency. In this context, it is possible to perceive the importance of this project. Its basic goals include: 1) mapping of existing cooperative forms developed at the local level, 2) elaboration of their typology, 3) preparation of methodology for measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of their performance, and 4) formulation of recommendations on their further development for local governments and legislators.

VEGA 1/0965/15 - Performance management in local government and its application in selected municipalities in Slovakia (co-researcher): The main purpose of the project is to bring scientific outputs on the topics of performance management, governance and networks, which will contain not only theoretical aspects of these phenomena, but they will also bring examples of their practical use in the conditions of Slovak self-governments. The presented project omits the indirect approach applied so far in Slovak conditions. It consisted of monitoring "hard" indicators based on operational data of local governments or statistical data. The main benefit of the project is therefore its focus on consumers and producers of these services, whose attitudes will be explored in the form of field research. It will take place in 10 to 15 towns in the Slovak Republic.

Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

VEGA 1/0683/21 - Generational exchange and provision of public services and administration (co-researcher): Public administration and public sector organizations are increasingly faced with the problem of filling suitable vacancies with suitable candidates. This is reflected in a lower capacity of offices and thus an extension of equipment deadlines, a smaller number of provided public services or their lower quality. In the long run, however, this may lead to the collapse of some public administrations or public services. The current debate in the given issue in Slovakia focuses mainly on the impact of wages on interest in working in the public sector. The aim of the presented project is to examine this problem from several points of view, including the discrepancy between the offered job positions and the expectations of public administration graduates and related fields of study, the analysis of relevant policies and the outlook for the future.

VEGA 1/0705/18 - Economics of joint exercise of competencies (co-researcher): The problem caused by the fragmentation of the administration has been dealt with by Slovak administrative science since the mid-1990s. years. From initial considerations about whether and how to fragment through municipalization or amalgamization eliminate, through the search for the optimal size of municipal administrative units to measure efficiency system of territorial self-government. In addition to this debate, however, a number of changes have taken place that allow us to be more courageous in the search for an efficient and economical organization of public administration. E-government enabled provide the right services almost continuously and makes the report ubiquitous. The aim of our project is based on the analysis of economic aspects of the current performance arrangement competences by the municipality (either directly or through joint municipal offices) categories of competencies and related economic standards for individual levels and spatial units news."

VEGA 1/0049/17 - Legal and economic aspects of corruption - causes, consequences, prevention and economic analysis of legislation (co-researcher): The project aims to analyze the social, legal and economic context of corrupt behavior in the Slovak Republic in the broader context of Central Europe. Corruption is not a specific feature of Slovak society. Other countries, but also non-governmental organizations, private companies and, last but not least, sports organizations at national and international level face the same problem. The aim of the project is to analyze the assumptions contributing to corrupt behavior, the economic impact of corruption, but also various tools to prevent this type of behavior. An innovative element of the project is the focus not only on legal aspects, but also on economic and broader societal assumptions and impacts of corruption, including economic analysis of corruption legislation. Another novelty is the focus not only on public administration, but also on corruption in the non-state environment, specifically in the environment of business relations and sports, where corrupt behavior is currently the focus of media attention around the world."

APVV-15-0306 - Cooperative activities of local governments and measuring their efficiency and effectiveness (co-researcher): In the pan-European context, local (self-) government has been extraordinarily strengthened in the last three decades. This was reflected, among other things, in increased pressure on the efficiency and effectiveness of its performance. While in some countries the key players have started to implement territorial consolidation in order to improve the outputs of local (self-) government, the Slovak experience is different. Relevant actors opposed any merger reform, but local government was nevertheless strengthened through the transfer of competencies and fiscal decentralization. These processes have led to an emphasis on expectations of local government and the results of its actions. However, due to the persistently high degree of territorial fragmentation at the local level, most municipalities were able to "survive" only due to the various cooperative forms developed between municipalities as well as between municipalities and other entities. Despite this fact, such cooperative forms are an insufficiently explored area and the same is true in relation to their effectiveness and efficiency. In this context, it is possible to perceive the importance of this project. Its basic goals include: 1) mapping of existing cooperative forms developed at the local level, 2) elaboration of their typology, 3) preparation of methodology for measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of their performance, and 4) formulation of recommendations on their further development for local governments and legislators.

VEGA 1/0965/15 - Performance management in local government and its application in selected municipalities in Slovakia (co-researcher): The main purpose of the project is to bring scientific outputs on the topics of performance management, governance and networks, which will contain not only theoretical aspects of these phenomena, but they will also bring examples of their practical use in the conditions of Slovak self-governments. The presented project omits the indirect approach applied so far in Slovak conditions. It consisted of monitoring "hard" indicators based on operational data of local governments or statistical data. The main benefit of the project is therefore its focus on consumers and producers of these services, whose attitudes will be explored in the form of field research. It will take place in 10 to 15 towns in the Slovak Republic.